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  1. J

    teensy4.0 teensy4.0_lock GY521 calibrage

    @mjs513 this may be due to the poor quality GY521.
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    teensy4.0 teensy4.0_lock GY521 calibrage

    @kd5rxt-mark yes, this script works for me // I2Cdev and MPU6050 must be installed as libraries //#include "I2Cdev.h" //#include "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps612.h" #include "MPU6050.h" // Arduino Wire library is required if I2Cdev I2CDEV_ARDUINO_WIRE implementation // is used in I2Cdev.h #if...
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    teensy4.0 teensy4.0_lock GY521 calibrage

    @kd5rxt-mark Just to be sure that I'm correctly interpreting what you are saying, your T4.0 LOCK, when running the I2C scanner sketch, does detect the MPU6050 successfully ??=> YES @defragster before doing that try changing the commented out i2c clock speed in the sketch: I don't know if there...
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    teensy4.0 teensy4.0_lock GY521 calibrage

    @marque kd5rxt @mjs513 H Yes, the scanner works well and I have the address displayed in the 0x68 console. No problem on Teensy 4.0 Only on Teensy 4.0 LOCK ( but only the calibration part doesn't work) I get around the problem for the moment by running calibration on the Teensy 4.0 and then...
  5. J

    teensy4.0 teensy4.0_lock GY521 calibrage

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to run the basic GY521 calibration script on the Teensy 4.0 LOCK, but every time I get the error “MPU6050 connection failed”. The sensor works well because when I run my final script, it reacts well even if the zeros are not good. The same calibration program on the...
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    file compilation, download, boot on external flash memory

    @jmarsh thank you for your answer, in this case, I can load a table which contains an image in hex and read it, is that right?
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    file compilation, download, boot on external flash memory

    Hello, can anyone explain it to me simply? tutorials, videos, websites?
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    file compilation, download, boot on external flash memory

    Hello everyone, my research is really struggling to progress due to lack of skills on my part! (I read a lot on this forum and on Google) I still managed to connect a W25Q64JVSSIM flash chip to my Teensy 4.0 board. I will order a W25N01GVSFIG to have more space. But I've been stuck on my...
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    Windows help wanted - trying PJRC's new code signing cert

    Windows10 22h2 build 19045.4291
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    Hello, after updating the Arduino 2.3.2 IDE as well as Tennsyduino 1.59.0, test the MTP_Tennsy library with the Example_1_MTP_Little.ino script, my Tennsy4.0 card is clearly visible and I now see the Progdisk and the sflash ( for mine 8MB). now I have to compile my code (6MB)! I don't really...
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    Good morning, I saw this post talking about it, but it's not very clear for my skill level
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    Hello everyone, after a number of tests, thanks to your help I managed to connect my flash chip. now, could you tell me the methodology of what I can do to load a HEX array into my chip? Tennsy 4.0 flash: W25Q64JVSSIM TR (mouser) thank you all for the time you give me.
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    Tennsy 4.0 and W25Q64

    Good evening Mark J Culross, unfortunately, this does not change my problem, the image is not displayed.
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    Tennsy 4.0 and W25Q64

    Good morning, I thought about my file size problem. If instead of putting a file in hex in PROGMEM, can you put it in Byte? style: const uint16_t image[ ] PROGMEM = { B11111111, B11011000, B11111111, ..........} ; The same file would be much smaller in storage space. But above all how to...
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    Tennsy 4.0 and W25Q64

    Good morning jrraines, in my case, with a Tennsy4.0, for my image which is in PROGEM, is it your opinion to do the same?
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    Tennsy 4.0 and W25Q64

    Good morning, I have made a sketch for you of what I would like to do in order to make myself better understood. Thank you for your help
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    Tennsy 4.0 and W25Q64

    Good morning PaulStoffregen , I am with Tennsy 4.0
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    Tennsy 4.0 and W25Q64

    Hello KurtE , the goal is to simulate a kind of GPS (random animation of movement) so a large image where I just take the part which is in the area of the size of the screen. the image format is obviously not recognized as compliant. (it could be that a parameter is not correct. I tried on an SD...
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    Tennsy 4.0 and W25Q64

