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  1. A

    Updates on future supply of Teensy 3.2/3.5/3.6 and/or alternatives?

    NXP is a victim of its own success in the car market. It makes over half its money there (billions) but it can't meet supply despite locking in over $4billion fab access last year. It is an interesting puzzle. It may make sense to switch to a supplier who doesn't have a priority customer that...
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    Teensy 4.0 Capacitive Sensing alternative

    The wait's are to be sure any output capacitance is discharged. This is a bit tricky to do right since i don't know how much capacitance load you are going to add with your wiring and sensor. I also have built some sensors that switch between resistive and cap sensing on the same pin and these...
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    FPU performance

    You can get close to optimal with a small investment in learning what the optimizing compiler needs to know from you to do a good job. I am surprised but this relatively ancient article I wrote may be a helpful grounding...
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    Teensy 4.0 Capacitive Sensing alternative

    Yeah, it doesn't require anything additional. The way it works is to pull the pin hard to ground using the output transistor on the pin. Then it starts timing how long it takes for that pin to register as a high input value after a built-in pullup resistor is turned on. Since that resistor has...
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    Open Sound Control (OSC) Teensy Audio Library Implementation

    I look forward to catching up with these amazing developments next week as I wind up my work for the year. I have noted the issues observed with surprising pattern matching results in the OSC library and will take a close look at that soon. At some point we had unit tests so I should be able to...
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    Open Sound Control (OSC) Teensy Audio Library Implementation

    This is a good idea and welcome on the Teensy from my perspective. It's actually in the spirit of the first OSC implementations where we expected the name space to be synthesized automatically from the signal flow graph of the patching language. I did this in a simple C-based system (called...
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    Teensy 4.1 as 16ch 24b/48kHz TDM to Ethernet server PLUS OSC server?

    Not very much that I have seen. I have just set up the hardware to do some OSC-controlled synths with Teensy 4.1 at my ponderous weekend-project rate.
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    Teensy 4.1 as 16ch 24b/48kHz TDM to Ethernet server PLUS OSC server?

    UDP works across VLAN's Sometimes there are config. issues especially with broadcast packets. It's hard to shape the traffic if there is a VLAN involved so we always did things with controlled LANs and known-good switches. A lot depends on how much latency you can manage. If you can absorb...
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    Teensy 4.1 as 16ch 24b/48kHz TDM to Ethernet server PLUS OSC server?

    Another thought comes to mind: work on the protocol design and get this going on a regular computer with an audio interface first. This will give you an easy reference and benchmark baseline.
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    Teensy 4.1 as 16ch 24b/48kHz TDM to Ethernet server PLUS OSC server?

    It is very likely the CPU and ethernet hardware can do it. My reference is having done this sort of thing long ago on SGI machines and Mac's with slower processors than the Teensy. We were doing 8 channels of audio and OSC with the SGI O2. In fact I did the first implementations of OSC on early...
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    [posted] MiniTouch : low cost T3.2 synth for children workshops

    Great project for kids of all ages!
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    T4 Pin Drive Strength

    Has anyone written a routine for the INPUT_PULLUP resistor options?
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    Code Writer (Consultant) ... Help Needed

    I have regularly found it cheaper to use these than pay to develop the code needed to smoothly arrive on target:
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    Teesny audio over UDP

    Indeed they do. This is probably because delay perception is so dependent on context. in some situations people can hear jitter (variation in delay) down below a 1ns ...
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    PTP (IEEE 1588) Library

    I have mainly used PTP in situations where high quality synchronization was desired (e.g. AVB). In my reference to the Teensy 4.1 I was also thinking of the convenience that the hardware is largely already there on the board.
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    PTP (IEEE 1588) Library

    This makes sense on Teensy 4.1 which has native IEEE1588.
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    add ethernet to a micromod format teensy

    I am very interested in your project. I have been recently experimenting with our OSC Arduino library on Native Ethernet on Teensy 4.1 and it has been working well so far. Let me know how I can help. I can certainly review and test any board you might make. Are you planning to put audio on...
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    Teensyduino 1.54 Beta #12

    Thanks everyone for the extensive work and testing behind this release.
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    Raspberry Pi Pico

    That's a good insight. My go to form factor for SAMD21 is the Seeedstudio XIAO (small with castellations) already improved on by Adafruit. I just saw a picture of their RP2040 based-board in that form factor. For Circuit Python applications I would seriously consider going for it. What really...
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    Measuring distance... with sound?

    Our 2015 paper on audio localization gives some resolution numbers:;size=150;view=pdf
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    Transform an acoustic harp into a midi harp

    You can't get close to harp playing styles with a keyboard with polyphonic aftertouch and velocity. Also most VST and harp synthesis don't do proper tension-modulated pitch simulation which is key to the sound in many styles (e.g. Son Jarocho). Your suggestions are good if all you want is a...
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    Transform an acoustic harp into a midi harp

    I have done research on various aspects of this challenge for a few years. Some companies did build piezo transducers (RMC, Lyon and Healy) for harps. They are fitted on the sound board so the string couples directly to them. They combined the sound (by putting them in series). For polyphony...
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    Teensy 4.0 based Digital Theremin

    I would use ground plane techniques and dead bug soldering: There are a lot of choices in the 74HC04 family. You could try the LVC and LV flavors and the one and two gate tiny SMT versions. I use the 74HCU04 often too. That's probably a...
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    Teensy 4.0 based Digital Theremin

    have you modeled the pcb parasitics? It is common to see 1-2pf /cm capacitance between adjacent traces. I would expect to see ground planes and tighter spacing and RF connectors for a
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    MIDI Library on UDP

