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  1. P

    Example code for MIDI controllers with Pots and Buttons

    0-19 worked once i dropped the comma, but i wasn't able to get the loop version working
  2. P

    Example code for MIDI controllers with Pots and Buttons

    The extra comma seems like it could be the issue. I never tried it with only 20 and not 21, or without having the last comma after 19. Ill try to test both later today and see what i can find out. But so far i'm not having issues with 20 and 21 being included. I'll also try to play with the...
  3. P

    Example code for MIDI controllers with Pots and Buttons

    14 and 15 are being used as analog pins (A0, A1) to control two linear potentiometers, do i still need to make the changes to the const int DIGITAL_PINS[D_PINS] section if 14 & 15 are used as analog? I am using 0-n pins in order, but would dropping the DIGITAL_PINS array work given that 14...
  4. P

    Example code for MIDI controllers with Pots and Buttons

    Thanks Man! i got it working. I tried not omitting pins 14 and 15, and instead getting rid of 20 and 21( ran into the same problem). When i added the full 0-21 digital pins everything worked fine. // initialize the ReponsiveAnalogRead objects ResponsiveAnalogRead analog[]{...
  5. P

    Example code for MIDI controllers with Pots and Buttons

    I got everything working fine with the 14 button set up, but i ran into some issues after adding an additional 6. Basically pins 0-15 work fine, and 18-21 work fine, but 16 and 17 are acting up( all are notes or knobs, no control change buttons have been added). ive tested the actual buttons and...
  6. P

    Example code for MIDI controllers with Pots and Buttons

    Thanks for giving it a look over! Glad to know I'm headed down the right track. I will definitely look into adding control changes to buttons at some point. With similar toggle behaviors would it be possible/practical to toggle between different banks of notes? Now I'm thinking It would be...
  7. P

    Example code for MIDI controllers with Pots and Buttons

    So i changed these sections and the code seems to compile fine. I plan on testing it with a LC in the next few days
  8. P

    Example code for MIDI controllers with Pots and Buttons

    I'm wanting to use usbMIDI. I'll go ahead and look into the example and see what i can figure out. thank you for the fast response
  9. P

    Example code for MIDI controllers with Pots and Buttons

    Code Advice Needed i apologies in advance for the noob questions, i tried to read and learn as much as i could, but wanted some clarifications before i blindly start editing the code. My goal is to Use a Teensy LC to work with 2 linear potentiometers & 14 momentary buttons. It appears to me...
  10. P

    Which Teensy to use for a 14 buttons + 2 joysticks USB game controller ?

    Any Luck? Wondering if you ever figured out what the problem was for you joystick. Only my up ( 1- i think) isn't working, and if replacing it was the fix for you id order a handful more.