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  1. M

    Project Video:"The Groove Modulator" Stomp Box with Teensy, Audio Adaptor and ESP8266

    Project Video:"The Groove Modulator" Stomp Box with Teensy, Audio Adaptor and ESP8266 Hi Teensy community! I'd just like to post a few videos of my latest Teensy audio/ music project. It's a Wifi/ OSC stomp box using the audio library. So far it has two FX, a simple tremolo and a kind of "auto...
  2. M

    Project Video: Wireless Wah-Wah and MIDI shoe

    Hey Teensy Community! I just wanted to post a little video of our Teensy project we did last year. We created a wireless Wah-Wah MIDI-shoe with bluetooth to have some fun with sound fx and percussions. Thanks to Paul for developing Teensy and maintaining this great community! Enjoy the video!
  3. M

    Audio Library DSP object development : Faust / Max/Msp Gen~ / Pure Data libPD / STK

    I am also very interested in that topic! I know a little bit about FAUST. I also tried to implement generated C++ code from the heavy-C compiler into a Teensy audio object ( Unfortunately I wasn't successful converting the int samples arrays, because of my limited c++...
  4. M

    precise sample delay for Karplus-Strong-Algorithm

    Hello again, to firstly understand more about waveguide theory I practiced with Max/Msp and the gen~ patcher and examined the Stanford STK objects. Now I'd like to retry implementing waveguide models on my Teensy. I'am relatively new to C++ and have a really hard time to understand what's going...
  5. M

    precise sample delay for Karplus-Strong-Algorithm

    That reply was fast, thank you! I lowered the block size, it worked out. That's very helpful for quick experiments with very short delay lines (and feedback paths). I have to dig deeper into developing new objects in future anyway.
  6. M

    precise sample delay for Karplus-Strong-Algorithm

    So the 128 sample delay is just on backward connections, how does the library know that it's backward? Is there any chance of modifying the AudioStream class to set this to (almost) zero? My plan is to write very simple new audio objects. But I'd like to use existing objects, e.g. like filters...
  7. M

    precise sample delay for Karplus-Strong-Algorithm

    Thanks for your reply! Just curious, what's the reason for the 128 sample delay on backward connections? Unfortunately I can't live with that delay, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to produce higher pitches than 344Hz with the System-Designer-Karplus-Strong. So the only way would be a full...
  8. M

    precise sample delay for Karplus-Strong-Algorithm

    Hello, this is my first forum post, so first off all I'd like to say "thank you" for your awesome Teensy Products and the great audio library. I've done a lot of sound projects so far and had a lot of fun with it! For my current project I'd like to do some physical modeling with Teensy and the...