    UDP packets can and often are dropped on the floor. This can't be detected unless there is some kind of sequencing field in each packet. Unless you tightly control the physical network the packets go over (and there are no bugs in the switches) you will experience drops which can be tricky with...
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    Teensy 4.0 Capacitive Sensing alternative

    I just updated my FastTouch library ( for Teensy 4.0 support. It is a basic library for quickly sensing when a pin is touched. It may work for your applications that used Capacitive sensing functions on previous Teensy's.
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    Teensy 4.0 Release

    YES. There is SO much interesting audio and music code which requires double precision floating point.
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    Help with List of Teensy Eurorack modules

    Thanks Paul. Somehow I overlooked the Euroshield as well.
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    Help with List of Teensy Eurorack modules

    I am exploring OSC (Open Sound Control) integration with Eurorack Modules. My starting point is developing a list of modules that build on Teensy 3.x. Could you please help me by adding modules you know of that I haven't found: Closed:
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    Feedback Wanted: Teensy 3.2 "Stamp"

    I would definitely use it. I have done dozen's of teensy projects and specified many 100s of boards but I never use breadboards with them. Custom base boards and daughterboards end up with extra volume and it is expensive soldering headers and sockets. If you could get the volume up I would like...
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    Teensy 4.0 (hypothetical) pin assignments

    If the data sheet is to be believed they have a schmitt trigger option and a 100KOhm pull up option which I can use to increase range of capacitance measurements.
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    Teensy 4.0 (hypothetical) pin assignments

    I will endeavor to port my lightweight touch library that uses an approach that works on any digital pin with pullup or pulldown resistor: I might get higher dynamic range measurements on this new chip because of the higher clock rate. Also Admar has...
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    New lightweight OSC processing library, LiteOSCParser

    Regex allows for more expressivity when you are controlling things. You don't need to invent special commands like other protocols do (ALL NOTES OFF, ALL LIGHTS OFF, etc.). If you want a report on only certain pin values for example, e.g. /d[0-3] as in the Oscuino exampled in the (not so...
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    New lightweight OSC processing library, LiteOSCParser

    Interesting work. Are you skipping the regex part of the OSC parsing?
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    OSCuino library and SlipOSC support for Teensy3

    I folded your changes into the the regular SLIPEncodedUSBSerial. The idea is that you just include Paul's host library header file before the OSC one and it makes the appropriate changes. Unfortunately I can't test it this week asI have to put all the appropriate hardware together. viclabs...
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    OSCuino library and SlipOSC support for Teensy3

    As some of you have noticed I put some love into the OSC library last week, catching up with platforms, arduino IDE etc. It now works with Zero based ARM, PIC32 and I believe it now has improved support for Teensy. Releases are picked up by the Arduino library manager.
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    OSCuino library and SlipOSC support for Teensy3

    Thanks very much. I will take a look with an eye to folding this functionality into the next release of the library.
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    Suggest next Teensy with Cortex M7

    It has the same DSP instruction support as M4. Main changes are wider bus (64-bit), faster memory, higher clock rate and big caches. It is more energy efficient which allows the higher clock rate.
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    K66 Beta Test

    That's our Open Sound Control Library I have successfully compiled the examples. I will push those changes out soon. I have to do a round of tests against the latest changes people have been contributing.
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    K66 Beta Test

    Thanks, Our OSC code base has some examples with an old and flawed way of iterating analog pin numbers. Firmata seems to also use the same flawed technique:
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    K66 Beta Test

    I confirmed this fix and am able to measure power supply voltage with 1.29 beta3 on 1.6.8 and new boards.txt on OS X 10.11.5 I still can't get A14-A22 to read the pin voltages. Assuming it is something on my end I am simplifying the code.
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    K66 Beta Test

    running beta3 and new boards.txt : touch now works but can anyone else confirm that ADC for pins A14 and up appear to be floating whatever voltage you put on those pins? I also get nonsense now for the VREF and temperature (45,44).
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    K66 Beta Test

    I got my board today, checked the baseline test of OSC library and all good so far! I have to update the OSC demonstration code to accommodate all those extra pins - exactly the problem I was hoping for. Thanks Paul and crew!
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    Teensyduino 1.23 Beta #1 Available

    yes, I have updated the OSC library and done some preliminary testing on Teensy LC. I will try to complete the testing in time for the next teensyduino release.
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    Using Serial and MIDI USB types at the same time

    I was just wondering if you got this working yet?
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    Ethernet for Teensy3

    Indeed: streaming can be good for large continuous sources of data and TCP has the negotiations in place to fine tune the buffer sizes (in theory). If you want to use OSC over TCP you can SLIP wrap the data to create the packet boundaries. We do this when high reliability of OSC is required...
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    Teensy emulating a Monome/Arduinome for use with serialosc *Solution Needed!!!**

    Yes, the discovery process for serial ports is hard to do well and different for each platform. I recently succeeded at naming setting up a custom OSC configured Esplora so that the device name was sensible on OS/X and Linux. Windows still wanted to rename it COM5 etc.
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    Open Sound Control

    Thanks for the measurements Julien. I am concerned about the interleaved Serial.print's. They are quite slow too. When I measure performance in these situations I prefer to flip bits on spare digital pins and time with a scope or logic analyzer.
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    Open Sound Control

    It has a good IMU, a fast DSP micro controller in it, a web server for configuration and yes, you work with their namespace. x-OSC saves thousands of dollars worth of my time for my employer. The last e-textile project I did took 3 minutes to get from the finished fabric sensor to sound...