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    Custom PCB (Based on Teensy 4.0) - Accessing Wire3

    I believe the processor has a 4th bus, just not brought out on the Teensy breakout boards. I am connected to pins GPIO_B0_04 for SCL and GPIO_B0_05 for SDA on the processor and trying to figure out how I can modify the library to accept Wire3 on these pins.
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    Custom PCB (Based on Teensy 4.0) - Accessing Wire3

    Is it possible to tell me which processor pins the Teensy 4.1 uses for I2C comms on Wire3, and where in the libraries this is located? I am thinking it should be easier to modify this (if needed) rather than modify the Teensy 4.0 stuff to utilize the additional IO pins.
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    Custom PCB (Based on Teensy 4.0) - Accessing Wire3

    Ok, this has been confirmed. We used the 2MB chip on this board because we had some trouble securing the 8MB versions for some time and accidentally used the 2MB chip during population, this is where some of my confusion has been coming from. So now I believe I am left with 2 options and I am...
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    Custom PCB (Based on Teensy 4.0) - Accessing Wire3

    So upon further testing and investigation, we actually designed our board according to Teensy 4.1, not 4.0. We have developed many boards in this similar way, but have yet to have to use the Wire3 bus. For some reason, this board is showing up as Teensy 4.0. I tried many of our other recent...
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    Custom PCB (Based on Teensy 4.0) - Accessing Wire3

    Thanks @KurtE and @PaulStoffregen, this compiles and runs and an initial test looks like comms are performing as expected. I will do a little deeper testing in the next day or two, but so far all looks good.
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    Custom PCB (Based on Teensy 4.0) - Accessing Wire3

    I have attached the WireIMXRT.h and WireIMXRT.cpp files. The suggested edited portions are listed below... From WireIMXRT.h //#if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY_MICROMOD) extern TwoWire Wire3; //#endif From WireIMXRT.cpp #if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY_MICROMOD) void lpi2c1_isr(void) { Wire.isr(); } void...
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    Custom PCB (Based on Teensy 4.0) - Accessing Wire3

    Paul, It looks like your suggestions now allow the firmware to compile and upload, but the sketch fails/freezes on Wire3.begin(). If I remove this, I can call some other things like Wire.BeignTransmission(), and Wire.RequestFrom without the sketch failing, but I don't get any communications back
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    Custom PCB (Based on Teensy 4.0) - Accessing Wire3

    I wasn't able to find those lines of code in the WireIMXRT.h/.cpp files so I updated to a newer version of Teensyduino (Old version 1.55, New version 1.58), and now I see these lines of code. They are just how you suggested above, however, I get the following error when I try to add...
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    Custom PCB (Based on Teensy 4.0) - Accessing Wire3

    We have developed a custom pcb, based on the Teensy 4.0 schematic, but we brought out 2 additional lines (I2C) from the processor that we intended to use with "Wire3", but the Wire library does not seem to support "Wire3" on Teensy 4.0. The additional lines we brought out are Port LPI2C2_SDA...