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  1. L

    Small bandwith FFT analysis

    I have a similar problem. I'm trying to detect the note vocalized, but it needs a higher resolution (~5Hz) in a relatively small range of 82Hz to 1318Hz. I'm contemplating trying to lower the sampling rate from 44.1khz to 8kHz or 4kHz. It already works reasonably well with 44,1kHz with the...
  2. L

    PS4 controller / Steering wheel to MIDI messages possible?

    I'm working with my son on seeing if it's possible to get a joystick/controller connected to a teensy4.0 and then see if we can use those values to output MIDI messages. Would also like to use with the teensy audio module. I haven't worked with USBHost before, but I'm thinking that's what would...
  3. L

    Using the BME680 with IAQ with the Teensy 3.1/3.2

    Thanks! Will try and take a look soon.
  4. L

    Can't send from Serial Plotter to Teensy

    I have this exact same issue. I'm waiting on a character reading from Serial to continue. It works in Serial Monitor by sending the relevant char, but it doesn't work in Serial Plotter. Both are set to "Both NL & CR", and I tried various termination settings. I hit 'Send', or if I tap 'Enter' it...
  5. L

    How to wire a 4-wire stepper motor?

    Yep, it works! Glad to not have to worry about the impact on power draw for the ADC inputs.
  6. L

    How to wire a 4-wire stepper motor?

    And this worked with 12V supplied to the VMOT pin, and 3.3V supplied from the teensy for the other power supply. I wasn't sure whether I should take the 5V from the teensy or the 3.3V from the teensy. If I can take the 5V, and still drive the step/dir pins, that would probably be preferred since...
  7. L

    How to wire a 4-wire stepper motor?

    Thanks again. Just thought I'd leave a note on the thread that this worked, in case it helps anyone else.
  8. L

    How to wire a 4-wire stepper motor?

    Is that 150mA a requirement from the 3.3V teensy, or the 12V power supply?
  9. L

    How to wire a 4-wire stepper motor?

    The one with the document I listed is 3809Z-14. The exact model I have has this info on it: 3809Z-45 0.15A 072007 36mm diameter and 12mm height.
  10. L

    How to wire a 4-wire stepper motor?

    I tried turning them but it didn't feel very different, but this stepper motor is connected to an apparatus where it's awkward to turn the motor and feel how much effort it takes. I checked and the green/black is 55 ohms, and so is blue/red, so I think those are the 2 coils and I should be able...
  11. L

    How to wire a 4-wire stepper motor?

    This diagram seems like it might be helpful, although I'm not sure how to match up the stepper motor pins.
  12. L

    How to wire a 4-wire stepper motor?

    I have this stepper motor Lin engineering 3809Z-45, which is rather similar to this one: stepper motor: Red(A+ Phase) Blue (A- Phase) Green (B+ Phase) Black (B- Phase) -- I'm...
  13. L

    Control Surface with Teensy for Beginners

    Wow, you've put a lot of work into this! I'm interested in building a MIDI control surface for ardour. Any suggestions on which method to interface with ardour?
  14. L

    Teesny audio over UDP

    Keeping audio/video/midi streams in sync works really well with JACK which is open source and works in linux/windows/MacOS. This is used to keep multiple software in sync within the same OS, and also over the network. I use this to sync video and audio across different applications. It's...
  15. L

    Using the BME680 with IAQ with the Teensy 3.1/3.2

    nevermind. got it. The adafruit seems to be setup by default with the secondary address: 0x77 So changed it here: iaqSensor.begin(BME680_I2C_ADDR_SECONDARY, Wire); And it works!
  16. L

    Using the BME680 with IAQ with the Teensy 3.1/3.2

    I plugged in the adafruit bme680 board today, and the bsec library sketch is not finding it. FYI, I also had to add in "while (!Serial)": while (!Serial) Serial.begin(115200); The adafruit library did find it and returned values: adafruit bme680 i2cdemo Loop Temp°C Humid% Press hPa Alt m...
  17. L

    Using the BME680 with IAQ with the Teensy 3.1/3.2

    I can confirm this compiles with the changes. Markus_L811's method worked well above: This also worked with the slightly newer library and arduino 1.8.15 with teensyduino. Much...
  18. L

