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  1. G

    PLaying Wave file from SD card and finding empty gaps (no sound) in the wave file

    I found it myself :-) I have to post this earlier, then I find the soluion right away. It is/was easy
  2. G

    PLaying Wave file from SD card and finding empty gaps (no sound) in the wave file

    I want to play a wave file and know the amplitude of the playing sound so that i can detect when there is no sound Could use this also to dispaly a VU-meter for the playing wave file. I wrongly tought this would be easy :-) I am able to do this on a line input (or mic input) I don't get how...
  3. G

    Serial2 RX TX pin problem

    Good news :-) I put this in my setup code Serial2.setRX(7); Serial2.setTX(8); And everything works without patch cable. So my pcb is correct, because that was my biggest concern
  4. G

    Serial2 RX TX pin problem

    I understand, i find it myself very strange and totally impossible, maybe there is another problem that i don't get for the moment Yes my teensy came with the pinout reference card, and that's what i based my pcb layout on. When i count the pins, on the reference card, from left top corner GND...
  5. G

    Serial2 RX TX pin problem

    It's rather difficult to share picture of connections. I made a custom pcb board with connections based on documentation , and for Serial2(RX) I had to make a patch. A picture of the pcb board will tell you nothing about the connections :) When i look at my pcb-board layout and schematics, this...
  6. G

    Serial2 RX TX pin problem

    ah ok , thx a lot for these quick answers :) I ran the sketch and indeed i also get 2 as result So there must be something else going wrong :-( Maybe a short circuit between RX ant TX on Serial2? That could maybe explain the correct reading on pin 8 (wich is normally the TX pin)??? Pin 7 gives...
  7. G

    Serial2 RX TX pin problem

    Yes of course .. Teensy 4.1 ;-)
  8. G

    Serial2 RX TX pin problem

    Using a Teensy 4.1 According to official documentation the Serial2 has pin RX=7 ant TX=8 I do not set RX in my project and it seems that the RX pin is in my case pin8 and TX pin is pin9 I found this out just by trial and error reconecting cable Do I have a faulty made board? Is there...