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    PIP-GRL 31415 (not spam!)

    Hi TheMike, Thank you for your kind words! Don't be discouraged by the simple tasks, you can still learn a lot from them. Have to start somewhere :) Well, because the project is in constant state of change due to my many addons over time I do not have a schematic of the currect configuration...

    PIP-GRL 31415 (not spam!)

    Thanks RandyR, though due to a change in job I haven't had much time the last few weeks to continue working on it. It might be quiet from this end for another month or two, until I am really settled in at work, and can start to focus on other things again ;) Feel free to incorporate anything...

    Sparkfun Pulse Sensor (amplified) on Teensy 3.0

    Due to a job change and some personal issues at home, I haven't gotten the time to upload my libraries to GitHub yet. I haven't forgotten, and will do so as soon as possible. My apologies for the delay...

    2.8" TFT touchscreen + Teensy 3.0

    Again, great to hear it works for you with minimal modifications! Testing the reset connection was still on my to-do list, however my to-do list has become quite large and some things just got postponed indefinately ;) I will be moving the lcd_reset pin to the Teensy reset pin soon, now that I...

    Teensy 3 MicroSD guide

    So far, I haven't experienced any issues with (the latest) SdFat beta, so I would definately advise to give it a go :) I think, but I'm not sure if 'SD USB mode' depends on 'USB host mode' From what I understood from the Kickstarter page: From posts on this forum I understood that Paul has it...

    2.8" TFT touchscreen + Teensy 3.0

    Great to hear that my postings haven't been useless and helped you get the screen to work! (It took me about 3 weeks until I got something displayed on the screen) I have to say that I wouldnt have gotten the screen to work, without assistance from immortalSpirit, CheapB and PaulStoffregen...

    Teensy 3 MicroSD guide

    Thats great to hear, kept it as simple as possible so that even somebody like myself could understand it :p Wasn't sure if I'd blow up either the Teensy pin or the MicroSD if I didnt bridge the 3V pads, and well, had to learn how to solder anyway...

    Sparkfun Pulse Sensor (amplified) on Teensy 3.0

    doublechecked, and it is the right one this time :) In case you want to use the 2 LEDs, you might want to uncomment the line: //int fadePin = 5; // pin to do fancy classy fading blink at each beat as well as function void ledFadeToBeat().

    Sparkfun Pulse Sensor (amplified) on Teensy 3.0

    I feel really silly now... You are completely right, I uploaded the original files from my library folder, instead of the modified files from my sketchbook folder :( For a quick response I will include them in this post, and I will follow up on your advice and create a github account tonight or...

    PIP-GRL 31415 (not spam!)

    offtopic: Hackerspaces are awesome, wish I joined one years ago! Even gave a presentation about my project on the open day titled 'How I learned to stop worrying and love the microcontroller'. Hope everyone liked it, even though I didn't sleep the night before and I was quite nervous (my last...

    Require new registrations to post sensibly before being umoderated?

    It does appear that way. From the FAQ: If I understand this correct, Enterprise customers are people who rent/hire infrastructure as well. The Paid plans would be the 'Personalized' and 'Professional' packages (Prof. coming soon).

    Require new registrations to post sensibly before being umoderated?

    Usually when I wake up and check the forum (around this time) the forum is filled with 10+ spam posts. Today... none! As most others, I wasn't aware of the report button until you mentioned it, I will be using it from now on. Paul, thank you for the added layer, but even more so, Robin, thank...

    SdFat - Concise code to deletye all files from a folder / directory

    Forgot to mention something quite important: That code will remove all contents of the current working directory including subdirectories! The only other code I know of capable of removing files would be sd.remove(), and deleting the files one at a time in a while/foreach loop.

    Very cool E-Ink display shield that could be converted to the Teensy 3

    Thank you, thats good to hear. I do hope this will get picked up rather sooner than later by other manufacturers which hopefully brings the average price down a bit. It sounds awesome, I read about this project in this post (no, I'm not stalking you...). It appears you (and your...

