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  1. J

    New I2C library for Teensy3

    endTransmission(sendStop) is existing. But for the next transmission a beginTransmission must be used and this is sending a repeated Start on the bus. And this the chip don't like as it seems. And the repeated START is necessary as the bus is released after the transmission for the case there is...
  2. J

    New I2C library for Teensy3

    I have take a look into the "normal" Wire librray, yes it is using also a buffer. I'm using a Teensy 3.2 not the 4. But now I have verified that I can use a buffer of a few bytes more than 4kB in the i2c_t3 lib. This fits all needs as the biggest packet to send is 4kB. To upload a FW with 500kB...
  3. J

    New I2C library for Teensy3

    nox771, you wrote what I had assumed, it is not possible with the lib to send data longer than the internal buffer without a repeated start. I need to take a look in the source further to decide if I will implement one of your proposed solutions. I do not know if the original lib for I2C does...
  4. J

    New I2C library for Teensy3

    Below is the comlete function as I use it. It is working as written, the short FW package I send has about 900 bytes. I have also increased the buffer of the lib i2c_t3. But when I change the define in my function to I2C_PACKET_LENGTH to 256 then the FW is not booting and I got no errors from...
  5. J

    New I2C library for Teensy3

    It is a FM/DAB receiver chip SI4688 from Silabs. After reset a firmware download must made. I can only perform a complete write to the chip, the complete FW package between START and STOP without repeated START. Smaller writes are failed, the FW is not booting after.
  6. J

    New I2C library for Teensy3

    Hello, first of all: Merry Chrismas to all :) Hope your fine. My problem: I like to use a chip which takes it's firmware via I2C I/F. This firmware is long, longer than the buffer in the lib of i2c_t3. When I increase the buffer of the lib to 1kB and send a FW package which is about 900 bytes...
  7. J

    Teensy 3.1, RTC problems

    Thank you very much for your fast replay and for your hint. Now it is working. :)
  8. J

    Teensy 3.1, RTC problems

    Hello I'm using a Teensy 3.1 with Arduino IDE 1.8.0 and tennsyduino version=1.6.7 I'm running into problems with the RTC. After RTC init (please find the full source in the attachment): setSyncProvider(getTeensy3Time); setTime(11, 44, 00, 13, 5, 2017); I'm reading the time every second...
  9. J

    Question about Teensy3.1 with Makefile (no Arduino IDE)

    Thank you again for the patch and even for the fast response. Today I'm testing the patch in it is working (only compiling). If the SPI I/F ir really working I don't know up to now ;-) That's my next step. Edit: Now the SPI is tested and working :D
  10. J

    Question about Teensy3.1 with Makefile (no Arduino IDE)

    Thank you for the fix. At the moment I'm not at my desktop PC so I can't test it. But why linking is working with option -Os ? This is strange for me. Is the compiler/linker deleting code due the optimization and SPI is not really working? I wrote I don't test SPI up to now.
  11. J

    Question about Teensy3.1 with Makefile (no Arduino IDE)

    Hello from Germany, this is my first post in this forum :-) I'm using a Teensy 3.1 but I don't like the Arduino IDE. I like to use Eclipse with a Makefile or a similar tool. In my case now I'm taking the Makefile which was installed after installing Arduino with Teensyduino in the path...