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  1. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    I just can not manage it. Does no one have any idea why the existing file could not be found or integrated?
  2. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    Hi again, here again is the current error code, even though the file ST7789_t3.h exists: C:\Users\Peer\Documents\Halloween\UncannyEyes_4.1\TeensyEyes\ST7789_t3.cpp:21:10: fatal error: TeensyEyes/ST7789_t3.h: No such file or directory 21 | #include "TeensyEyes/ST7789_t3.h" |...
  3. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    Now the compiling works, but the same error as before: The code in the file ST7789_t3.h looks like this now: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\f0\fs22\lang1031 #pragma once\par \par...
  4. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    I've tried several things now. First I copied the ST7789_t3.h file into the two folders. Did not work. Then in the file ST7789_Display.h I changed the code to #include "src/ST7789_t3.h" For me, however, the folder is called TeensyEyes and not src. The folder was previously called src, but at...
  5. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    I have now copied the following files into the src-folder: ST7735_t3.h ST7789_t3.cpp ST7789_t3.h There is now another error: "In file included from C:\Users\Peer\Documents\Halloween\UncannyEyes_4.1\TeensyEyes\build-ST7789.cpp:8:0: Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "SD.h" gefunden / Several...
  6. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    I set up the folders exactly as they are on Github and then copied the corresponding files there. I can't find a file called ST7789_t3.h
  7. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    I don't understand what you mean by that. With display.h there is no problem.
  8. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    @MichaelMeissner Hello, it continues step by step. I copied all the files into a folder src and renamed it TeensyEyes after the first start didn't work. After starting the ino file, I didn't make any changes in the Arduino IDE. Then I tested/compiled the sketch once. The file ST7789_Display.h...
  9. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    @MichaelMeissner Hi, thank you for your support! Do the MISO pins need to be connected? I don't think so, because in the old projects with the teensy 3.2 and the TFT displays with 128x128 there was a MISO pin at the TFT, but they wasn't connected either. There is only one pin left on the...
  10. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    Hello Angelo, that's a good question. I took a look and only found the following information. Otherwise there is no information. I think the black rectangular part is the voltage regulator.
  11. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    Hi, I have now got the teensy 4.1. Could someone please take a look at the wiring to see, if that's correct?
  12. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    We also know Murphy's law in Germany. How should I solder the cable back on the teensy? The pin is off. The teensy is still not recognized. Neither if I connect it with or without the program button pressed.
  13. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    WTF. Sorry. When I removed the glue, this patch tore off. :mad:
  14. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    Yes, I have a heat gun. I try to remove the glue. However, the teensy stopped working when I changed the wire from pin 26 to 35.
  15. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    Hello Mark, thank you very much for trying to help me. Since I'm from Germany and don't speak English very well. I have to translate everything first. I have attached two pictures. The detail must be the cause since everything worked before. Since I wasn't sure whether I had accidentally...
  16. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    I have now ordered a teensy 4.1. The 4.0 seems to be defective. This will be expensive fun.
  17. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    Unfortunately nothing happens. the LED doesn't come on. I soldered a cable to pin 35. What would happen, if accidentally pins 34/35 or 35/36 were bridged with solder? The cable has now come off again. No change.
  18. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    Such a crap. I think I destroyed the teensy. When I connect it to the laptop via USB, it can no longer be found. The LED on the board no longer flashes either. With the connections at pins 26 and 37 it still worked. After I had already unplugged the teensy, I fixed the cables a little with hot...
  19. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    Hello MichaelMeissner, thank you very much for your detailed answers. I have now redrawn the wiring. Are the connections correct now? If the wiring is OK, I would turn my attention to the software. However, there are still a few questions for me.
  20. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    @MichaelMeissner Hi MichaelMeissner, thank you for so much information. I now tried to solder the cables on the back of the teensy 4.0 on the solder pads 26 and 27. Unfortunately the soldering pad 27 broke. What a pitty. I have now soldered the cable to connection 37 instead and hope that I...
  21. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    First of all thank you for your answers. I will use the square 240x240 LCD display. The first thing I tried to do was to draw the wiring between the two TFT's and the teensy by following the pin design from Chris's code. #elif defined USE_ST7789 ST7789_Config eyeInfo[] = { // CS DC...
  22. P

    Uncanny Eyes is getting expensive

    Hi, I'm new here in the forum and come from Germany. I've been building decorations and props for Halloween for a few years now. Two or three years ago I installed the uncanny eyes in a skeleton using a Teensy 3.2. Unfortunately, this microcontroller is no longer available, so I hastily...