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  1. TomChiron

    Theremin, filtering Time of Flight sensor

    Another way would be a simple lowpass: float alpha = 0.2; // choose that you like it // frequency_new = ... map your sensor data frequency = frequency + (alpha * (frequency_new - frequency));
  2. TomChiron

    Low-pass filter problem

    I understood that a gamepad = joystick device to send data to the PC is needed? Not sure how a USB serial device could work here.
  3. TomChiron

    Low-pass filter problem

    I would also ask for the reason why analog signals are used. Connecting the two microcontroller via one serial interface makes it easy to communicate and send data more reliable. If only one direction is needed, only GND and TX to RX would be necessary. Not sure if I understand the application...
  4. TomChiron

    little "click" when re-triggering envelope monophonic synth

    4ms attack and 2ms releaseNoteOn seem quite short and quick. Have you tried longer times, e.g. 20ms or so? Are you planning to make the envelope settings a parameter you can change? You could start to control it via MIDI to play around with it.
  5. TomChiron

    can I combine notefreq with various bandpass filters to detect more notes

    There is a note in the documentation (you can see that in the GUI designer) about an upper limit of 400Hz and besides more information a link to this thread:
  6. TomChiron

    Tons of noise while reading from SD card

    I understood your post and was reading: 1) powering the Teensy from the buck converter -> noise during SD playback 2) powering the Teensy from Laptop-USB -> no problmes with noise during SD playback which brings up the question if the buck converter (or maybe the wiring / grounding with it)...
  7. TomChiron

    Teensy joystick issues.

    Have you compared to a potentiometer, 10k or so (connected to ground and 3.3V, middle pin to analog in), to check if the code is fine? Then you could compare and check if the wiring of the board you are is the way it should be.
  8. TomChiron

    Tons of noise while reading from SD card

    Could the noise come from the buck converter? Have you tried a 5V powerbank for the Teensy just for comparison?
  9. TomChiron

    Teensy 4.0 FFT assistance for non-periodic burst signal

    About instantaneous frequency: I was working with it several years ago and only vaguely remember the details. I think in theory it works only under the assumption that you have one frequency component, i.e. one sine signal to analyse. Not sure what happens with less strictly filtered signals...
  10. TomChiron

    MIDI loosing connection

    Thanks for the useful information. That can be very helpful for others. Glad you could solve it!
  11. TomChiron

    Teensy 4.0 FFT assistance for non-periodic burst signal

    Not sure if this helps or is really applicable here but you could look for other ways than FFT to measure / estimate a frequency, e.g. instantaneous frequency or counting zero crossings. With certain restrains such ways can be much faster (work on short time periods) and more precise. Edit...
  12. TomChiron

    New Reverbs and Delay for the standard AudioLib (int16_t)

    Great, thank you, will definitely try it all!
  13. TomChiron

    Unison in teensy?

    Yes, unison is usually (always?) the addition = mix of the same waveform with a slight detune. In some synthesizers there is also a stereo-spread with a different panorama setting for each oscillator. You can simply mix as much oscillators as you like in mixer objects. Multiply the target...
  14. TomChiron

    MIDI loosing connection

    No clear idea, but I would check: - make 100% sure that the Teensy is still running as intended and this is not a software problem on the Teensy (I read your words that this is an assumption; so add a display or an LED or whatever to the Teensy) - is a Windows restart necessary or is the Teensy...
  15. TomChiron

    audio interface with bluetooth transmitter

    I am not aware of a simple way to build a 4 channel output USB to bluetooth sound interface. I don't see that a Teensy is really making things easier here. As I was trying to say: - You would have to find a solution to make the Teensy a 4 channel USB audio interface - connecting bluetooth...
  16. TomChiron

    audio interface with bluetooth transmitter

    Not sure if I understand your setup. Why exactly is bluetooth needed here? You have your controller in front of your laptop and need one stereo-output as main-output of the the audio software plus a second stereo output to listen over your headphones, right? Is it really necessary to go over...
  17. TomChiron

    Filter acceleration signal

    If you have a code in Python which works for your needs than have a look at that and see what is different there? From where is all that code coming? I would have assumed that the accuracy you get from such a adxl sensor board is not sufficient to get a really precise velocity calculation...
  18. TomChiron

    FastLed crashes on Teensy3.2 and APA102

    There was a thread about some error here:
  19. TomChiron

    Teensy 4.x Unique_ID

    There is this:
  20. TomChiron

    USB extender?