    Good morning KurtE, I'm on Tennsy 4.0, I tried on an SD card (on the screen) but the image is too big and the test script doesn't work, the card is recognized but not the photo, the script I use to test it is that of ILI9341_t3 spitftbitmap
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    Tennsy 4.0 and W25Q64

    Hello everyone, I use a Tennsy4.0 card and a 320*480 TFT screen, everything works well thanks to your help. what I would like to know if by adding W25Q64 to my montage I can put a photo of 2000*2000 pixels (the photo is 3MB), the script that I currently made works well with a photo in the...
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    ILI9488_t3 buffering

    Hello, with the ILI9488_t3 library and a 3.5 320X480 pixel screen, is it possible to refresh part of the screen normally and another part with buffering in order to have a faster display Do you also have any commented code examples so I can understand the working principle
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    Tennsy 4.0 and TFT 3.5 INCH

    Thank you for this additional information
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    Tennsy 4.0 and TFT 3.5 INCH

    hello, I don't know why but it works now, I had to plug in several pines but not include them in the script.... I will be able to move forward with my project thank you all I connected RST 9 DC 8 CS10 MOSI 11 MISO 12 SCK 13 and in the test script I have RST 9 DC 8 CS10
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    Tennsy 4.0 and TFT 3.5 INCH

    Bonjour, Mark J Culross KD5RXT , j'ai changé le port série ici : mais toujours pas d'affichage :: début 20000fa4 255 255 255 ILI9488_t3 :: début - Fin Test ILI9488 ! Mode d'alimentation d'affichage : 0x0 Mode MADCTL : 0x0 Format de pixels : 0x0 Format d'image : 0x0 Auto-diagnostic : 0x0 Temps...
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    Tennsy 4.0 and TFT 3.5 INCH

    Tennsy 9 => screen DC/RS Tennsy 10 => screen CS Tennsy 8 => screen RESET
  26. J

    Tennsy 4.0 and TFT 3.5 INCH

    Salut Paul, pour :Dans l'IDE Arduino, cliquez sur Fichier > Exemples > ILI9488_t3 > graphiquestest9488. mais rien n'apparaît à l'écran :: début 20000fa4 255 255 255 ILI9488_t3 :: début - Fin Test ILI9488 ! Mode d'alimentation d'affichage : 0x0 Mode MADCTL : 0x0 Format de pixels : 0x0 Format...
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    Tennsy 4.0 and TFT 3.5 INCH

    bonjour Paul, voici ma configuration de broches //#définir TRY_EXTMEM #ifdef TRY_EXTMEM #si !défini(ARDUINO_TEENSY41) #undef TRY_EXTMEM #si défini(ENABLE_EXT_DMA_UPDATES) #error "Cette version ne fonctionne qu'avec la mémoire externe" #fin si #fin si #fin si #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> //...
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    Tennsy 4.0 and TFT 3.5 INCH

    here is what the serial wrote to me with the library of Kurts_ILI9488_t3n_and_clip_tests: Begin: CS:10, DC:8RST: 9 Size of RAFB: 2 ::begin 2000398c 255 255 255 ILI9488_t3::begin - End Display Power Mode: 0x0 MADCTL Mode: 0x0 Pixel Format: 0x0 Image Format: 0x0 Self Diagnostic: 0x0 Just before...
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    Tennsy 4.0 and TFT 3.5 INCH

    Hello everyone, I have been trying for several days to get this screen to work with the Tennsy 4.0 but nothing works. I probably have to get mixed up in the connections, could you help me?
  30. J

    Millis and Pulsin or IntervalTimer or RXInterrupt.

    I should have looked twice when I was testing it separately and it worked. but I questioned my work first rather than the material. ;) Again thank you to all of you.
  31. J

    Millis and Pulsin or IntervalTimer or RXInterrupt.

    Hello, thank you all for your help, I found why it was working badly, the signal connection was faulty on the breadboard. once connected with a good connection, my problem had disappeared. I've been looking for three days..... Thank you RCARR I preferred to modify my code inspired by your...
  32. J

    Millis and Pulsin or IntervalTimer or RXInterrupt.

    thank you rcarr for your answer, actually I did not think of 3.3V ... I am in 6.4V I tested like this but it stops the console. attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(15), test, CHANGE); } void test(){ if(micros()-presmillis >=intervale){ cont++; presmillis=micros(); } }
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    Millis and Pulsin or IntervalTimer or RXInterrupt.

    hello BriComp, thank you for your answer, I don't know DigReadFast, I'll see if I find examples to see if it can help me find a working solution.
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    Millis and Pulsin or IntervalTimer or RXInterrupt.

