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  1. T

    Teensy 4.1 with adafruit 3.5" display 8 bit mode.

    Hi Kurt I think these libraries will greatly hep me in achieving my goals of programing with the HX8357D so for that I am grateful. While trying to setup the HX8357D_test_rects I got confused on how to wire the display with the standard teensy 4.1 (
  2. T

    Teensy 4.1 with adafruit 3.5" display 8 bit mode.

    I am trying to code a display for a game I am making for a design class using a teensy 4.1. I figured an adafruit display would be a good display for a LCD beginner like me but most examples are made specifically for arduinos and the library's code the digital pins themselves which I cannot seem...