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  1. F

    Arduino IDE claims upload did not work, but in fact it did. (Same thing happens with PlatformIO.)

    I just tried again and now it works just fine. I don't know what was wrong before. I did update, and possibly reboot between the last try and now. I noted before this Teensyduino window didn't just appear like it did now when I tried to flash. In fact, I thought maybe it just appeared for...
  2. F

    Arduino IDE claims upload did not work, but in fact it did. (Same thing happens with PlatformIO.)

    It seems to work for my friend who is using Windows, so it is something to do with my computer which is running Ubuntu.
  3. F

    Arduino IDE claims upload did not work, but in fact it did. (Same thing happens with PlatformIO.)

    I put the 00-teensy.rules is /etc/udev/rules.d/ and rebooted. Rob
  4. F

    Arduino IDE claims upload did not work, but in fact it did. (Same thing happens with PlatformIO.)

    Hi, I'm a brand new Teensy 4.1 user and this is my first afternoon trying one out. I am running on Ubuntu and have PlatformIO with VScode installed as well as the Arduino 2.3.2 IDE with Teensyduino installed. I tried uploading a simple blink program. It seems to require me to push the program...