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  1. L

    Optimized function for array multiplication

    Thanks, I guess that they mean: f16: float 16 bits f32: float 32 bits f64: float 64 bits q31: signed int 64 bits ? q15: signed int 32 bits ? q7: signed int 8 bits ? Am I correct?
  2. L

    Optimized function for array multiplication

    Thanks a lot, do you know if they exist for INT8 as well ?
  3. L

    Optimized function for array multiplication

    Hi Is there an optimized function for the element-wise multiplication of 2 arrays (dot product)? The ESP32 provides one: ESP32 optimized dot product. I guess this kind of function os used in Audio processing applications. More generally, is there somewhere an extensive description of the...
  4. L

    RAM optimization for large arrays

    But if the total size of the code is larger than the size of RAM1, how is the code copied in the FASTRUN zone? Should I label my large arrays with PROGMEM so they are not loaded in RAM1?
  5. L

    Complex code on several files and folders: no serial output?

    @KurtE : I tried again to change the name of the main function to main0, together with your second suggestion of checking the Serial and now it works ! Thanks a lot for your help!
  6. L

    Complex code on several files and folders: no serial output?

    I have changed the ino file to blink the LED : #include "src/main.h" int ledPin = 13; int duree = 1000; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial && (millis() < 4000)) {} pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); Serial.println("\nExecuting CPP export"); elapsedMicros chrono = 0...
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    Complex code on several files and folders: no serial output?

    Thanks for your help, however, it didn't solve the problem. Here is the compile output: FQBN: teensy:avr:teensy41 Using board 'teensy41' from platform in folder: C:\Users\fa125436\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\teensy\hardware\avr\1.59.0 Using core 'teensy4' from platform in folder...
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    Complex code on several files and folders: no serial output?

    Thanks, I'll upload my code tomorrow (France's time).
  9. L

    Complex code on several files and folders: no serial output?

    Oh yes, I should have told you before : I tried to rename main() to main0() and the same for main.cpp and main.h But same result. Actually, on ESP32, I do this (call main() inside the ino file) and there is no problem at all. Is it possible to upload a zip file with the whole code on this forum?
  10. L

    RAM optimization for large arrays

    Thanks for the advice: any suggestion? It would be great if they support the Arduino IDE. I found the Milk V Duo board, that seems promising. @Paul : do not hesitate to delete this reply if you think it is not appropriate in this forum.
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    Complex code on several files and folders: no serial output?

    Hi I'm having a weird problem With a code that uses several files in several folders. I use the Arduino IDE v2.3.2 and Teensy 4.1 with 8MB PSRAM and 256MB Flash. In the main directory I have the ino file and a src folder with the rest of the code, in several files and folders. When I compile...
  12. L

    RAM optimization for large arrays

    OK, I see, thanks a lot. Actually, there are 2 kinds of arrays in my application: input and output : they are used and changed throughout the execution of the application. all the others (weights and biases) are just read only. But they can be so large that they only fit in PSRAM. So the 2...
  13. L

    RAM optimization for large arrays

    Thanks, this seems interesting, could you please explain more or give me a short example?
  14. L

    RAM optimization for large arrays

    Thanks for your answer. To sum up what I understood: If I declare (for example) float x[20000]; it is placed in RAM1 unless there is not enough space in which case it is placed in RAM2. If I malloc an array of 20000 * sizeof(float) it is placed in RAM2. If there is not enough space, it is...
  15. L

    RAM optimization for large arrays

    Yes, that's the slowest solution. I tried it on an ESP32 and obtained (for a given neural network, much smaller) an execution time of 7 seconds. If all the arrays were located in RAM, I got 20 ms. That's the reason why I need to optimize the location of each array.
  16. L

    RAM optimization for large arrays

    Thanks. In my case, with all the .h files, does the code size indicated at compile time include these header files or not? Actually, I do for several reasons: The size of input and output arrays change during execution, so if they are stored in RAM1 (which is the best option for speed) then...
  17. L

    RAM optimization for large arrays

    Thanks a lot for all your answers. I think I must provide more details on what I'm doing. I use an AI framework which trains a deep neural network and exports a C/C++ code. This code is made of several .c and .cpp files, and a certain number of .h files which contain the declaration of large...
  18. L

    RAM optimization for large arrays

    Thanks, I know that I can have the global view of the memory usage, but I'd like to have a finer view of it, meaning knowing for each array if it is stored in RAM1, RAM2 or PSRAM. So, do I need to do the math by myself and optimize the storage place for each array (and declare them as DMAMEM or...
  19. L

    RAM optimization for large arrays

    Hello I'm very new to Teensy, but quite experienced in Arduino and ESP32. I switched to Teensy 4.1 for programming and executing an AI application, which uses very large arrays of float (or chars). I have a Teensy 4.1 with 8MB PSRAM and 256 MB Flash. I read the "Teensy 4.1 Memory Configuration...
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    Several I2S microphones on Teensy 4, using CircuitPyhton?

    Hi everyone This is my (almost) first post in this forum. I'm more familiar with Arduino and ESP32 stuff, but for a work project I'd like to try and connect several microphones on a Teensy 4 board, to do signal processing (speech enhancement using AI). My main questions are: Is it possible to...
  21. L

    Audio array processing with multiple MEMS microphones

    Sorry for arriving late in this discussion. What would you recommend as I2S microphones to use with a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1?