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  1. F

    triangle & sawtooth oscillators : how to deal with aliasing ?

    If you want, you can try out my generated headers to use with waveform.begin(WAVEFORM_ARBITRARY) You'll also find examples on how to use. :)
  2. F

    List of supported Audio Lib Hardware

    I have used NXP UDA1334A with T3.6 and I'm currently using TI PCM5102 with 4.0 Simply using the AudioOutputI2S object and not connecting the MLCK signal (They generate it internally) :)
  3. F

    Bandlimited waveforms for Teensy Audio library :)

    Hello! I'm working on a python script that generates header files that can be used with the AudioSynthWaveformModulated / AudioSynthWaveform objects in the Teensy audio library. The header files contains a 2-d array to be used with the begin(WAVEFORM_ARBITRARY) to achieve bandlimited...
  4. F

    Isolate USB on Teensy 4.0?

    Thanks for the replies and the testing Nominal Animal! So it seems to "work" running and forcing 12Mbits/s, at least programming and serial com if i just "stick" an ADuM3160/4160 in between? Does it work for you Paul with the 12Mbit model (I can see it uses the ADuM4106)? 12Mbit/s is totally...
  5. F

    Isolate USB on Teensy 4.0?

    Hi. I'm currently designing a board who will have a T4 on it for a synthesizer project. I want to galvanically isolate the USB to get rid of groundloops or/and noise from my audio output. I have been reading some topics on isolation on earlier Teensy versions who use full speed USB (12Mbit/s)...
  6. F

    Teensy 4 with UDA1334A I2S decoder - MCLK not needed?

    From what i can recall, your wiring seems correct. I can't right now check my wiring but can reply latter about that. How long wires to do you have between the UDA1334 and the Teensy? They should be as short as possible!
  7. F

    Teensy 4 with UDA1334A I2S decoder - MCLK not needed?

    I'm running the uda1334 with teensy 3.6 without connecting MCLK and it's running fine. I think it would work out the same with T4.
  8. F

    Teensy 4.0 Release

    I use platformio addon in vscode for t3.6, works perfect! Sometimes a bit outdated libs comes with it, so i have to manually replace for newer ones. Haven't used arduino ide for about 2 years now. Hard to work with arduino ide when your project have about 40 files :)
  9. F

    HOw can I read/write files on Teensy 3.6's SD card from my PC?

    Maybe not best idea, but a another approach would be to write a PC program that can transfer files trough the usb serial interface to your teensy and vice versa. Then you can debug with serial.print, transfer files and upload without using button. Best regards King of bad solutions :)
  10. F

    Freeverb with low input levels ==> noise and wierd oscillating "tone" ?

    Will absolutely share if i find some values that works better. Thanks! Can't wait to get my hands on a T4 :)
  11. F

    Freeverb with low input levels ==> noise and wierd oscillating "tone" ?

    Did you try the example code i did provide? I'm 100% sure it's a software issue, as soon there is no reverb effect i have no such behaviour. Think it shouldn't matter, but are you running teensy 3.6 as well? Same behaviour both on Audioshield and internal Dacs. Earphones with loud volume is...
  12. F

    Freeverb with low input levels ==> noise and wierd oscillating "tone" ?

    Hi! I'm working on an audio project where i have lots of oscillators (20 pcs). To avoid digital clipping i have to reduce the output levels of them alot. I works really nice except with freeverb :/ When the levels into the reverb gets really low some wierd "white noise ish" appear at the end...
  13. F

    PT8211 and teensy 3.6 240 mhz overclock

    Okey, did order some anyway for testing. BTW! Got it working really nice at 240mhz and an UDA1334A board (this board doesnt need the MLCK) . I also needed to change the fractional dividers in output_i2s.cpp to: #elif F_CPU == 240000000 #define MCLK_MULT 2 //4 default in audio lib #define...
  14. F

    PT8211 and teensy 3.6 240 mhz overclock

    Forgot to say. With use with teensy audio library :)
  15. F

    PT8211 and teensy 3.6 240 mhz overclock

    Hi! I'm wondering if PT8211 and teensy 3.6 240 mhz overclock works nicely together? Or is it like the Audio board, where more than 192mhz is trouble?
  16. F

    Wire3 on teensy 3.6?

    Thanks! Now it at least compiles :) Up to test tomorrow. Wonder why it was commented out?
  17. F

    Wire3 on teensy 3.6?

    Hi! Im currently working on a project where it would be very beneficial to use all 4 I2C on the teensy 3.6. However, Wire.begin() //Works fine Wire1.begin() //Works fine Wire2.begin() //Works fine Wire3.begin() //'Wire3 was not declared in this scope Tested on both Platformio and Arduino...
  18. F

    Possible to change duty of an WAVEFORM_ARBITRARY ?

    Yeah, stupid question by me. Im looking for the specific case when the arbritary is a bandlimited squarewave. The goal is to make a bandlimited pulsewave whos duty cycle can be modulated. Is the best way to deal with it is to make 2 bandlimited saws, where one is inverted and out of phase with...
  19. F

    Possible to change duty of an WAVEFORM_ARBITRARY ?

    Did normalize the Array to max amplitude and support for the whole range of midi note frequencies (0-127) :) const int16_t squareTable[43][256] = { {0, 32767, 32599, 32509, 32653, 32556, 32571, 32620, 32551, 32595, 32598, 32560, 32603, 32581, 32571, 32603, 32571, 32584, 32596, 32570, 32592...
  20. F

    Possible to change duty of an WAVEFORM_ARBITRARY ?

    Hi! I have moved from using WAVEFORM_PULSE to using WAVEFORM_ARBITRARY array to avoid problems with overtones exceeding 22 khz, and it works really nice. Now tones are clean and nice. But now i can't change the duty cycle of the sound, which is boring :/ I did look into the synth_waveform.cpp...
  21. F

    Teensy 3.6 256MHz

    But now i did step on another problem, that is totally out of reach with my skills. As i said earlier, audio library did work nice at 256 mhz for me with audioshield, UNTIL i get above about 60% CPU usage by audio library interupts. Then i get total freeze. With 192Mhz it's stable and nice when...
  22. F

    Teensy 3.6 256MHz

    Only tested with my ears :) 180 and 192 mhz high pitch wave sounds good, 216 is horror, 240 got some random cracks and pops, 256 mhz with my settings above works nicely (with my ears) Unfortunatly i only have a scope from 1960s that doesnt work so well. Have only done small testing with my...
  23. F

    Teensy 3.6 256MHz

    Nice work! Just did some testing with Audio library at 256 mhz and the Audio shield. Seems to work nicely! I did need to edit some files for it to compile. For output i2s F_CPU i did use: #elif F_CPU == 256000000 #define MCLK_MULT 9 #define MCLK_DIV 204 #define MCLK_SRC 0 And for other...