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  1. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Mark, Thanks for the explanation! As to the question, I noticed when referencing Boolean that “true” and “false” are expected but panicked because I was too close to opening night to make the change especially when I read that HIGH and LOW will work as substitutes. Even though the show is on...
  2. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Oh wow! I wonder why the compiler didn’t flag it. The code snippet makes the lights change at half time (of the skeleton tempo) and I can confirm that it works. I’ll change it out immediately however. Thanks for looking it over! The show is a big hit and the lighting changes make it. I will use...
  3. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    2021 Halloween Show - Teensy 3.2 The song selection, show length and intermission length are randomized so the show is slightly different each time. There is a dance party of 5 year olds that show up every evening. The show is a big hit in the neighborhood. Thanks for everyone’s help. Note to...
  4. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    I revised the code to clean up timing events and remove a dance code bug: /*************************************************** Holiday Show Control - v1.1 10/15/21 by Jeff W. Parisse - 09/09/2021 TeensyDMX library (c) 2019-2020 Shawn Silverman Adafruit Servo Driver...
  5. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Opening Night... Tonight! Thanks for everybody's help with this! I got everything working except addressing individual lights (Case 8 in the DMX Function section shows one of many attempts). Other than that, the show is exactly what I hoped for and is going to be fun for a lot of kids who will...
  6. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Excellent Shawn! Thanks... I was sucessfull at applying that technique but it seemed unweildly so I tried to get fancy. Thanks again. The light show is simple but there are a lot of mechanics and sound that is taking a ton of time too. I don't work this hard at work! Photos soon
  7. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Thanks Frank. The same statement works in the setup section: [CODE] // DMX Variables uint8_t data[7] = {0, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0}; [CODE] Any suggestions on how to fix?
  8. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Stuck for the night..... OK... It is 12AM and I have to go to sleep.... For some reason I can't figure out how an array assignment that works standalone does not work as a function. I am getting a error that reads: Holiday_Show_Controller: In function 'void playDmx()'...
  9. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Opening Night Friday! Here is the basis of what is working for me so far. In the final program, the various light functions will be called at a set time to match the music but a random choice (spot light on dancer #1, all blue, fade to black. etc.). I did something similar with the skeleton...
  10. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Paul, Thanks so much for the catch. I’m getting to frantic part of the project and am mired in mechanics and spray paint while attempting to up my coding skills. I bit off more than I can chew this Halloween and I am very grateful for all the help I have been getting in this thread. Teensy...
  11. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Thanks BriComp! I believe I did exactly that and one can reason my intentions from the “encapsulated code” I did publish. I will look more closely at the tiny buttons; none of which say “code”. Thanks for the style tip. I’ll be more careful in my subsequent replies and uses the # button next...
  12. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Wow Shawn! Tremendously useful! It may take more time than I have for this Halloween to understand fully but I will look at it very soon. I wrote something very simple (luckily for me it is a Roaring Twenties light show so it doesn't need to be sophisticated (like my programming skills). I'd...
  13. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    shawn, Re: #1 - burp, how funny that I set that here for debugging. #2 - Thanks for that... I understand the universe now! I reason now that the ID is for different universes. I should therefore set all instruments to ID1 (Universe 0). #3 - The second possibliity you suggested seems to be...
  14. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    How to address individual instruments? I'm able to send seven channels of information to the first instrument (ID 1) but not to any others. Perhaps this question is too basic for the TeensyDMX documentation; I am a complete DMX newbie. How does one send a dmxTx.set command to other IDs? If I...
  15. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    I believe the other libraries made calls to hardware timers that don’t exist on the Teensy (just conjecture). The fixtures have a provision to set the DMX ID but the values either don’t stick or work. I’m waiting for more instruction from the maker. Here are some photos of the fixture and the...
  16. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Thanks Shawn! I can’t wait to jump in… I’m using very inexpensive fixtures that may not be unit addressable. BUT, your library is the only one (of three) that will communicate with them. I will bring up the DMX ID setting issue with the manufacturer (wish me luck) and in the meantime explore...
  17. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Thanks Paul! The key seems to be the TeensyDMX library. I able to get the library to work the hardware. To my DMX instruments to work just required a change from hex to decimal in the “data” string. Thanks again for the referral. Jeff
  18. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    TeensyDMX Lib & existing shield I’m looking at TeensyDMX and it looks well used/supported so I’m going to concentrate on making that library work. I’ll start with the mystery DMX shield and move on with known hardware solutions if any are suggested. Thanks.
  19. J

