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  1. D

    T4.1 External USB C Connector

    Yeah, that's true. I haven't had any of the ones I've soldered short, but it's definitely close.
  2. D

    Connecting the Teensy 4.1 USB data lines to a host PCB

    I've added a post on another thread that was relevant before I found this thread. I solved this issue by creating a board that can be soldered on the bottom of the teensy. Not the right solution for every case, but it worked out really well for what we were doing, giving us secure connections...
  3. D

    program teensy 4.1 though pins?

    I know this is a few years later, but just in case it helps anyone who ends up here, I've added a board design that I created to help with this to the link posted by @vjmuzik. Hopefully it helps someone looking for a cleaner solution to this.
  4. D

    T4.1 External USB C Connector

    I know this is a few years old, but in case anyone wants to do something like this going forward, I have something that may help. As I tried to do this while prototyping I ran into a few times where efforts to swap from one prototype board to another, the data line traces were ripped off the...