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  1. O

    alternative usb-midi connection

    Hi, On a Teensy 4.0 is there an other way than the (female) micro usb connector on top of the board, to plug an "add on" or mostly an external breakout usb-B connector and still have the usbMidi running ? My interest will be to save room by not having to use a piece of micro usb male connector...
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    mosfet voltage drop

    Hi I choose and receive this one : work perfectly with the T.4 ! THANKS !!!
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    mosfet voltage drop

    Hi AndyA thanks for your reply. The only one Mosfet I could find yet is that one: data sheet : VGS : gate threshold voltage 1.35 (min) / 2.35V RDS(on): 3.2v Where I'm lost is on suppliers list most of the...
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    mosfet voltage drop

    thanks for your reply. 74HCT125 seems to be out of product but texas Instrument have replace it with CD74HCT125. if I well understand: - OE pins / Gnd have to be connected together and join to GND. - VCC is +5v supply - A pins are 3.3v logic input (PWM from teensy) - Y pins are 5v out (to...
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    mosfet voltage drop

    Hi from a long time I am using that schematic : using a RFP50N06 instead of the RFP30N06 (which is mostly obsolete). I made several set-up with Teensy3.2 or LC with that circuit and work as it should for driving DC motors or others DC stuff...
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    multiple SPI & SPI noise on pick-up mic

    Hi all I made an assembly with a teensy LC, Wiz850io and a digital potentiometer MCP42xxx. I am used to using the Wiz850io but the use of the digital potentiometer and SPI code is new to me. The project is to send OSC messages using the UDP protocol, these messages controls the resistors levels...
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    teensy LC + Wiz850IO connection randomly work

    Hi all I'm a bit lost on an Issue where teensy LC + Wiz850Io randomly connect. My setup is a LC board with a Wiz850IO clone, sending on UDP message from Max/msp. --> if I connect the board directly on my computer ethernet slot it work... but if i pass thru an ethernet switch, the 2 leds on...
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    teensy3.1 with wiznet 5500

    hi I work on teensy 3.1 + ethernet module USR-ES1 with wiznet 5500 ( i first try with arduino Uno board and was running well… then moved to teensy, and that was not running… so normally I can used same code ! after some look on internet try this issue : -...