    DMX hardware rec for Teensy 3.2?

    Hi, I'm making a halloween show controller with a Teensy 3.2 at the heart. Currently the Teensy is mounted to a SparkFun board that adapts it to the Arduino hardware format because I needed it to fit a DMX Arduino Shield I had purcahsed. The shield and accompaining library don't work (perhaps...
  20. J

    Teensy 3.2 Tesla Coil Winder

    Thank you very much!
  21. J

    Teensy 3.2 Tesla Coil Winder

    I am rewriting Jeff Rosowski's Arduino code to run on the Teensy. This version works on the Teensy 3.2 but I am sure much can be done to clean up the code. If there is a better way to post or attach the code, please let me know. Jeff /* v1.0 Tesla Coil Winder Firmware */ /*...
  22. J

    octo basic test + first pixel

    I am getting the same problem with OctoWS2811 just as you describe and show in your video. You do not need the OctoWS2811 LIBRARY to accomplish your task. The FastLED OctoWS2811 Demo uses that library and that is where the problems arise... Notice #include<OctoWS2811.h> in the code? That is the...
  23. J

    octo basic test + first pixel

    Leo, The problem seems to be with the native OctoWS2811 library. A workaround is to use the OctoWS2811 from FastLED. Check out 'Examples/FastLED/Multiple/OctoWS2811" in the Arduino IDE. You will find working sketches for spreading animation across the 8 (or more) strips in different manners...
  24. J

    octo basic test + first pixel

    I don't know how I got a 64 LED per strip limit in my head but I did. I read back all the literature I've read so far but I can't find it... :) Thanks for the help... I hope camilozk gets his problem resolved too.
  25. J

    octo basic test + first pixel

    Great! Thanks for the reference... I use FastLED in other projects and I did not know about parallel processing code. I will definitely go that route since my requirements are low (8 strips). Hmmm... Does this also mean I can use more than 64 LEDS per strip? I bet it does... ;)
  26. J

    octo basic test + first pixel

    The LEDS are fresh from SparkFun and labeled as WS2811. I seem to recall that they have a "direct drop in replacement" and perhaps that is what was in the bag. I will look to the strip itself to see any identifiers. I loaded up test files with Neopixel and FastLED libraries and ran each test...
  27. J

    octo basic test + first pixel

    I will give that a try this afternoon. Below is a photo of the test bed I set up. The first LED of each strip (bottom row) randomizes at each power on.
  28. J

    OctoWS8211 - Pre Planning wire length.

    Thanks Guys for the input! The only reason I do not want to place the micro controller in the middle is the unsightliness of a box at the base of the balcony right smack in the middle. However, I am willing to do it given the alternative of level shifting the TTL up for a long run (which to me...
  29. J

    octo basic test + first pixel

    I am interested in this thread since I believe I am having the same problem. In my case, it is the first LED in each row. The Basic Test program seems to ignore the presence of the first led in all eight rows. Changing the ledsperrow value confirms that row 2 is being seen as row 1. I have no...
  30. J

    OctoWS8211 - Pre Planning wire length.

    I am planning balcony lighting that can run programs on holidays and special occasions. The total length to the balcony is 32' with 8 evenly spaced verticals that will each have a 1M (60 LED) WS8211 strip. Power is on one side. I was thinking of running AC to a 5V 50A PS with big cable (Awg 6...