Search results

  1. W

    Black Friday 4.0, shield, and pins... how to stack them together?

    Long headers Something like this will do the job.
  2. W

    Black Friday Sale 2024

    DM’d you
  3. W

    Black Friday Sale 2024

    How many are you thinking? Can never have too many T4.0 in the draw 😝
  4. W

    RGBW and Teensy 4.1

    You may find the info at the link below useful. I have used it as a reference a few times.
  5. W

    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    Not teensy (Teensy would improve it IMHO) but I read this recently. Might be of interest.
  6. W

    Dedicated LED Project Section on Forum

    Wanted to bump this as I was hoping from at least 'some' engagement, even it is "go away new boy - that's a pants idea".
  7. W

    Dedicated LED Project Section on Forum

    Recently joined member of the Teensy Family here (2 years or so) and new to Micro Controllers in general so apologies if this has been covered before. It seems to me that two most common Teensy uses are Audio and WS2812 type LED projects (likely due to Paul's outstanding libraries). Whilst Audio...
  8. W

    Teensy 4.1 + Audio Adapter + FastLED + Custom PCB = Magic

    Interesting projects. Is any of your work or learning Open Source and or available for us mere mortal beginners to try and emulate? Regards - Woody
  9. W

    [posted] Striptease library - Sexy, audio-responsive effects on LED strips

    Nice work! Will be having a more detailed read when I get the time. Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed run down etc. So useful when learning from others work. V grateful. Woody
  10. W

    [queued] TriantaduoWS2811, a 32-channel WS* library for Teensy 4.0 using FlexIO & DMA

    I registered just make this comment. Just to let you know I am very interested! I think you have designed something very interesting. I've recently switched over to Teensy for some LED projects and this forum is absolutely one of the best I've encountered. I'm reading so much and trying to...