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  1. S

    Two-interval timer coding

    Dear joepasquariello, Big thank you, I amended as adviced and worked Saviour
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    Two-interval timer coding

    Hello, I am trying to setup two interval timers working at the same time. I read the article found in the link:, I copied and pasted the code and it worked fine. Currently, I am trying to implement PID programming for robotic arm at an...
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    Interfacing ADS7828 to Teensy 4.0 via I2C

    Thank you Paul, I did what you suggested, the I2C ADS7828 gives sometimes connected, sometimes not connected and gives errors, I am going to buy a new I2C chip so would be able to know if my teensy board is good. Again thank you a million for your advice
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    Interfacing ADS7828 to Teensy 4.0 via I2C

    Hello Strud, SDA and SCL are pulled at 3.3V and also VRef of ADC is at 3.3V
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    Interfacing ADS7828 to Teensy 4.0 via I2C

    Hello all, I did your kind recommendations, It worked for little time and the communication with the teensy via usb was interupted. I might have the wrong value of the pullup resistors 2K situated between SCL0 to 3.3V(from teensy 3.3V supply) and SDA0 to 3.3V(from teensy 3.3V supply). Please...
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    Interfacing ADS7828 to Teensy 4.0 via I2C

    Hello, Again thank you very much for your advice and time, I applied your kind suggestions but in vain. Please see code below, Just ask is there any mistake in the code sequence? Again please advice #include <Wire.h> void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin(); } void loop() {...
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    Interfacing ADS7828 to Teensy 4.0 via I2C

    Thank you very much for your suggestion, I changed from decimal to hexadecimal as indicated in the ammended code below, sorry with no avail, do have other suggestion please? #include <Wire.h> void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin(); } void loop() { Wire.beginTransmission(0x48)...
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    Interfacing ADS7828 to Teensy 4.0 via I2C

    Hi, I am trying to interface ADS7828 to the Teensy 4.0 development board via I2C with no success. I read PJRC website article about Wire library which uses teensy to eprom with no avail. In the code below, simply I am trying to read(pot) channel 0 single-ended by first write the address byte...
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    Simple PWM inversion used to drive an H-bridge used for motor inverter

    Thank you for your time Mark and Edward, To confirm if it is synchronous rectification please attached my hardware circuit. Sorry from my late reply because I was at work. I drafted a program to produce 1HZ sinewave with antiphase drive, the gate pulses of PWM0(inverse) and PWM9 as I said...
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    Simple PWM inversion used to drive an H-bridge used for motor inverter

    Many thanks for your reply, To drive the mosfets I am using bipolar topology applied for motor inverter ( My aim is to produce pulses as described in the pdf link to drive the mosfets at 10KHz PWM and the result across the inductor(motor) we...
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    Simple PWM inversion used to drive an H-bridge used for motor inverter

    Hello again, After some found out, I followed the post of another member that was very useful( He uploaded the function void flexPwmInvertPolarity(uint8_t pin, bool inversePolarity) from pwm.c...
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    Simple PWM inversion used to drive an H-bridge used for motor inverter

    Hello, I have just acquired a teensy 4.0 ucontroller board. I am trying to implement the control code of a motor inverter using four n-channel mosfets. I need help how to get an inverted PWM signal to drive the other two mosfets using analogWrite() function using the arduino IDE for Teensy 4.0...