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  1. F

    DiscoJar: Sound-Reactive-Lamp-With-288-RGB-LEDs

    Hi, I just published a Teensy 3.2 / Audio Library / FastLED / ESP8266 project. Its a WiFi controlled, sound reactive LED lamp using 288 APA102 LEDs and the Audio Library for ADC input and FFT: Source code is...
  2. F

    Teensy 3.5 synchronized/latched DAC output?

    Thanks, I only need 22 khz so you are both right, latching is not needed. I was using an external MCP4822 via SPI with the Teensy 3.2 and latching was important there, but SPI was inbetween.
  3. F

    Teensy 3.5 synchronized/latched DAC output?

    Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to write to both DAC outputs synchronized/latched? Otherwise the outputs will be delayed by the time it takes to call the writeAnalogOuput() method, right? I need fully synchronous outputs for x/y laser galvo control. Regards, Florian
  4. F

    AudioInputAnalog: reading from a DAC output

    That's why I upgraded from speakers to real galvos, the slow galvos (like the ones I used) are really cheap compared to what you get.
  5. F

    AudioInputAnalog: reading from a DAC output

    Here's a short video showing the project: (It looks better to the human eye than to the camera)
  6. F

    AudioInputAnalog: reading from a DAC output

    I fixed this for my project by calculating the FFT on demand. See this commit:
  7. F

    AudioInputAnalog: reading from a DAC output

    I tried spreading the FFT code to the 4 time slots instead of doing it in one, but most time (approx. 70 percent) is spent in the FFT arm_cfft_radix4_q15 arm function call (I measured 1.1 ms). I had a look at that function and it can't be easily split into multiple steps. Then I found the...
  8. F

    AudioInputAnalog: reading from a DAC output

    I created a pull request that adds the analogRef to the constructor of AudioAnalogInput:
  9. F

    AudioInputAnalog: reading from a DAC output

    My current code writes to the DAC (for the laser, dual channel for x/y) via SPI and uses delayMicroseconds in the range of 20-40 between positions on a line and 400 microseconds for turning the laser on/off to account for the delay of the DAC and galvos to reach the specified position. So it is...
  10. F

    AudioInputAnalog: reading from a DAC output

    Thanks Paul, but I am a bit afraid of doing a state machine for all my drawing code, which I would need to draw stepwise in the interrupt... One simple thing I noticed is that the FFT is calculated even when the last calculation was not read by the users code. This has the advantage that the...
  11. F

    AudioInputAnalog: reading from a DAC output

    Thanks, the voltage devider works well! Is it better to use the INTERNAL 1.2 voltage reference instead of the DEFAULT 3.3v reference?
  12. F

    AudioInputAnalog: reading from a DAC output

    No, I didn't. But is it fast enough so that I can draw with the laser at the same time and play the mp3? The laser drawing is very time sensitive, like I wrote I can see the audio framework grabbing audio blocks as artifacts in the laser drawings, which is why I stop the interrupts while...
  13. F

    AudioInputAnalog: reading from a DAC output

    First of all, thanks for the great Audio Library and the Teensyduino experience! I upgraded my project from an Arduino Nano in a day... I'm working on a DIY Laser Projector (driving commercial laser galvos from ebay with the Teensy + DAC + some opamps for bipolar ILDA signals). Drawing text and...