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  1. Z

    Change RAW HID Vendor and Product ID

    I have see the same file in the usb_rawhid in Windows. Are you also use the rawhid to communicate LC with MacOS?
  2. Z

    rawhid can't used at MacOS Sonoma

    Still not working. do you have actually try it?
  3. Z

    rawhid can't used at MacOS Sonoma

    I have also do the same thing in M-series Arm. And the result is the same. The only difference is that we use the new "Makefile" without any change.
  4. Z

    rawhid can't used at MacOS Sonoma

    I have download the new .dmg file and test it on my MacOS, the result is same. It showes on zsh "abort", and on bash "abort 6" I have also using the new "Makefile" to recompile the source code myself. And I use a Intel Mac, so I make a little change of the new "Makefile" which only use the...
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    rawhid can't used at MacOS Sonoma

    Anyone has any suggestion
  6. Z

    rawhid can't used at MacOS Sonoma

    I download the RawHid test for MacOS from : And when I run it, it just abort. Can anyone help me. Thanks. I use MacOS Sonoma.
  7. Z

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    I just want to know if the DevBoard5 has been tested. And it works.
  8. Z

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Hi Dogbone06, I have notice that you have order DevBoard5 frmo JLC some time before. Do you have already finish test of the board and if it is work OK. or have you test DevBoard 4.5. Is it work OK. Thanks.
  9. Z

    Adafruit_MAX31855 thermocouple was using a Teensy3.2 now going to Teensy4.0

    HI, Paul I have noticed that you have some extra MIMXRT1062, how can i get that. I have try to contact you through e-mail or private message, but not success.