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  1. P

    Auto-Text Entry - skip a line from reading a file?

    I got it, I just dumped out the read char until a 'return' was found then resumed printing to the keayboard.
  2. P

    Auto-Text Entry - skip a line from reading a file?

    I'm using a teensy 2.0 to auto-type some stuff by reading the text from a file. When I get 10-15 characters into a common sentence it completes the typing for me. I am very happy with it but I would like to skip a line in the file on certain occasions. For example my txt file would look like...
  3. P

    NES Four Score to USB

    I see now, thats just what I need. Hopefully I will be able to have an update soon.
  4. P

    NES Four Score to USB

    I appreciate it. I don't have a technical background so please excuse my improper terminology. I've seen those projects and while they look very cool I want to take the stock signal from the NES controller and convert it to USB. It seems those projects replace the internals of the controller...
  5. P

    NES Four Score to USB

    I have a Teensy 2.0 from previous projects that worked perfect. I'm looking for a new project and wanted to convert my NES Four Score to USB. Basically the same thing as this: I've seen a couple projects that retrofit NES/SNES controllers but I...
  6. P

    Running Out of Memory? Switch on String?

    Thanks for the suggestions. I stopped using String and hashed (djb2) the char string for the switch. Seems to be working and made the code a lot smaller. I know there are better ways, but this seems to be working for 60+ words. I look forward to learning this whole programming thing. Thanks...
  7. P

    Running Out of Memory? Switch on String?

    Here is small part of the else if so you get the idea, I call files so I can change the words without messing with uploading another sketch, I can just pop out the SD card and change the words, but the keywords stay the same. This is working if I have less than roughly 40 keywords //monkey...
  8. P

    Running Out of Memory? Switch on String?

    I'm not a programmer but I made a joke keyboard that switches out certain typed words. For example if they type "monkey" it replaces it with "andrew". Right now I am using a string to capture the last 20 characters typed, then I have a big else if to check for certain keywords using...
  9. P

    A little keyboard help?

    I got it, thanks.
  10. P

    A little keyboard help?

    I'm sure this is a very easy question to answer but I have the teensy 2.0 and I'm working with the keyboard and ps2keyboard.h Is there some documentation for the keys? For example PS2_ENTER is enter but I want to know what the function keys (F1, F2, etc they are not PS2_F1). Also can I...