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  1. M

    Prop Shield Compatibility with Teensy 3.0?

    I understand 3.0 might be EOL and hence no mention of it anymore... Is the Prop Shield pin compatible with Teensy 3.0? I've got around 10 3.0's left over that I want to use up with the few prop shields I bought for some audio playback, acknowledging I probably will have to use PWM instead of...
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    Anyone in Australia/NZ looking to sell a teensy 3.0?

    If you are in Sydney I left a few at the local hackerspace for members and visitors to buy. The hackerspace is at Gladesville,
  3. M

    Teensy 3.0 goes mute when sending to Raspberry Pi

    Or it is a stty setting :) I forget... Since I never remember to set stty raw or any fancy mode, I continue to use my workaround... which works and is easy to remember...
  4. M

    Teensy 3.0 goes mute when sending to Raspberry Pi

    Hi, Admitting up front I did not read through the entire thread... I suspect the issue is with the ACM driver in Linux - I work around it by ensuring I have the port opened for read before letting the Teensy send anything (by having the Teensy wait for a start byte first...). I have this...
  5. M

    USB/IP WiFi programming with openwrt

    I tried Windows - I give up on Windows ;) ian : Please see this thread regarding your BSODs It appears the 'current' (aka 2011) drivers don't handle HID devices well and I think Teensy3 is a HID device for programming...
  6. M

    USB/IP WiFi programming with openwrt

    Status Update : I have just tested USBIP over a TL-WR703N with some success. Currently testing with the USBIP image from (2013-02-23) 1)The Teensy is connected to the USB port of the TL-WR703N 2)The TL-WR703N is connected to my home WiFi...
  7. M

    Add additional AnalogWrite() PWM Pins

    OK I looked into it a bit more and need to shoot this idea down myself so not to waste Paul's time on it. Summary :- Pin 24/33 on the SMD pads on the underside whilst PWM/FlexTimer pins, can't be used because the FlexTimers are currently used to drive Pin 9/23. Below was what I just started...
  8. M

    Teensyduino 1.14 Released

    Thanks Paul.
  9. M

    Teensyduino 1.14 Release Candidate #2 Available Slightly better video comparison. 24fps ~= 983kB/s
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    Teensyduino 1.14 Release Candidate #2 Available Picture of the rig :) Using two identical Carambola2's with same image and same test script to drive the Teensys which are programmed with different versions of Teensyduino ;)
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    Teensyduino 1.14 Release Candidate #2 Available

    Horrible (and short) video :- Using Ard 1.0.3 - Teensyduino <=1.13 = 12 fps ~= 490kB/s Ard 1.0.5 - Teensyduino =1.14 RC2 = 16 fps ~=655kBs Using Serial.readBytes() with 64 byte buffer Ard 1.0.5 - Teensyduino =1.14...
  12. M

    Teensy 3.0 driving 9-DOF accelerometer? Recommended
  13. M

    Add additional AnalogWrite() PWM Pins

    As topic, request adding AnalogWrite() 'pins' to the Pads available on the bottom of the Teensy3 - they have the same PWM capability as the existing Analog Pins on the headers (FTM1). hardware\teensy\cores\teensy3\pins_teensy.c void analogWrite(uint8_t pin, int val) Smileys attached: :) :) :)
  14. M

    USB/IP WiFi programming with openwrt

    Hi Ian/Paul - I don't think your BSODs are actually the fault of Paul in any way...You might be better off digging up if they've ever gotten around to compiling newer Windows client drivers for USBIP. It would be useful if Paul tells me how the Teensy load sequence works :) Then I can spend...
  15. M

    Teensyduino 1.14 Release Candidate #2 Available

    Serial available then serial read... I wish I could have a 128x160 buffer... (I might try with a 128 byte readbytes too..) I have the old Teensy installation from before so should be quick to load it up, will do so in around 14 hours :)
  16. M

