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  1. B

    Exploring the Potential of Teensy 4.x's Pixel Processing Pipeline for Neural Network Computations

    I'm interested in something like this as I need some image processing in realtime. I can't help as I'm not good enough a programmer to be creating libraries. But basically I would like something that can do Pixel Cluster identification based on a range of temperatures, Blob detection to group...
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    Teensy 3.5 boot loop, is it my code?

    My mistake in posting code and not analyzing this problem more thoroughly. I left out 3 functions in my posted code thinking they couldn't be a problem because they are called in loop(). The 3 functions are outside the loop and figured they were never called because loop() wasn't executed. Maybe...
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    Teensy 3.5 boot loop, is it my code?

    This does not seem to be hardware related at least to me. After programming the Teensy 3.5 it runs through setup and then reboots never going into the actual loop(). This project incorporates use of Adafruit_MLX90640 library and Adafruit_ILI9341 library. Running an Adafruit_ILI9341 library...
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    Bluetooth audio transmission module needed

    I am looking for suggestions for a Bluetooth module for transmission of line level in audio dual channel. Need something simple that will automatically connect to a car radio like a cell phone does. Something that can be controlled with Arduino code. Any help would be appreciated. There is a lot...
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    What PWM library to use?

    Thanks, did more research on this and found what I needed to do. Thanks..
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    What PWM library to use?

    I am venturing into robotics and want to drive 2 DC motors with this controller. I want to get acquainted with PID loops and want to know if someone has recommendations on how I should implement the PWM for the...
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    Bit banging VGA output with Teensy 4.0

    I still have an Amiga 2000 at home. Haven't turned it on in 30 or so years.
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    Looking for a "GUI" library for ILI9341

    Check out this library called LittleVgl. It's pretty decent.
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    PC Audacity recording of teensy & audio shield as USB audio device not working

    Think maybe I didn't have the sample rate correct in Audacity. Audacity was at 48k and the teensy was 44.1k when I did the recording. I'll have to try it again tonight. I already knew about the playback speed thing but it only is temporary when playing. Just recorded another song and it came...
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    PC Audacity recording of teensy & audio shield as USB audio device not working

    So, I finally got it working, Teensy needs to be selected as the playback device when you click the speaker icon on the taskbar. Setting it in the audio software I think won't work until it is set in the task bar. I think that is what fixed it for me. I thought I had set that in windows audio...
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    PC Audacity recording of teensy & audio shield as USB audio device not working

    Yeah, thought I had it working but turned out I had stereo Mix as input. Duh! Absolutely no audio at all into audacity, adobe Audition, or cakewalk studio. But plays through my laptop's headphones. I noticed also if you have the Teensy monitor your PC's volume in a loop say every second and...
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    PC Audacity recording of teensy & audio shield as USB audio device not working

    Well thought I had it for a second but I had steromix on instead of the teensy. Still doing the same even after setting it up like you have. Going to try my other DAW software and see what happens.
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    PC Audacity recording of teensy & audio shield as USB audio device not working

    This worked kind of, I can hear audio perfectly out of the Laptops headphone output now as the teensy is now sending out USB audio. But, in audacity all I get when trying to record is just random noise spikes when selecting the teensy as input. Recording was at 48khz and I switch to 44.1 khz and...
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    PC Audacity recording of teensy & audio shield as USB audio device not working

    I see others are able to use Audacity on a PC for recording audio from the Teensy/audio shield but it is not working for me. I can see the teensy as a USB audio device and select it for input and output in audacity but when either monitoring it or trying to record there is no audio signal...
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    Audio Shield microphone input simple question

    If I were to use the audio shield's microphone input does it connect to both channels on the audio shield or just one of the two channels?
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    Can not get PropShield to Play MP3's with MP3Player

    OK, it is working now. How the mp3 is encoded (bitrate and sampling) apparently makes a difference. Mono or stereo both work fine. Thanks
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    Can not get PropShield to Play MP3's with MP3Player

    Guess I am having the same problem. I cannot get a Mp3 file to play from serial flash memory using the Propshield. I successfully transferred the mp3 file to serial flash memory using teensytransfer. It shows up listed with the -l command. I tested the DAQ on the teensy 3.2 I'm using with...
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    MIDI Controller I/O Shield

    I use one momentary pushbutton to assign new CC numbers to the encoders. So basically I take 4 encoders and actually create 16 controls just by assigning new CC numbers to them. Each time I press the momentary button my CC numbers increment by 4. I can have as many encoders controls as I want...
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    ADC Questions using Teensy 3.5 for midi potentiometers use.

    I already tried this using the 3.3v coming off the Teensy feeding the pots and used the internal AREF and had good results with not much problems with noise at all. Having a usb powered audio interface (Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 ) I had a lot of problems with ground loop noise being...
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    ADC Questions using Teensy 3.5 for midi potentiometers use.

    I am working on a Midi controller but have some questions about taking the best approach to utilizing potentiometers as input devices. First is if I use the onboard A to D converters on the teensy 3.5 my AREF can only be as high as 3.3 vdc if using an external reference. So this would give me a...