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  1. N

    Midi 2.0

    In theory MIDI 1.0 supports 14-bit data (MSB/LSB paired change controllers, High Resolution Velocity prefix, NRPN) but in practice most controllers don't take advantage of it. My long-term project to make an MPE-compatible Eurorack MIDI to CV converter does use 14-bit DACs though, because...
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    Fatar Keyboard Scanning with Teensy

    Sure. This is easily possible, once you understand 2 things: Row/column matrix to scan the keybed. Fatar used to have a diagram showing this on their site but it seems to have been removed; look here instead and also the links from this post. Diodes on the matrix to prevent "ghost keying" if...
  3. N

    Linux, USB + MIDI, "Unable to open MTP device"

    This is an OS MIDI 2.0 implementation, looking for a MIDI 2.0 device, failing, and falling back to MIDI 1.0 as required by the spec.
  4. N

    Midi 2.0

    There is now at least one MIDI 2.0 product (Roland A-88MKII, with revision 2 firmware). However this is a high-end product (hammer-action 88-key keyboard, for example) at a correspondingly high-end price ($1,266.99 at Sweetwater). (I do periodically look for other controllers). Thus, the...
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    USB HOST Hardware

    You could put a powered USB hub inside your case and connect that to the one Teensy USB Host port.
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    Teensy 4.0 and 4.1 I/O Pin Current - Spec Conflict

    From the Pinout Card, the max current draw is 250mA. So you can draw up to 10mA per pin, but not from all pins simultaneously. And preferably, you would draw 4mA or less from each pin.
  7. N

    Teensy 4.1FreqMeasureMulti Library

    Just checking you are aware that there is an Encoder library, which gives the position (but not the rotational speed).
  8. N

    Pin25 issue guidance on website possible error

    Probably a typo for &
  9. N

    External power MIDI teensy 3.6

    It is possible, and there are indeed a few commercial products that do this. It is not advisable: DIN MIDI is a current-loop digital signalling system and the current is only intended to be enough to power the LED in the opto-isolator. Using MIDI for power couples the signal ground to the MPU...
  10. N

    How to do "pass-through" knobs on synth with presets?

    You would normally want to be able to pass the preset value in both directions (if increasing the knob, where the preset value is higher than currently; and if decreasing the knob, where the preset value is lower than currently).
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    Teensy 4.1 hang up when using USBHost_t36.h with HUB to control multiple midi device

    SABRENT 4 Port USB 3.0 Hub with Individual LED Lit Power Switches, Includes 5V/2.5A Power Adapter (HB-UMP3)
  12. N

    Trying to run Teensy 4.1, using 5v power from my midi keyboard PCB

    Thanks for carefully describing the exact issue. Everything seems to be correct (and I note that Arduino serial monitor is not being used, so that is not the issue). Given that the LEDs are lighting up it seems 3V3 is being generated from the 5V supply but perhaps you could check the voltage on...
  13. N

    U4 Chip gets extremely hot when 4.1 is connected to power.

    No, they are PWM pins able to generate PWM signals.
  14. N

    BUG: OneWire missing GPIO definition with ESP32-C6

    This might be caused by a missing util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h Note the comment in that code: #elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266) // Special note: I depend on the ESP community to maintain these definitions and // submit good pull requests. I can not answer any ESP questions or help you //...
  15. N

    Measured performance of line in and line out of SGTL5000

    There is a little more spread at the base of the odd harmonics, although the FFT sizes are also different. I had expected more of a difference, and I was wrong.
  16. N

    Measured performance of line in and line out of SGTL5000

    I would expect to see a big difference, if the sine wavelength is not an integer multiple of the exact sampling frequency. See
  17. N

    usbMIDI does not send polyphonic aftertouch message when I call sendAfterTouch(note, pressure, channel);

    @Paul Here is a replacement USB MIDI web page, derived from the current page and adding guidance on this aftertouch issue. Feel free to use this, if you would like. I didn't see the website on GitHub, so could not send a pull request.
  18. N

    usbMIDI does not send polyphonic aftertouch message when I call sendAfterTouch(note, pressure, channel);

    This differs from the Arduino MIDI library, which overloads the function name (and thus, can't be extended to allow an optional cable number) void MidiInterface< Transport, Settings, Platform...
  19. N

    usbMIDI does not send polyphonic aftertouch message when I call sendAfterTouch(note, pressure, channel);

    From the Teensy usb MIDI documentation void sendAfterTouch(uint8_t pressure, uint8_t channel, uint8_t cable=0) { send(0xD0, pressure, 0, channel, cable); and void sendAfterTouchPoly(uint8_t note, uint8_t pressure...
  20. N

    Windows help wanted - trying PJRC's new code signing cert

    Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Install the latest PowerShell for new features and improvements! PS C:\Users\chris\Downloads> .\hello3.exe Hello Defragster So it runs fine from a shell; double clicking it still gives the...
  21. N

    Potentiometers not giving full range: 4 - 1008 only

    I thought that on T4.1 AGND and GND are identical?
  22. N

    Teensy 4.1 USB Host issues

    White is D+, no?
  23. N

    DAC recommendations for Digital Oscillator project.