    Have you looked at those active 10m USB cables? Couldn't that be a simple solution? Searching the internet shows people who run USB directly over CAT5 cables without any additional circuits. So it depends how critical our setup is and how easy to change it to give that a try? Would be...
  21. TomChiron

    Need help selecting bins for an FFT

    At what signal are you looking? Compare it to other FFT representations you like. There is always some playing, making it aesthetic, rounding. It is not 100% precise and cannot be with a limited number of output representations which are shown on LEDs or so. It is a decision for what signals...
  22. TomChiron

    Need help selecting bins for an FFT

    What exactly dou you mean by that? For usual signals there is not much energy in the highest frequency bands. Could help to compare with a software device how the used signals look there. Human musical pitch perception works "in octaves" = logarithmic... so you have to combine the linear...
  23. TomChiron

    multi effects pedal / module

    Should be possible, yes. Looks like a good starting point. When you play around with it you can decide later to change the routing, make other combinations, serial effect chains or parts as send effect. It could also be nice to add multiply with dc modules for fading in and out with times of...
  24. TomChiron

    Second USB port as main interface to PC
  25. TomChiron

    Teensy 3.6 + Ethernet + Artnet + OctoWS2811, doesn't read more than 3 universes

    Somehow the data which is send from Madrix and how it is receiced / interpreted in the Teensy does not match. To understand your question: Do you set numStrips to 4? With the 170pixels per strip you get 4 universes. The artnet sender (Madrix) has to be configured to send exactly the desired...
  26. TomChiron

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    ... checked with Teensy 4.1 now: working. Reconnecting or plugging in the dongle later is also no problem. Works also with a hub without additional power. That's good news. I wasn't aware of the fact that there could be relevant differences at the Teensy 3.6 regarding the USB host behaviour...
  27. TomChiron

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    I did some further testing: working: 1. connect the dongle to power from external power supply 2. start Teensy (state of the keyboard does not matter. Switching it on and off keeps it working) Unpowering the Teensy and start it again is working, too. Not working: - Starting Teensy and then...
  28. TomChiron

    Debugging and feasibility for custom Teensy 4.1 schematics and projects

    That looks like a fantastic project! Is there any more information somewhere online? Are the 5 cyan colored traces MCLK, LRCLK, SCLK/BCLK, DOUT and DIN? Where are the traces for SDA and SCL? I am not an PCB expert but I had a board where the layout of the traces led to noise from MCLK to the...
  29. TomChiron

    Trouble getting rotary encoder to work with Teensy 4.0

    Not sure what encoders you are using and if these need something different, but have you tried the encoder library which comes with the teensy? There are also example sketches for it.
  30. TomChiron

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    That helped! Using a powered USB hub makes it work! MouseKeyboardForward working. Keyboard without mouse is also possible. Not sure if it is really the power or something else is going on here? I will check the voltages when I have more time. Would be nice to find a solution without needing...
  31. TomChiron

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    This is all which is coming out from the debug (enabled in USBHost_t36.h, using HIDDeviceInfo): sizeof Device = 36 sizeof Pipe = 96 sizeof Transfer = 64 power up USBHS PHY reset waited 5 USBHS_ASYNCLISTADDR = 0 USBHS_PERIODICLISTBASE = 1FFFA000 periodictable = 1FFFA000 port change: 10001C03...
  32. TomChiron

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    I tried today this nice little keyboard but didn't get it working: (bought in Germany from but you get it with different layouts and other brandings) No luck: Tried different combinations with keyboard and mouse, but it seems that the connection to the dongle is not established...
  33. TomChiron

    Multiple definitions of 'loop'

    Have you tried to compile other sketches from the examples?
  34. TomChiron

    Max signal protection for SGTL5000

    You say there is a buffer? Could you use a voltage divider as shown here? BTW maximum rating is VDDA+0.3, i.e. 3.6 V where a damage can start.
  35. TomChiron

    Recording audio generated by Teensy 4

    If you are recording the digital signal (via USB on your computer or to SD card from the Teensy) the signal is technically the same. In practice it can become tricky about noise depending on the cable connections you have in the setup together with USB. In my experience, playing back wav files...
  36. TomChiron

    WS2812Serial declare numleds in runtime?

