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  1. mortonkopf

    Testing T4 and MCP23S17

    Another point regarding your schematic, I believe that the Reset pin should be tied to VDD, and not floating. this is how I run mine. The datasheet has "The on-chip POR circuit holds the device in reset until VDD has reached a high enough voltage to deactivate the POR circuit (i.e., release the...
  2. mortonkopf

    Testing T4 and MCP23S17

    Register settings here:
  3. mortonkopf

    Testing T4 and MCP23S17

    schematic used Schematic used here
  4. mortonkopf

    Testing T4 and MCP23S17

    Not for T4, but T3.5 - for an example of setting the pins on the 23s17 to input or output, here is an example of code using SUMOTOY's library, which is as simple as GPIOset input or output. the project that...
  5. mortonkopf

    Using Teensy for big MIDI control surface

    plus one for the SPI version: MCP23s17. also has two interrupts for each chip (two ports), and like I2C can be chained to eight in length. obviously nowhere near 150 encoders, I am running sixteen rotary encoders in polling mode on a single chain, and no glitches. the interrupt method was...
  6. mortonkopf

    What's the simplest way to make my teensy-synth able to store a few presets?

    i use a rotary with button combination, the rotary dials in the memory slot i want to save in, then one button retrieves what is in the memory and writes to the arrays that hold the values being applied for whatever, and another button writes the current values to the card file slot. This way I...
  7. mortonkopf

    What's the simplest way to make my teensy-synth able to store a few presets?

    for my sequencer project I use the 3.5 sd card. I hold 16 note and other values in an array and write the values of this array to a file on the sd card, and then read the file back when needed. this way I can have as many presets or favourite groups of values stored and recalled, and EEPROM size...
  8. mortonkopf

    MIDI receiving continously in serial monitor - "Message, type=248, data = 0 0"

    You may also find the list of codes at the MIDI site of use, as Teensy coding will be able to leverage all those messages from your controls to do many things to turn a midi controller into whatever controller...
  9. mortonkopf

    LED Matrix missing Code

    no, it should not be anything to do with ws2812serial. its probably just a bit of adjusting how the pixel data is retrieve from the the three colour arrays. for the colours take a look at the "leds.setPixel(ledLocation, Color(ArrayG[ledCount], ArrayB[ledCount], ArrayR[ledCount]));" changes and test
  10. mortonkopf

    LED Matrix missing Code

    confusing, and i am really not sure why this is happening. It certainly looks like for the non test image (bird) the line leds.setPixel(ledLocation, Color(ArrayR[ledCount], ArrayG[ledCount], ArrayB[ledCount])); should have the colour values in a different order. In your image of the leds, red...
  11. mortonkopf

    LED Matrix missing Code

    that is odd. The four colour test BMP file comes out correct, but the next BMP file doesn't. Both files were formatted to the same BMP type, 24bit?
  12. mortonkopf

    LED Matrix missing Code

    hi, so easiest way to get the colours sorts is to load a bmp that has three sections, one each of R,G and B, so that you can focus in on things. The priority would be to set the set the LEDs call "WS2811_whatever" to the description on what you bought, and then set the defines to that order...
  13. mortonkopf

    LED Matrix missing Code

    glad you got the BMP showing with the 'real' code. not sure where your original code came from, but whatever the case, you need to break it down into smaller parts and check the flow, otherwise its just garbage and you wont be able to leverage it to make your own project work how you want it to...
  14. mortonkopf

    LED Matrix missing Code

    your code in post #1 never calls the leds to show their colour status, even if the colour status is updated from the buffer. also, in that code (which isn't mine), there are a bunch of other issues related to image size buffers, have a scan through the code placed on this thread post number 27...
  15. mortonkopf

    LED Matrix missing Code

    Hi, we all have to learn, and hopefully are still doing so. Exactly which test (rainbow / fire / etc) worked with your leds? under the teensyduino file menu > examples (Fastled or octows2811 or other)? from the above, I assume that you are using ws2811 leds. Also, did you get the serial print...
  16. mortonkopf

    LED Matrix missing Code

    Hi, I don't recognise chunks of the code you posted. Do you get the serial monitor print statements from the drawbmp functions. Also, I can't see anywhere where the programme sets the leds, whether its or whatever. Perhaps i missed it. So, SD can be read, so that can be discounted...
  17. mortonkopf

