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  1. B

    Teensy Crashes on USBHost_t32 MIDI Stop ALL Notes

    I've added this to my production code and the device is now working perfectly with the BCF2000. I cannot thank you all enough for your help with this! :D jmarsh, KurtE, PaulS, Thank you! You are stars!
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    Teensy Crashes on USBHost_t32 MIDI Stop ALL Notes

    It works! That's brilliant. I set a lower priority and now the BCF is receiving 16 channels of ALL SOUNDS OFF and I can even lower the Interval timer to run at 30µs and all is well. The reason I have the MIDI comms inside the Timer is that the main loop does the bulk processing to calculate...
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    Teensy Crashes on USBHost_t32 MIDI Stop ALL Notes

    Am I right, then, in thinking that, to resolve this, the USB HOST IRQ needs a higher priority than the PIT IRQ?
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    Teensy Crashes on USBHost_t32 MIDI Stop ALL Notes

    I just retested the same test program but with a different device (Arturia Beatstep Pro) and using 16 channels. The program works fine and Teensy does not crash From the logs there is a clear difference and I've highlighted the relevant sections here:- BCF2000 (sending 2 channels) MIDI...
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    Teensy Crashes on USBHost_t32 MIDI Stop ALL Notes

    Yes, I should have posted the log files from my test programs. Please see logs attached for the 3 examples: log - Loop example - 16 channels - Working log - Timer example - 2 channels - Working log - Timer example - 3 channels - Crashes On PaulS' suggestion, I added read() logic into my...
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    Teensy Crashes on USBHost_t32 MIDI Stop ALL Notes

    This was a great suggestion and definitely worth trying. However, I could detect no response messages from the BCF when manually sending All Sounds Off via MIDI-OX. I double-checked that all filters were off and that I am receiving CC messages from the BCF. This is consistent with the...
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    Teensy Crashes on USBHost_t32 MIDI Stop ALL Notes

    Thank you for the suggestions, I really appreciate your help. I'll follow this up in the morning and report back.
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    Teensy Crashes on USBHost_t32 MIDI Stop ALL Notes

    Cheers for the response. When I say "crash", I mean my device (teensy) becomes unresponsive. BCF remains responsive, I can still output MIDI data from it using a MIDI Cable as opposed to USB. It doesn't matter if I include read() code or not, no response messages are received from the BCF...
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    Teensy Crashes on USBHost_t32 MIDI Stop ALL Notes

    Hi, I have a highly specific crash case that I'm looking for help to resolve. I have a product that uses a Micromod Teensy 4 and the USBHost_t36 library to communicate with external MIDI devices. I've discovered a crash in my device when connected to a specific MIDI hardware device (Behringer...
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    T4.1 Issue Sending Midi Notes Over USB Host to Device

    MIDIDevice_BigBuffer fixed it for me. Thank you. :)
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    Reading MIDI data sent out on USB Host, from a PC

    That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I've already begun sketching out the test device :)
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    Reading MIDI data sent out on USB Host, from a PC

    Thanks for the response. I'm not looking to connect it as a MIDI device. My thinking is that it's just Com port data, so I wanted only to read the data stream. I wondered if there were any tools/mechanisms available for this. I'll keep digging.
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    Reading MIDI data sent out on USB Host, from a PC

    Hi, I have built a Teensy 4 device that emits MIDI messages via USB, MIDI DIN and USB Host. This allows users to connect multiple devices via different means. E.g. Ableton on USB, a Synth on MIDI DIN OUT, a Keyboard on MIDI DIN IN and a Launchpad on USB Host. All this works lovely. What...
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    Out of date Windows Loader on

    Awesome Job! Confirmed. Thank you.
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    Out of date Windows Loader on

    Thanks for the response. Hopefully, it can be updated soon. When I get chance, I'll test the other platforms to see which versions are available via those links.
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    Out of date Windows Loader on

    Just wondered if the version of Teensy Loader on the website can be updated to the latest windows version? I've provided the following link to users, but the version downloaded for Windows is 1.52 and I don't believe this supports MicroMod Teensy. My...
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    How to determine Teensy 4.0 or MicroMod Teensy in code

    Just to close this off, I don't believe what I want to do is possible... Removing the .elf file does allow a build for a MicroMod to be loaded on a Teensy 4.0, and they function as expected. However, the code to version check (see below) is based on the model it was compiled for. The code...
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    How to determine Teensy 4.0 or MicroMod Teensy in code

    That's awesome, Thanks Paul. I will try it out.
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    How to determine Teensy 4.0 or MicroMod Teensy in code

    When I designed the new PCB, I used the same pin mappings and it also uses a separate EEPROM. Apart from a single necessary tweak, to the LCD init code, the firmware logic is identical. I was just trying to save having to support 2 branches of code but it is not a major headache really. Thank...
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    How to determine Teensy 4.0 or MicroMod Teensy in code

    Thank you @BriComp that worked a treat. However, I didn't consider that the bootloader fails when using the same firmware because: "YourFirmware.ino.hex" is not compatible with this board. Compiled for: "Teensy MicroMod (IMXRT1062)" This board is: "Teensy 4.0 (IMXRT1062)" Maybe there's no...
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    How to determine Teensy 4.0 or MicroMod Teensy in code

    Hi, I have moved an existing product from Teensy 4.0 to Micromod Teensy. The PCB has one other change that requires a small change to the code logic. I'm trying to find a way to determine which microprocessor option is in use, from within the .ino code, so that I don't need to support 2...