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  1. A

    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    Yes this works! That's wonderful! Pitch and roll are my my gain goal, but I will probably also have a magnetometer on the board, so I can try to feed that data into the Reefwing AHRS as well. I'm guessing just the raw xyz values from the magnetometer and replace current DOF setting with this...
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    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    This is a bit beyond my limits I'm afraid. Perhaps time to find some one a bit more skillfull than myself to tie this one together. I was just wondering. Was my observation about the Mahony and Medgwick filters not being well suited for tracking more rapid movements correct? And if so, is it...
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    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    The error came from line 76; ahrs.setData(data);
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    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    I got the Madgwick and Mahony filters running icw Brian's MPU6500 library (added both files in case a future user might find them helpful). But the roll, pitch and heading are very slow responsive. I guess these algorithms are best suited for low dynamic situations? I decided to give the...
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    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    Will do. The sensor is working with @brtaylor's library. The linking is a bit of a challenge for me, but will dive into the matter tomorrow. Thanks!
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    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    This method sounds great to me as well. Juist need to get my head around how to change the code along these lines; feeding imu data from the invensense library into the mahonyahrs library. Bottomline; I'm not much of a programmer... You don't happen to have an example code laying around I could...
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    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    Just noticed that the library you suggested is for the MPU6050. Perhaps it won't work for the 6500...?
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    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    I started off with an example from the Reefwing6500 library. The example code you posted in earlier post gave me this error; Compilation error: 'MPU6500' does not name a type I connected the IMU and using library underneath I've managed to make a connection...
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    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    Sorry for the slow response... unfortunately I haven't been able to connect to the MPU6500 using the Reefwing MPU6500 library. Just for the basic connection check I'm using this code; #include <ReefwingMPU6050.h> ReefwingMPU6050 imu; void setup() { imu.begin(MPU6050_SCALE_2000DPS...
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    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    Yes this compiles. Thank you so much! Now the next step... The example connects using SPI. I was hoping to connect using I2C. According to the library documentation this should be possible, but I can't find any examples that show how...
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    AHRS library for Teensy 4.1 and MPU6500 gyro/accel sensor (Reefwing?)

    Hi there, I'm looking for a library that can calculate roll, pitch, yaw and heading angles using the MPU6500 IMU and that is compatible with Teensy 4.1. I found the Reefwing AHRS library. There's an example patch for the MPU6500 and MKR boards (file attached). I'm not able to compile that...
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    Powerbank usage; running Teensy 4.1 + sensors on 5v vs. powering sensors from Teensy 3v

    Was thinking in the same line. But perhaps my circuit running 4 I2C sensors and writing to SD card every 100ms is already enough consumption.
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    Powerbank usage; running Teensy 4.1 + sensors on 5v vs. powering sensors from Teensy 3v

    Ah I hadn't thought of that. Will do some testing in that regard. If I do any interesting/substantial finds I will surely post them here.
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    Powerbank usage; running Teensy 4.1 + sensors on 5v vs. powering sensors from Teensy 3v

    Thanks! I'm running 4 I2C sensors (gyro, 2 magnetometers and a clock), so 150mA should be plenty. So then 3.3 is the preferred way to go, right? (sorry I failed to mention Teensy (4.1) version - I've corrected it above)
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    Powerbank usage; running Teensy 4.1 + sensors on 5v vs. powering sensors from Teensy 3v

    Hi there, I had a hardware question. I aim to build a small data collector to take with me on a biking trip. I want to use a powerbank as the power source. Simplest would be to just power the Teensy 4.1 using a powerbank (5v) and then powering the sensors in the circuit using the 3v output on...
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    SD Card generate filename from date

    Ooooh yes. How could I have overlooked that one. Thank you!!!!
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    SD Card generate filename from date

    Still getting this error though; Compilation error: expected ')' before ';' token So I'm guessing something is wrong with my syntax...? The attached code is not the full code. Just what's relevant for this issue. But put a closing line in there now. #include <SD.h> #include <I2C_RTC.h>...
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    SD Card generate filename from date

    Ok but I need to get the date information from my I2C clock while running my code in the field. So somehow 'year()' needs to point to - be replaced by - RTC.getYear() I think
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    SD Card generate filename from date

    I thought I did understand. Or not really (sprintf/C is somewhat of a mystery to me), but at least I thought my small adaptation of your code was correct. But apparently I'm doing something wrong. Sorry. Also understand you're not going to literally write my code.
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    SD Card generate filename from date

    Sorry. Changed the code in the previous post. Compilation error: expected ')' before ';' token
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    SD Card generate filename from date

    Ok great! Thank you so much. I was considering to write (possibly multiple session per day) in the same file each day. It's more of a safety measure than that I need a very strict separation of data. But great to have the code at hand if I change my mind. I. I applied your code a bit, but...
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    SD Card generate filename from date

    Hi there. I'm stuck trying to figure out how to generate a different filename every day. I came across this topic: But I'm not sure how to apply that to my aim. I guess I need to work with char instead of strings...
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    Using 2 I2C compass chips simultaneously

    Followed instructions in topic underneath and now have two compass sensors running simultaneously on two I2C busses on a Teensy 4.1
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    Using 2 I2C compass chips simultaneously

    Hi there. I'm trying to use two I2C sensors (HW-246 GY-271) simultaneously. From what I've read it should be possible to have the two sensors connected to the same pins on the Arduino. I also have a Teensy, which has multiple I2C pins. But the libraries (QMC5883L) I'm using don't have any method...