    Teensy 4.1 with WS2812B

    Hi, I think that KurtE was actually saying that the signal and the power need to be of the same (or similar) voltage. Even though you are using 5v separate power supply, the teensy is still only outputting 3.3v data signal. Arduino (depends what you are using) may well be putting out 5v data...
  18. mortonkopf

    what to do with SAMPLE and HOLD

    a classic use of sample and hold in modular synth is to sample a noise signal to obtain a random voltage value and use this to set something like the resonance or cutoff value of a filter. If you set the rate of sampling to 16ths or whatever, you get some nice rhythmic tweaking. sample and hold...
  19. mortonkopf

    Multiple WAV files on SD card not working.

    Glad it's working. Also, just a reminder, that zerois counted as the first file in your loop, so 20 files would count 0 to 19 as your loops are written starting from zero. You can also write code that counts the number of files on the sd card, so in theory, in setup, you could scan the sd card...
  20. mortonkopf

    Multiple WAV files on SD card not working.

    possibly five tracks has been hard coded into the code? you have several places where button count is reset to zero or four if it crosses those thresholds in the incremental loops. I suggest changing the hard code "4" into a variable that you set to agree with the number of files to be played...
  21. mortonkopf

    MIDI control of LED strips

    ah yes, check all if() statements, as = must be == when doing a compare. they are there throughout the control change routine
  22. mortonkopf

    MIDI control of LED strips

    glad you got it working. state machines are building blocks of many projects, so its good to understand them. Had a quick scan and it look good, the difference comes from there being two leds per colour, and my example just dealt with one. it works!!
  23. mortonkopf

    MIDI control of LED strips

    Stick with the state machine approach for now, its worthwhile. below is the kind of thing you need to do, but i am a bit rushed at the moment, so its the concept rather than the specifics below Firstly, you need to add a state variable for each led, this is NOT the same as saying it is off...
  24. mortonkopf

    MIDI control of LED strips

    HI, this "For example if I tweak a CC the LED strip will turn on to that value, regardless of the fact that there has not been a noteOn message." relates to my suggestion in the pseudo code with the line //add lines to go an update all leds that are currently on. So, what you could do is add...
  25. mortonkopf

    MIDI control of LED strips

    This: "This is working OK in the sense that MIDI CC#18 will now effect the brightness level of the LED when it turns on, but once it's lit the brightness level is fixed at that value and CC#18 has no more effect on the LEDs, and as such I can't, for example, fade the light out." is probably...
  26. mortonkopf

    Voice-to-MIDI Converter: Beat boxing! (with BlackAddr TGA)

    slick! where's the up vote button!
  27. mortonkopf

    MIDI sequencer : need directions

    a number of ways, and swing means different things, some are every even beat, and some sequencers might just add to 3rd and 7th note. For an example (just one way of many) see here for swing on every even beat...
  28. mortonkopf

    MIDI sequencer : need directions

    You have stumbled upon the question that invariably comes with Midi sequencer building. See here for examples: and NB...
  29. mortonkopf

    Teensy 2.0 can't get 3 Expression Pedals working

    it does sound like a connection issue. check for solder bridge? You will have done it already, but double / triple check pin locations: and half way down this page: swap pedals out if possible, to eliminate...
  30. mortonkopf

    Teensy 2.0 can't get 3 Expression Pedals working

    @miasei - your diagram has two of the connectors of P3 PIN going to the same row, they should be as you have the first two, going to different connection points. If truely wired this way, you have both going to ground or whatever.
  31. mortonkopf

    MIDI Clock in.

    @Expensive Notes - there's nothing too mysterious in checking for the clocks coming in, as the callbacks rely on ";" which is done in the loop. So, in effect, you are indeed "having the Teensy constantly monitor the incoming Serial". the trick is to manage latency, so have very short...
  32. mortonkopf

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    great stuff. commenting to keep in the loop with updates.
  33. mortonkopf

    MCP23017 with teensy 4.1 at 1MHz?