    Very cool E-Ink display shield that could be converted to the Teensy 3

    Thanks for the links (both these, and the other things you've linked like this). I do not always reply because I don't have anything useful to add, but I do wanted to let you know I like reading these posts! All kind of new possibilities jump into mind I otherwise never would have thought of :)...

    Si4703 FM Tuner on Teensy 3.0

    I wish I could tell you, but it's outside my (small) area of experience and understanding. I'm afraid that I do not understand the inner workings (of the Teensy as well as any kind of receiver) well enough, sry.

    SdFat - Concise code to deletye all files from a folder / directory

    I could use that in my signature I'm afraid :( I am in a similar position, finding myself in a subject of astronomical proportions, and each answer comes with another 2 (or more!) new questions... Anyway, this post describes what you want (by the author of the library himself). You might want...

    Si4703 FM Tuner on Teensy 3.0

    Hi DavidColburn, At first I should mention that I am very new to electronics, so whats written below could be very wrong, please doublecheck before believing this to be true! As far as I can see, the RTL-SDR requires a USB connection, which will not work unless the Teensy has USB-HOST...

    PIP-GRL 31415 (not spam!)

    It has been a bit quiet from my end, but that doesn't mean I stopped working on this project. I am in the progress of rewriting my entire code, doing things I should have done right from the beginning... just didn't expect how big it would become... Also, I have signed up with a local...

    Uisng ifdef to differentiate between teensy 2.0, teensy 2.0++, and teensy 3.0

    I don't know about T2 (++), but for my Teensy 3.0 I use: #elif defined(__MK20DX128__)

    Doomsday Atomic "Alpha Clock Five" Project using the Teensy 3

    That is a very nice way to run a project! Did you choose your 'highly skilled task or job' or was it chosen for you ? :p

    Teensyduino 1.13 Released

    Congrats on the new release (including the amazing OctoWS2811 lib) :) The only library I can think of mentioning is the SdFat, of which I can verify it works on a Teensy 3.0 'straight out of the box' up to (and including) the latest beta 'SdFatBeta20130207'. I do not own a T2.0 (++) so I...

    Teensy 3.0 and Arduino precision of double

    Using your example on a Teensy 3.0 with the latest teensyduino (1.12) gives the same results as on beta 8: floating point test 0.0 = 0.00 E-2147483648 10.3456 = 1.0345 E+1 Loop 1 3.141592 E+0 3.141592 E+3 3.141592 E+6 3.141592 E+9 3.141592 E+12 3.141592 E+15 3.141592 E+18 3.141592 E+21...

    Timer Input Capture

    Okay, sorry :)

    Timer Input Capture

    Shorten your link to see all repositories, and select the one you want I think this is the one you want.

    FreeIMU questions

    Excellent :) Thats the impression I got from reading the Sparkfun product pages too...

    Doomsday Atomic "Alpha Clock Five" Project using the Teensy 3

    The words 'Faraday cage' come to mind :)

    Doomsday Atomic "Alpha Clock Five" Project using the Teensy 3

    I am currently (actively) using the Ultimage GPS breakout from Ada, and I can definately recommend it for such uses! I do not have an external antenna connected, and have a connection with at least 7 satelites at any given time within 2 minutes from powerup (indoors!).

    Doomsday Atomic "Alpha Clock Five" Project using the Teensy 3

    I have to compliment you on your thoroughness! You truly have thought of everything ;)

    Doomsday Atomic "Alpha Clock Five" Project using the Teensy 3

    Up until I read your post, I always thought DST was on the same date worldwide... Another 3 weeks to go here in the Netherlands :)

    FreeIMU questions

    That would be awesome, thanks! As far as I know the MPU-6050 doesn't have an internal compass, so I can't test the code for the compass itself. Are you using the calibration code from the website, or its repository? Asking this because of the note on the page:

    interfacing sd card and 2x16 lcd to teensy 2.0

    Adrian :) Better do it right if you mention the man by name :P

    PIP-GRL 31415 (not spam!)

    Great to hear from you again, was hoping I haven't heard the last from you yet :) Also, congratulations on the purchases, I truly hope you'll have as much fun as I had so far! About my TFT I can give you quite a bit of information, but keep in mind that most of it is directly 'linked' with my...