    USB/IP WiFi programming with openwrt

    Hi Ian, I've managed to program my Teensy3 over USBIP once before it disconnects and re-enumerates and having to set it all up again... Forgot how I did it now ;) But will definitely try again next time [Did it on a Carambola2, but will of course try TL-WR703N]. PS : Madox = He :P
  17. M

    Teensyduino 1.14 Release Candidate #2 Available

    Wow! USB Serial really has been vastly improved. Might be a late request - Can you expand AnalogWrite to the pins on the reverse side that's supported by the K20 [Teensy3] pretty please? [With sugar on top?] Edit : <--- Using the...
  18. M

    USB Serial Receive Speed Improvement

    This is very nice :) Will test these out later when I get a moment as I use the USB Serial a fair bit :)
  19. M

    Spark Core (kickstarter project): Wifi for everything

    Carambola2 runs at 0.5W, so does the TL-WR703N... both are around $20 price price point. If size is not a consideration, these are great and give you more flexibility. I use the Teensy3 with the TL-WR703N a lot now, and looking to move to the Carambola2's with the Teensy3 :)
  20. M

    Teensy3 ST7735 Library

    Hi Peter, Thanks for your port to Teensy3, it was useful for me to try out these modules (and oi! fellow Aussie!). Just want to know that in your Teensy3_ST7735.h, the RGB macro has an error. #define RGB(r,g,b) ((b&0xf8)<<8|(g&0xfc)<<4|(r&0xf8)>>3) I think should be #define RGB(r,g,b)...
  21. M

    external USB connector on Teensy 3?
  22. M

    WS2811 on Teensy 3.0 using FastSPI_LED library

    Remember my warning ... if you turn all those LEDs on MAX and look at it ... your eyes WILL hurt :)
  23. M

    WS2811 on Teensy 3.0 using FastSPI_LED library

    virtualdave - you can also buy the LEDs themselves from Ray and put them on your on flex PCB/PCB :) Not much cheaper than the strips, but handy if you're doing a custom project.
  24. M

    WS2811 on Teensy 3.0 using FastSPI_LED library

    Just as a warning/advice to new people buying the WS2811s... Please be aware that the strips get 'extremely warm', especially if you run them at full brightness. Since the control IC + LED + resistors are all in the same package, heat dissipation is kind of restricted and the strip can get...
  25. M

    Teensy 3.0 Serial.flush() does not appear to work

    Just a minor one ... is still out of date :)
  26. M

    WS2811 on Teensy 3.0 using FastSPI_LED library

    Hi Charlie, I've bought mine from [Snapshot of my order]. Works out to be $14/m delivered to Australia, presumably cheaper to US etc.
  27. M

    WS2811 on Teensy 3.0 using FastSPI_LED library

    Hi David, The T3 is connected directly to the LEDs and drive's the LEDs. It receives data from the USB until a 720*3 byte buffer is filled then draws that onto the LEDs. Since the FastSPI uses NOPs, work can't be done while the data is being sent to the LEDs - this is similar to Paul's code...
  28. M

    WS2811 on Teensy 3.0 using FastSPI_LED library

    Oh hi, I'm very late to the thread but I've been using the Teensy 3.0 on the WS2811 integrated LED strips for a while. I *just* posted up random pics and videos, but I've had it for a while now. I am using a modified FastSPI library with corrected timings for the chips. The array is 720 LEDs...
  29. M

    Teensy 3.0 Serial.flush() does not appear to work

    Thanks for the documentation update Paul, it clears (!!!) things up.
  30. M

    Teensy as a Dongle

    I'll like to second the request for dongle versions of the Teensy 2 and Teensy 3 :) Pretty please... [Someone who has just ordered a lot of adaptors similar to those linked above... wishing that he didn't need to]
  31. M

    Teensy 3.0 Serial.flush() does not appear to work

    I have only tried the USB Serial, no handy UARTs to test the Serial1-3 sorry.
  32. M

    Teensy 3.0 Serial.flush() does not appear to work

    I'm new to "Arduino" but the Serial.flush() function does not appear to work. From : ----- Serial.flush() Discard any received data that has not been read. ----- Even if I call Serial.flush() before a, the will still return...