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  1. N

    UART logic level

    I choosed it primarily because it was recommended in the datasheet of the GPS. The pcb will be 6/8 layers (at least 2 of them will be ground planes).
  2. N

    UART logic level

    Solved it !
  3. N

    UART logic level

    I found these two: - both are bi-directional and are 1.8 to 3.3V
  4. N

    UART logic level

    I am attaching the datasheet of the MCU used in the Teensy 4.1, I am not sure about General purpose I/O AC parameters in the datasheet. (Page 39 & 40) - the file is too big so here is link to digikey
  5. N

    UART logic level

    I need a duplex communication as the moduel also has GSM and I need to send AT commands to it, I will attach the datasheet again. Also is it possible to delete the older thread?
  6. N

    UART logic level

    I have a gps module which uses uart for connection to the mcu and I wany to use it with the teensy 4.1. The problem here is that the uart of the gps is 1.8v and I am not sure if the teensy will be able to read the data from the gps?
  7. N

    URGENT Quecetel EG915NEUAP-N06-SGNSA and Teensy 4.1

    I need to use this Quecetel module for a project with the teensy 4.1 but I do not know whether they will work together. The UART logic voltage of the GNSS+GSM module is 1.8V and I want to use micropython is it possible or should I use a voltage translator?