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  1. D

    FDCAN Teensy 4.1 and STM32

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to communicate with an STM32 using FDCAN, but right now I didn't success. I'm sending the Teensy code here. Any clue, I don't know what information I can provide, so if any question I'm glad to awnser. The FDCAN specs are: 500kbits nominal and data, 20MHz clock, 150ns...
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    Generating a 20MHz Clock Wave

    How can I generate a 20MHz clock wave (50% duty cycle) with PWM using Teensy 4.1. I don't understand at all the Pulse Width Modulation page. Thank you.
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    Error trying to implement an ADC + Timestamp timer logger using Ringbuf

    I finally achieved it putting the Ringbuf writeout in the loop instead of the ISR.
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    I think my Teensy 4.1 is broken

    Nothing is connected, just the USB. The 3V3 regulator is indeed the hot one. I measured the voltages, 4.8V in VIN and none in 3V3 (all with ground). 3v3 is shorted with GND. Do you think if we replace it we can solve it or its a bigger fail?
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    Error trying to implement an ADC + Timestamp timer logger using Ringbuf

    Thanks for all the anwsers, I'll try to implement it as soon as I fix my teensy or replace it. Anyways, would be possible to do change the code to implement a DMA timestamp (there is no examples about this, just an analog buffer in ADC examples).
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    I think my Teensy 4.1 is broken

    My Teensy 4.1 does not work. When I connect it to my computer, nothing appears. I tried to measure heat, and the mosfet is really hot, but not the main chip. Does this have any type of solution?
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    Error trying to implement an ADC + Timestamp timer logger using Ringbuf

    I need a 100 KHz ADC sampling data rate for a pressure transducer (Analog pin), but my code keeps crashing. Everything goes well until I set performance_status = true. In that moment, Teensy 4.1 crashes and I cannot find the bug. I set all these variables as volatiles, if anyone wonders. I share...
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    CAN XL in Teensy 4.1

    Thanks for the replies. Now that I got this information, I need to see if that speed is enough.
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    CAN XL in Teensy 4.1

    I see. I didn't know that. The thing is that I need a lot of speed. Which is the max speed of the FD CAN bus?
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    CAN XL in Teensy 4.1

    I see that CAN FD is available in Teensy. My question is, is CAN XL available also?
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    Recording video in Teensy

    The original idea was that teensy handled camera and compress the file using any codec (h.264 I think would work), in order to send it by RF to a receiver from 5Km away (all this in live), but it was a madness, so by now I'm just happy with saving the video. I didn't find a transciever with...
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    Recording video in Teensy

    Ok, I see. I think I'm gonna buy the AMB82, a microcontroller that has a full HD 30 fps camera, and I'll control by a digital output from teensy. I thought that teensy could handle it well, but doesn't matter. I think for a (long long) future, a Teensy with a possible camera expansion port or...
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    Recording video in Teensy

    I need to record a 2 3 min video in Full HD or at least HD with a Teensy because I have low power requirements. I've seen ArduCam cameras and I'm wondering if I'm able to use one of these. I don't need to process the video in real time, just saving it in a SD is enough. Can I do it with a...
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    MTP Close function

    Ok, thank you for your time. Your anwsers have been very helpful.
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    MTP Close function

    What does it happen if you are aquiring data into a new file while using mtp.loop?
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    MTP Close function

    So, there is no viable method. Can I set a timer to MTP.loop each 10 miliseconds and still work as expected?
  17. D

    MTP Close function

    I am trying to build a portable device with Teensy. I gather data and I store it in SD and flash, and later I want to extract it. I want to extract it using MTP, without changing any program. My idea is to click a button, MTP starts, I gather the data, I click the button again, MTP port closes...