    Adafruit BMP390 over I2C with Wire.h on Teensy 3.6 ok but not for Teensy 4.1

    Just wanted to provide an update. I had a 3.6 beta board, but not a 4.x board to test. So far I've only tried the bmp390 board on a LC, but the boards I ordered work well: I'd probably get the Adafruit...
  19. L

    Adafruit BMP390 over I2C with Wire.h on Teensy 3.6 ok but not for Teensy 4.1

    I ordered some boards of the one I posted earlier. I'll report back if they work on a teensy 4.1.
  20. L

    Adafruit BMP390 over I2C with Wire.h on Teensy 3.6 ok but not for Teensy 4.1

    From your debug, it looks like it's receiving the temperature and pressure calibrations (T1, P1, etc). I've used the BMP280 and BME280 with the teensy, and am about to find a BMP390 to try. I'm wondering if it's the 24-bit sample and possibly being stored in a default # of integer bytes or...
  21. L

    Problem Connecting Teensy to Raspberry Pi with USB

    Ran into similar problem again, and thought I'd leave a reference here in case this is helpful for someone searching about how to capture serial data in linux. This works really well: You can likely install it like this: sudo apt install grabserial Also...
  22. L

    Vader voice changer

    Cool seeing it with the lights on the megaphone, nice touch. When I did the dalek voice coder, I kinda liked the triangle waveform sine1.begin(WAVEFORM_TRIANGLE);
  23. L

    Noise on quiet sounds with Teensy 3.2

    Glad you are making progress. How does the audio sound in audacity? After converted? You can silence or fade the end of the sample in audacity. Pick a zero-crossing to start and end anything you silence/fade. Maybe frequency filters would help. Maybe you could do a mic recording of the audio...
  24. L

    Noise on quiet sounds with Teensy 3.2

    Is it running on battery power only? If not, could help. Could be the microSD card. It's a big power draw and can induce noise in my experience, although I've only worked with writing to microSD card (reading I would expect to be less prone to noise). Maybe running the sdcard off a different...
  25. L

    movie2serial issue ( a library used by this sketch)

    Not sure if it's your problem, but I'm fairly sure it should be "\" in windows and not "/" for path separator. If you do it that way I'm not sure if you have to escape the special character C:\try\help.mp4 or maybe this: C:\\try\\help.mp4 Also good to use File.separator for cross-platform...
  26. L

    [posted] Thermal imaging camera

    That's a great idea!
  27. L

    Teensy LC - MPU6050 I2C. How to pullup +3.3V?

    Ok, just wired up a 2k ohm resistor to 3.3V on SCL and SDA pins. You need a 2k resistor for the SCL pin to 3.3V, and you need another 2k resistor for the SDA pin to 3.3V. Then it came up, and this with a T-LC. I just used the 3.3V pin on T-LC to power the MPU6050 board. No 5V needed. BTW, the...
  28. L

    Teensy LC - MPU6050 I2C. How to pullup +3.3V?

    Well, I must've forgotten how I wired it. It definitely doesn't work as-is. For testing, look under i2c_t3 menu for the "basic_scanner" sketch. It checks all i2c addresses for an acknowledgement. It didn't find anything with the mpu6050 board hooked up. I plugged in another i2c board and it...
  29. L

    Teensy LC - MPU6050 I2C. How to pullup +3.3V?

    Did you setup i2c_t3 with the I2C_PULLUP_EXT in the begin function? I'll try and post a simple sketch later. I might have done more of my testing on 3.2, but I'll try it on LC. I doubt there is anything wrong with the breakout board or the LC. Also, I've bought some cheap breadboards that...
  30. L

    Teensy LC - MPU6050 I2C. How to pullup +3.3V?

