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  1. H

    Happy Birthday Paul Stoffregen!

    Many Happy Returns of the day Paul. Thank you for the Teensy Family ! :-) Enjoy your Day !
  2. H

    Teensyduino 1.54 Beta #7

    So now we will have both SD and SdFat both installed along with Teensy?
  3. H


    @luni I was using 0.1.10 Release till date and today I updated to 0.3.2 release. I see that my code is not working anymore. Here is the example that I was using earlier. I have this code working with correct timing on 0.1.10 Release + 600/528/150 Mhz Instead of 10mSec I am gettting this...
  4. H

    Teensy 4, signed/encypted boot images

    @Paul: This is also a great idea for the production. I am also agree to have ONE TIME FLASH boards as I am happy to loose a board instead of shipping out it without encryption. If we have Special Production Teensy itself. We can do development on normal ones and push out Red Teensies in production.
  5. H

    Teensy 4, signed/encypted boot images

    I came across same problem when I ported one of the product to Teensy almost 5-6 months ago. I am really waiting for this feature as I have ported my 2 projects now to Teensy4.0 and 1 to 4.1 successfully but holding up new production batches because of encryption/protection. @Paul I would say...
  6. H


    Most up-to-date Timer library. !
  7. H

    Sd-FAT beta library official release for Teensy 4.1

    Which version are you using of SDFat Beta with 4.1?
  8. H


    Great ! I just realize I am using too old version for this lib. I am using 0.1.7 version. Updating now and going to test this out.
  9. H


    Yes, I tried with empty function as well. That code I shared also worked. Got it I think the one you suggested looks better.
  10. H


    Thanks luni, myTimer.begin([]{int (*pfun) (void) = NULL;},10'000); // 10ms worked out.
  11. H


    @luni: What is correct way if I want to stop timer for time being? myTimer.begin(TimerFunction,10'000); // 10ms This used to init timer. I tried this to stop this timer but not working out. what is correct way to stop this timer? myTimer.end(); //Timer Ends here.
  12. H

    Teensy 4.0 Internal Temperature measurement

    Did you get any solution for this issue?
  13. H

    Teensy 4.0 Secure Firmware

    Is there anyway to program our final compiled code externally and lock Teensy forever? It's OK if my Teensy doesn't accept any more future firmware.
  14. H

    Teensy 4.0 Internal Temperature measurement

    Yes, I have seen it getting too HOT even doing some other simple tasks on Teensy 4.0 (4.1 has same chip). Yes I also have got in case where Teensy was getting Thermal shutdown if I put my 4.0 in box so for now I have to run it with open area as well as not for really long time. There is way to...
  15. H

    Teensy 4.0 Secure Firmware

    Is it possible to set fuse bits in case if we will not update Teensy Firmware anymore and fixed with one code?
  16. H

    Teensy 4.0 Secure Firmware

    Somewhere I read about the way we can do encryption for the firmware to secure it in chip. What options do we have on Teensy 4.0 to secure firmware on chip from readback?
  17. H

    Blocked IP (sorry if it should be in other forum branch)

    Email to Paul I think you have to email Paul with your forum username and your static IP. Not sure but may be paul at pjrc dot com.
  18. H

    Blocked IP (sorry if it should be in other forum branch)

    Either you use VPN and access this forum(I am doing this way). Or if you have Static IP then share that Static IP with Paul and he can whitelist that IP so you can access but make sure it didn't get changed afterwards otherwise you may have access blocked again. I would suggest VPN is best for now.
  19. H

    Teensy 4.0 Inconsistent SDIO SD read times

    I may have different issue but I am facing weird time in writing. Most of the time it looks around 100 microseconds but sometimes it goes above 6000 and sometimes 80000 which is almost a second. Try using SDFat-Beta. I am using that as it was looking like SDFat-beta is the latest ones that is...
  20. H


    Updated library and it's working now.
  21. H


    PIT timer and serialEvent1 together @luni That yield setting get changed in this new version? Now with PIT/GPT timer with serialEvent1 is not working together as in this firmware I am not receiving anything on Serial1. (It works with intervalTimer anyway) /* * TeensyTimerTool --> 0.1.6 *...
  22. H

    Teensy 4 PIT timers and interrupt requests

    Have you tried TeensyTimerTool Library:- ? Here is Thread on this forum:-
  23. H


    Is 0.1.6 the version which supports PIT timers?
  24. H


    Thank You Luni ! Very cool update @luni. I was using IntervalTimer which was based on PIT timer. Let me replace Interval Timer with TeensyTimerTool.
  25. H

    sin, sinf, cos, cosf - strange timing results on teensy 4

    @Frank: Can you share WIKI link?
  26. H


    @luni: Great ! Now I got this working, GPT1 Timer isr as well as serialEvent1 together without any issue. Thank you for this default settings as now the same library is going to work without doing any manual configuration with or without other event isr. Thanks again. Note:- Your github readme...
  27. H