    > The MCP4822 is only dual but Edges has 5 audio outs, so how is it doing this? Out 4, which can be a triangle wave, uses the DAC; outs 1 to 3 are digital pulses so don't need a DAC. Out 5 is simply the analog mixture of the other four.
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    Teensy Web Page

    Yes, used to be correct but needs to be edited to (or )
  25. N

    Teensyduino 1.59 Released

    Okay nevermind. I did "copy link" from the link in the announcement post, and that actually is which is different to the text of the link
  26. N

    Teensyduino 1.59 Released

    I'm getting an update failure in Arduino IDE 2.3.0
  27. N

    freq measure multi on teensy 4.0

    From Github: Does that mean that each pin used for FreqMeasureMulti needs to use a different FlexPWM timer? Or just not share a timer with a different function, like PWM? I wasn't sure, reading the docs. (I have a project that needs two FreqMeasureMulti pins and six PWM outputs, so I was...
  28. N

    Full-range PWM for RGB LED control

    My current project needs two RGB LEDs as indicators. I'm using Adafruit Pirhana common-anode LEDs driven by PWM. I'm using at 146.48kHz to get 10 bit analogWrite resolution. I notice on a scope that the PWM duty cycles varies between 0.67% and 99.82% at...
  29. N

    Need advice on PCB manufacturers

    My first board was hugely wasteful of space, poorly routed, and I could do a lot better now. The important thing though was that I did it, and it worked, and I learned stuff. Autorouting tends to give poor results, KiCad makes manual routing simpler by guiding you. Running an electrical rules...
  30. N

    Miditransfer between USB-C port and Teensy

    Indeed, good point.
  31. N

    Did someone try a Teensy 4.1 MIDI with iOS?

    Are you sure that your iPad app is listening on channel 10?
  32. N

    Miditransfer between USB-C port and Teensy

    Why would it need a hub? This seems to just need a USB-C to USB-B cable, which is readily available, plus the USB host panel connector which has a USB-B socket.
  33. N

    T4.1 - USB Hosts – trouble getting started.

    You do need to use a standard 5-wire cable. The 5th wire is not just a shield; it is the 0V reference. Once you have done that, verify that =5V power is being supplied to the USB device. If not, you are likely missing the begin() command to enable power: USBHost myusb; void setup () {...
  34. N

    Teensy 4.0 DAC Function

    You would probably want to use an SPI DAC in that case. There are many options at various bit depths (from 12 to 18 bits) , both single and multi-channel. Most are surface-mount, but a few through-hole DAC chips still exist.
  35. N

    Question about MIDI modwheel & pitch bend control wiring

    No, because the Sustain pedal might be pressed (which delays acting on Note Off) and recently released keys may still be sounding due to the release phase of an ADSR envelope.
  36. N

    ornament & crime beta testing

    The bill of materials and build guide is online if you want to source yourself You could also try a kit, with all smd soldered already If you plan on using the extra pins on a 4.1 then I would ask on the...
  37. N

    test thread

    UTF-8 test Το Teensy είναι μια εξαιρετική πλατφόρμα
  38. N

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    I have wondered whether an SD card extension cable like this could be butchered to bring out the SPI2 pins (SCK2, CS2, MOSI2, MISO2) without having to solder onto the QSPI memory pads. Anyone tried that?
  39. N

    Teensy 3.2 End Of Life

    This was a classic board, sad but understandable that is now at end of life.
  40. N

    MIDI 2.0 Support?

    MIDI 2.0 is still very new and there are zero commercial MIDI 2.0 controllers available. This thread may be helpful
  41. N

    MIDI 2.0 Support?

    MIDI 2.0 is still very new and there are zero commercial MIDI 2.0 controllers available. This thread may be helpful
  42. N

    How do I introduce real-time soft and hard clipping to an audio input?

    You might find these helpful: - Help with waveshaper effect - Adding harmonic distortion with Arduino Teensy - TeensyDist
  43. N

    16ch CV out project

    Oh and you should look at
  44. N

    16ch CV out project

    You would use a 5V supply (like V USB) to power the DAC and a level translator like 74AHCT125 to convert the 3V3 Teensy logic to 5V0. You would also need something like 4.7μF + 100nF supply bypass caps on AVdd. DAC8568C outputs up to 5V (2 * Vref) and has a zero-scale reset. Do you really need...
  45. N

    16ch CV out project

    For CV out you do need DC accuracy which means audio DACs are not a good choice. Have a look at something like the DAC8568 from Texas Instruments; it gives you eight reasonable quality 16-bit outputs (4LSB INL, 0.004% typical Initial Accuracy), has an internal voltage reference that is good...
  46. N

    Building a USB MIDI 2.0 Device

    Good to see the platforms (MacOS X, Linux, Android) building support, but there is still not a single MIDI 2.0 controller on the market (that includes the somewhat flawed Roland A-88Mk2 which maybe, maybe is hiding 16-bit velocity and 32-bit parameter support inside it's current, MIDI 1.0...
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    External ADC and DAC recommendations for T4.1

    By the way for people needing guidance on high precision DAC, this article from on the 20-bit AD5791 is excellent, and broadly applicable to other DACs: The 20-Bit DAC Is the Easiest Part of a 1-ppm-Accurate Precision Voltage Source I'm (slowly, as ever) working on a project that...