    Hello, sorry for my english,:rolleyes: I use a teensy 4.0 the outputs numbered 2 to 10 are used to control leds with a PWM symbol. Each led and controlled by a "state machine" with millis functions (9 millis defined randomly by state machine) triggering conditions such as on off long stop short...
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    play with image rotations in degrees ILI9341_t3n

    Hi sutaburosu, thank you for your help yes indeed, it works better in degrees rather when radian, that's already a good thing:rolleyes: Mais je suis encore loin du resultat rechercher, il y a encore du boulot mais peut de temps de libre en ce moment.
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    play with image rotations in degrees ILI9341_t3n

    Hello, here is my little help function of the web but I have two problems. 1 / I have the impression that it does not turn degree by degree. 2 / how should I proceed to read the image I have in the program? void rotation_image(){ int largeur = 720 / 2; //taille de limage et centre int...
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    play with image rotations in degrees ILI9341_t3n

    Hello MarkT , thank you for this information, I did not know, I will watch it with passion this weekend, moreover, with this method, we must be able to keep a certain fluidity.
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    play with image rotations in degrees ILI9341_t3n

    hello grease_lighting, yes it can do a lot of calculation ... probably for this reason nobody does it but I told myself to see the speed of this library and the asynchronous mode ... why not. Actually I have an image of 720X866 pixels which moves without any problem, see even too fast
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    play with image rotations in degrees ILI9341_t3n

    sorry for english translation online I'm currently having fun playing with ILI9341_t3n on a 240 x 320px screen, I shift an image of width X and height Y from left to right and from top to bottom see diagonally. I would like to make rotations with the axis of rotation positioned on the screen so...
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    Hello and thank you for your answers. Indeed the goal is to protect the code even with a chip desoldering, my products are not revolutionary but I would not like to see myself copied, I am rather in a small product niche. Paul, do you have a link and an availability date for your tennsy4.XXX...
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    Hello everyone, and is it possible to protect a teensy 4.0 in read / write if so how to do it or how do you do it? Merci Jean.:rolleyes:
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    coupling of two cards tennsy 4.0

    Hello, after a lot of testing, I understood the error, the mpu was sending wrong information. So I did a comparison with the accelerometer and delete the values that displayed anything. all are working fine now.:D
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    coupling of two cards tennsy 4.0

    I spent a good part of Saturday figuring out how to put DAM in my code but I didn't get any conclusive results (I'm not at your level). I even watched the entire video post. I wonder if this solution and the best. in addition to my 2 main functions, which processes the data from the GY521...
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    coupling of two cards tennsy 4.0

    Hello Defragster, sorry for the #code .... thanks for the example, i looked, i don't understand how i can do it, i watch this afternoon in more detail. with this way of proceeding, is it possible to refresh just part of the screen?
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    coupling of two cards tennsy 4.0

    what I wanted to say, I do not understand how to integrate the DMA of this library in my code // # include <Adafruit_ILI9341.h> #include <ILI9341_t3n.h> // Adafruit_ILI9341 display = Adafruit_ILI9341 (TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_MOSI, TFT_CLK, TFT_RST, TFT_MISO); ILI9341_t3n display = ILI9341_t3n...
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    coupling of two cards tennsy 4.0

    Good-morning Paul,;) thank you for your answer, I understand the waiting time for SPI communications, I use the following libraries. #include <SPI.h> #include "I2Cdev.h" #include "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h" #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> #include <Adafruit_ILI9341.h> I looked at the ILI9341_t3n...
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    coupling of two cards tennsy 4.0

    Hello,;) I mainly work with teensy 4.0 for creation projects on led screens 2.4inch LCD Module 240*320 pixels ili9341, but for my new project, I do a lot of sine and cosine calculations following an input from a GY521 sensor that I return to a screen but the display is not great and is lagging...