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  1. E

    Teensy USB Vendor and Product ID

    Thanks so much for the speed answer, Paul! This was super helpful.
  2. E

    Teensy USB Vendor and Product ID

    I'm writing a shell script to setup udev rules so that my Teensy4.1 shows up under `/dev/Teensy_%n` (where %n increments if more than one is connected). I found this link that lists the product and vendor ids we should expect but when I run lsusb on my linux machine or look under the usb tree on...
  3. E

    Native Ethernet Causes Failure on I2C

    I swapped over to QNEthernet and I don't see the failure mode any more! I had made a very soft attempt of moving over to it when digging into this yesterday but after doing a very quick switch to it in my larger application, I found that I wasn't able to send or receive UDP packets. To be fair...
  4. E

    Native Ethernet Causes Failure on I2C

    I ran the test with no cable connected (and a 15 second timeout on `begin`) and then again with the only the Teensy's ethernet cable going to my router. In both cases I still saw the same failure mode. I tried it again with the 15 second delay instead of the `begin` command and it did not fail.
  5. E

    Native Ethernet Causes Failure on I2C

    I was adding some extra logging to get a better understanding of the issue and am happy (and somewhat embarrassed) to find that it is not directly caused by an issue with NativeEthernet and Wire. It was actually caused by the way that I was initializing my timing variables and updating them. I'm...
  6. E

    Native Ethernet Causes Failure on I2C

    This is somewhat of a continuation of this post from 2022 that ended when the issue could not be reproduced and the user ended up finding a fix that isn't applicable to my setup. I'm wondering if my setup is simpler and could be reproduced with an I2C device other than my specific sensor but I...