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  1. U

    Controlling many LEDs (extra analog pins?)

    Thank you. I did not think about the issues with common anode, however it makes sens that using the MAX7219 would not be ideal. I think I will try to use the SoftPWM library with the LEDs connected directly to the teensy. Then I would have to perhaps get something like the PCA9685 to control...
  2. U

    Controlling many LEDs (extra analog pins?)

    Thank you for your advise. I guess it should be sufficient with 5V for the LEDs then, or even 3.3V (I do not care that much about the brightnes). As I understand it the 74ACHT125 has four level shifters. Therefore, I could power 4 LEDs from this one chip? The SoftPWM library seems to be very...
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    Controlling many LEDs (extra analog pins?)

    Hi, Disclaimer, I am quite new to the embedded world. I have a Teensy 4.1 and I want to control the RGB leds in several of these buttons. In total I have six buttons. Since they are common anode each buttons has three wires corresponing to the RGB leds that I need to control. This results in...