    It's about 30µs needed per LED, i.e. ~6ms added update time for 200 pixels, i.e. you are going from ~12ms to ~18ms in total. This limits the update rate of the leds. For LEDs on a MIDI controller 50Hz (20ms) should be more than sufficiently quick in practice. Even half of that would be...
  37. TomChiron

    WS2812Serial declare numleds in runtime?

    Doesn't hurt to always have the maximum number defined. Also in the case when there are not so many leds connected.
  38. TomChiron

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    That sounds like a solvable problem. I am curious now to try some of these small keyboards myself. I have some projects where an affordable and out of the box solution for wireless user control input would come in very handy... For me, even better would be to have some knobs and even more...
  39. TomChiron

    Making a shortcut keyboard

    Do you mean that you would like to start a program in Windows 10 using the Teensy as keyboard device? You need to somehow use shortcuts which you will be sending from the Teensy to Windows. One workaround is to pin the desired apps to your taskbar. Windows-Key + number 1 to 0 gives you 10...
  40. TomChiron

    Options for adding Bluetooth keyboard to Teensy 4?

    Have you looked for keyboards with it's own proprietary USB dongle? Or is that what you mean in your first option? As such a dongle behaves as a usual, class compliant USB keyboard device this should work fine and reliably. There are some small keyboards like this, too, if size is important...
  41. TomChiron

    Battery shutoff strategy for LC

    What about a bistable relais?
  42. TomChiron

    looking for recommendation for selector knob

    Lorlin BCK1001 rotary switch?
  43. TomChiron

    Number of LEDs per OctoWS2811 output

    Yes, 16 pins is far below 42 ... I am running setups with "only" 24 pins. Working great and is a lot of fun!
  44. TomChiron

    Mixed signal project

    It depends on the quality you need or desire. The audio adapter is not a high quality measurement device and mixed signals can cause noise. PCB ground design and separation of power sources is limited when using these existing boards. Not sure what the best solution really is. I would simply...
  45. TomChiron

    Adding encoders to an existing code

    To make the code readable it is helpful to use the code formatting in the forum like // this code is easiet to read void myFunction{ Serial.print("Hello") } What exactly is your goal? Have a Teensy as a Joystick? You turn one encoder by one step and what should be happening then? One button...
  46. TomChiron

    Powering USB hub and Teensy 4.1 from same power supply

    About what and how many USB devices are we talking exactly? Have you measured the current? I was surprised that for many devices it stays way below 500mA both for controllers with some leds or even instruments. I don't know instruments which need more power which are powered over USB. Only...
  47. TomChiron

    Building a 2 channel DJ mixer

    I am not sure if it is possible to change the Biquad filter without getting audible artifacts. You can simply try that out and see if it is working for you. In the documentation there is a note about low corner frequencies which could be also relevant for you. The state variable filter would be...
  48. TomChiron

    Synchronizing teensies (again)

    As MarkT already mentioned, why not use one device for playback and record? If you have a wire connection to the second teensy anyway you could also use a line signal oder the microphone signal. Or what is the reason to have two Teensies?
  49. TomChiron

    Teensy 4.0 Audio Shield - Line In Microphones

    Using external amplifier boards would be the easiest way to connect each microphone to one of line inputs makes sense. I am curious: Have you an idea how to deal with the latency the signal needs from the analog input through AD, processing and the output signal? What exactly is the application...
  50. TomChiron

    Project: MIDI to 9000+ RGB LEDs

    Using MIDI notes from a DAW seems to be a nice and clever idea. As your is constantly running in the main loop and only interrupted every 10ms (for a very short time) I assume you are reading as much MIDI data as possible and there is no way to receive more data. When using...