    Teensy 3 MicroSD guide

    If I understand the code below correct, that is correct. // do write test uint32_t n = FILE_SIZE/sizeof(buf); maxLatency = 0; minLatency = 9999999; totalLatency = 0; uint32_t t = millis(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { uint32_t m = micros(); if (file.write(buf...

    Teensy 3 MicroSD guide

    Wow, thats very nice indeed I haven't been able to reach the 2MB yet, 1999.34 KB/sec... just 1 KB/s or 49 KB/s short depending on how you count :x Also, I don't think there is such thing as overkill when it concerns storage space ;) (added the format advise to the firstpost)

    Teensy 3 MicroSD guide

    Wasn't aware that it is possible to read correctly but fail on write, but I'll add the format tip to the first-post in case anyone else experiences the same, thnx! Did you format using SD or SdFat ? (I assume SdFat...) Just one more thing as far as I can see: increase the buffer size Maximum...

    Help with ADC speed

    The term 'dry run' was new to me, but that was exactly what I meant with 'bugs a.k.a. features' :) (sometimes I wish I was a bit more fluent in English)

    FreeIMU questions

    I'm late as usual... I think the dev forum can be found here. I read in your other post (here) that you managed to get the FreeIMU examples working. Is it rude of me to ask if you could share the modified library files? I am using the MPU-6050, and I haven't been able to resolve all compiling...

    looking for ideas on generating RGB colors from accelerometer + gyroscope

    You probably already got it done, but in case you didn't, maybe this can help too: My 2.8" TFT screen contains an arduino code example to draw BMP files from SD to the screen, reading a preset amount of pixels and push them to the screen. The default example can be found here, but I managed to...

    Help with ADC speed

    Hehe, the acronym thing was the only reason I could think of why it might NOT be spam but an honest mistake. Couldn't find anything related, then I noticed the exact same post on other sites too. Since all of them have been posted today, I think there is a new spambot with some bugs a.k.a...

    Help with ADC speed


    Battery guidance

    I had a similar question when I got started, and you were the person who gave me advice on my battery... Unfortunately I have been banned from the forum, and that particular post doesn't exist anymore, so I thought I'd mention it again ;) I am using a MiPow PowerTube 2600mAh battery with both...

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    That is exactly how I understand it myself (with my limited knowledge). I would appreciate it if someone more experienced could confirm/verify, because I simply don't know for sure...

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    Well, they say you're never too old to learn :) Getting back to your follow up question(s). I could be very wrong here, but from what I understand the breakout board will draw at maximum (up to) 200mA from any source. If I read this product description correct: Combining 6x 600mAh makes...

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    Haha, I noticed before how our signatures are quite similar ;) It's a nice example and when I saw it, I immediately it had a 'vision' of how to make such connections. (I don't know the right word, but I mean that I could see it in front of me when I'd close my eyes)

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    Thanks, good to know!

    confused again. Cutting VIN from VUSB - Teensy 3.0

    Well, as always, I am not an expert and I just did what made most sense to me :) I haven't thought this far ahead yet about multiple power supplies, so I'd like to thank you for posting these images/schematics. A nice insight on what I should expect when I eventually make the switch from a...

    Teensy3 and Sparkfun GPS-10920

    Ah my bad... (it's almost midnight here) Anytime, grats on getting it to work! Another tip, in case you run into the same thing I did when I started. My GPS module outputs all data in NMEA format. Since I wanted to be able to use decimal degrees, I had to find a way to convert NMEA to decimal...

    Teensy3 and Sparkfun GPS-10920

    I'd have to be honest and say that I don't really know. I've had very little experience with serial interfaces so far, and the code that I was provided with worked right away. The code that I got to define the serial interface is: Adafruit_GPS GPS(&Serial2); (I only changed it to Serial1, to...

    Teensy3 and Sparkfun GPS-10920

    I don't have the same GPS module, but I know that when I power up mine, it takes (up to) 2 minutes before my GPS gets a fix and starts receiving data... Did you try running the sketch for a few minutes as well? Also, what happens if you use Serial2. instead of gpsSerial. ?