    I can also highly recommend the SPI version, MCP23s17. especially as the set up of all eight chips on one CS line works very fast on polling loop, so no need to worry about dealing with interrupts and all the potential pitfalls of that approach. over a 100 in out on just one SPI, and dealt with...
  34. mortonkopf

    SPI MCP23S17 and RGB Rotary Encorders

    @RIchard, will get it in the post in the next day or two. Board is populated with everything other than the rotary encoders. feel free to delete you address from above message, I have taken a copy. all the best
  35. mortonkopf

    SPI MCP23S17 and RGB Rotary Encorders

    @RichardFerraro - i stuck with 100nf capacitors. the circuit is fundamentally the same as the PCBoard used here: I have one of those boards remaining, which you may have for free. It has one error on it, a small...
  36. mortonkopf

    Help with List of Teensy Eurorack modules

    very impressive 16n fader controller for cv control of eurrack modules: open source:
  37. mortonkopf

    TEENSY 4.1 where do I connect to use third SPI

    Thanks for that chart KurtE, I keep coming back to it and it keeps ptoviding options.
  38. mortonkopf

    Teensy and Eurorack CVs

    of course, the MAX is only 12bit, so no ES-9 comparison, but will get you up and running. would be good to hear your experiences of cv input
  39. mortonkopf

    Teensy and Eurorack CVs

    Here is an image of the relative sizes of the Teensy 4.1 and the MAX11300 breakout module. there is a very short example of octave pitch and slide voltage here:
  40. mortonkopf

    Teensy and Eurorack CVs

    @JML, I am using the MAX11300 breakout board in my setup for voltage output being controlled ny the Teensy, and precision is fine. I use its to output -5v to +5v, but as you say, it can also be set for 0-10v. I found the library created by Wolfgang Friedrich, 2014, very easy to use. The breakout...
  41. mortonkopf

    Help with List of Teensy Eurorack modules

    Prok drum modules: Bassdrum, Snare, Hi-Hat and Hand Clap.
  42. mortonkopf

    16 rgb rotary SPI port expander panel - testers?

    hi there, I have had some panels fabricated and am looking for a bit of testing. I have two SPI port expander panels for 16 RGB rotary encoders available if there is someone out there who can use one and is willing to add a bit to the library. offered for free as I need them testing. PM me. Read...
  43. mortonkopf

    SPI2 Pins on Teensy 4.1?

    @KurtE, many thanks for the clarification. As suspected, but good to hear / see RE Class. priority is SD, I will run tests to see how SPI or SPI1 handle mixed CS for the different chips on same line. Hopefully the MCP23S17 is tri-stated. thanks again.
  44. mortonkopf

    SPI2 Pins on Teensy 4.1?

    this thread feels like the best place to ask: support for SPI2 on the pin set pin 54 - MISO2 pin 49 - SCK2 pin50 - MOSI2 is this impacted if SDIO (42,43,45) is being used? On KurtE's card these are also labelled MISO2, MOSI2, SCK2.
  45. mortonkopf

    Diy euclidian polyrythmic sequencer

    I am almost complete with my Teensy 3.5 euclidean sequencer for eurorack. Should have the code sorted in a couple of weeks I have some code available on GitHub for the stand alone version which might be of use to you: the main three...
  46. mortonkopf

    MAX11300 ADC DAC and Teensy

    @recursinging - very useful, thanks. I saw some discussion on Muff Wiggler and Axoloti forums mentioning the polyend poly, and I see that there is some hope for a stable voltage output and reasonable tracking. those discussions led me to get hold of the dev board and see how it could work with...
  47. mortonkopf

    MAX11300 ADC DAC and Teensy

    well, probably 30 quid after some postage.... but yes, I take your point, still cheap and very accessible for the DIYer that droop rate was interesting. sample and hold on Mutable Instruments Kinks is less than 1mV/s as comparison. BUT... refresh rate should deal with that.
  48. mortonkopf

    MAX11300 ADC DAC and Teensy

    Hi all, does anyone on the forum have practical experience of using the MAX11300 chip as Control Voltage output? The MAX11300 chip, particularly the MAX11300PMB1 peripheral module seems to have great scope for marrying to the Teensy to provide stable 1v/oct outputs in a large number, with the...
  49. mortonkopf

    Help with List of Teensy Eurorack modules

    Teensy eurorack simple drum module: Here is a short video of the drum module with the step divider