    Ok, Let me try this out and update you if this is working on the example I shared or not. I think I didn't understand the real use of yield/tick function. If I changed the settings to NONE then I need to call yield in timer function as well correct? I tried this way. void TimerFunction() {...
  28. H


    That would be really great if we have options for the same. While on other hand if we have real hardware serial interrupt then that may work out temporary, Do you have any idea if we have real hardware interrupt for Serial1 on Teensy4.0?
  29. H


    You mean changes so we can set if we want to overrides yield function or not?
  30. H


    TeensyTimerTool + serialEvent1 together Hi, I am using TeensyTimerTool and serialEvent1 in example code. #include "TeensyTimerTool.h" using namespace TeensyTimerTool; PeriodicTimer myTimer(GPT1); //PeriodicTimer myTimer; //IntervalTimer myTimer; while I am setting up GPT1 PeriodicTimer I am...
  31. H

    Teensy 4.0 Timer Interrupt

    Timer t1; So this takes Tick-Timer as a default Timer t1(TMR1/GPT); and specifying TMR or GPT will take those one which is interrupt driven - correct?
  32. H

    Teensy 4.0 Internal Temperature measurement

    FLASHMEM void tempmon_init(void) { // Notes: // TEMPMON_TEMPSENSE0 &= ~0x2U; Stops temp monitoring // TEMPMON_TEMPSENSE0 |= 0x1U; Powers down temp monitoring uint32_t calibrationData; uint32_t roomCount; uint32_t tempCodeVal; //first power on the temperature sensor...
  33. H


    I see ! Sorry for this silly mistake. Now I am going thru the WIKI to understand this library in more detail.
  34. H


    I was trying same example to check it's working on Teensy 4.0 but I am getting this error. I updated TeensyTimerTools to 0.1.3. Any other library still missing?
  35. H

    Teensy4.0 | TimerOne Library issue

    That would be really good if we can get that return back so we can make sure to setup numbers. Right now I am using one Digital Pin interrupt and IntervalTimer so let me find out which one is suitable for me from above list.
  36. H

    Teensy4.0 | TimerOne Library issue

    Thank you Kurt and Luni, I was not aware about this library. Let me look into detail for this one. Do we have the any list for Teensy 4 INTERRUPT NAME list?. I checked interrupt.c
  37. H

    Teensy4.0 | TimerOne Library issue

    Yes, I was using that and thought TimerOne might be better options for Interrupt priority set and all. Do we have any list of default interrupt priorities for Teensy 4.0?
  38. H

    COVID-19: A thread to share some thoughts and events

    We also have LOCKDOWN in bigger cities. Things are really going crazy ! I hope this is going to get under control as early as possible.
  39. H

    Teensy4.0 | TimerOne Library issue

    I see so with 600 MHz Smallest we can setup is 55922 us?
  40. H

    Teensy4.0 | TimerOne Library issue

    Board:- Teensy 4.0 Teensyduino:- 1.51 TimerOne Library:- I created simple Blink code #include <TimerOne.h> const int led = LED_BUILTIN; // the pin with a LED void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200)...
  41. H

    Teensy 4.0 Internal Temperature measurement

    Yes, GND is common for all this. And Yes I have cut down jumper on the back of Teensy as 5V is given to VIN pin.
  42. H

    Suggestion: Archive with older Teensyduino versions

    Ah ! my bad !! Now I think what we are currently is best as this may avoid users to go with wrong combination of Teensyduino and Arduino.
  43. H

    Suggestion: Archive with older Teensyduino versions

    This is really good idea. As Frank said there is way to replace and get the files but still if we do have dedicated page then that might be easy to search for anybody.
  44. H

    Teensy 4.0 Internal Temperature measurement

    I have 6 ADC chips and 6 Digipots and SD Card.
  45. H

    Teensy 4.0 Internal Temperature measurement

    Yes, That's what I am trying to finding out. As I see temperature is rising to 79 in approx 45-50 runtime. And this is the reason I don't won't to play with the limit as it may damage Teensy board itself.
  46. H

    Teensy 4.0 Internal Temperature measurement

    This is weird then as my Teensy 4.0 run on 600 MHz only I never went above that. Still in debug messages I see that using tempmon functions I am getting temperature above 79 degree. After mostly after this temperature I see Teensy to get stuck and that is I think because of Panic_Temp_isr...
  47. H

    Teensy 4.0 Internal Temperature measurement

    One thing that I have noticed. My Teensy 4.0 when it hits temperature above 77degree C it gets shutoff. I thought there was bug of auto shutoff fixed in latest Teensyduino release. Is there also any way to setup this High limit something that @defragster mention HIGH temp _isr() or similar things?
  48. H

    Processing + Teensy 4.0 - Serial, reprogramming issue.

    Teensy4 has multiple Serial, You may use another Serial say Serial1 for your App visualizer and use Native USB Serial interface for programming purpose.
  49. H

    Teensy dev-platform 4.8.0 for PlatformIO is out! 🚀

    This is really cool ! never tried PlatformIO before looks like good time to try alternative to Arduino IDE to see if this is better. There is no support for Teensy4.0?