    I've likely used that same MPU6050 breakout board. I got 10 of them off of ebay once. I had no problems running it off of 3.3V, although it may have...
  31. L

    [posted] Thermal imaging camera

    That's awesome! Nicely done. That looks really nice from an 8x8 grid. I wonder if there is a clever way to create a heat map of an area by repeatedly panning over a certain area. Basically, use the motion to gather info on the gaps. Also would be kinda cool to do some stitching so you could...
  32. L

    TechShop closed

    I thought some people on here might be interested to know that TechShop closed their doors this last wednesday. Disappointing. :(
  33. L

    combining Teensy Audio and Pedvide's ADC libraries

    I think that basic functionality as described would be very valuable. In the long run, I think it would be worthwhile to have it use the same method as the audio library. Would it make sense to require the audio library, or to separate out a DMA queue library that the audio library and the ADC...
  34. L

    combining Teensy Audio and Pedvide's ADC libraries

    What I'd like to see is extending the Audio Library to fill queues with other ADC pins. This doesn't quite make sense to pass a bunch of pins with a constructor but you get the idea. This would tell ADC to sample from 5 different pins at the <sampleRate>/1000. When those queues fill up they...
  35. L

    Audio Record using AGC Microphone

    In audacity, you have to import as raw audio. You can then export it as wav file. On the post about neutronned's mic, you'll find more code.
  36. L

    FFT analysis of striking a automotive brake pad with a hammer

    Not sure about the bins, but your results might improve if you can standardize the hammer hit with an apparatus. Also something like a boundary microphone might be helpful:
  37. L

    Eclipse Arduino Download Manager for Teensy

    This really seems like it's much easier now. With the new teensyduino, I'll have to give this a go. Especially since I switched to the new version of sublime and it's really sluggish on linux.
  38. L

    Teensy sized lipo battery

    In case it wasn't clear, that last link I gave was to an automatic timer for an electrical outlet. I plug the charger into that and set it to turn off the electrical outlet after 1,2,4,or 8 hours. You can also have it stay on, so you can leave it plugged in as a normal outlet.
  39. L

    BLE suggestions on Custom Teensy Board

    Wow, adafruit has been busy. I see they have mynewtOS on the nrf52 feather. Any experience with that? I think if you could be less than $50 that would be good.
  40. L

    Teensy sized lipo battery

    Same size as AA. BTW, you can use dummy versions (or just add wire in unused AA slots that are wired in series) to use these to replace AA batteries, and get much greater battery life. In other words, You could replace 3 AA batteries with one of these. One other thing, as you know be careful...
  41. L

    BLE suggestions on Custom Teensy Board

    Yeah, I think the pricing is in your favor as this is clearly not a teensy replacement. It's a specialized version. Are you buying the bootloaders from Paul? If you are, likelier to be OK. I also own an nrf52 Developer's Kit. Without one of those, or some intimate knowledge of how to program...
  42. L

    Teensy sized lipo battery

    I use the 14500 batteries. These are 2000mAh: I also have them in 1000mAh, but can't find the link right now.
  43. L

    BLE suggestions on Custom Teensy Board

    Just to be clear, this is essentially a teensy with an ntf52 on board that communicates with the teensy over serial? I'm assuming that's why there's 2 micro-USB connectors (one for teensy portion, one for nrf52) Or is this meant to be connected to a teensy? Either way, I'd be interested in them.
  44. L

    Need help debugging Teensy LC and MPU-9250 (via i2c)

    I think you can power it from the 3.3V pin on the teensy. If that doesn't work, you could use the 5V, but I would wait until someone else chimes in as I'm not positive. Also, I think the "INT" or "ADO" pin (forget which) can be held high or low to change the address. Check the sketch for the...
  45. L

    Teensy USB audio not working

    Ahhh, I was thinking he already had an input, but I guess it was just outputting a sine wave so it wasn't. Thanks.
  46. L

    Teensy USB audio not working

    Yeah, I did, didn't see anything about AudioOutputI2S.
  47. L

    Teensy USB audio not working

    I think he was wondering about why you need to declare this: AudioOutputI2S out1 I've been confused by this as well. I'm not sure he does need that declaration.
  48. L

    BME280 Teensy Library

    Do the sensors stop working completely, or just the humidity sensing? Does temperature and pressure sensing continue to work? Am interested in what you eventually find is the problem. I haven't encountered any problems but I don't run them continuously.
  49. L

    Distort Voice to Something Scary for Halloween?

    I'm using an electret mic, but the gain is fine w/headphones or line out. It was just the output over USB. I'm not sure why cause I had it working in another sketch at nice levels. I'll try and make sure my other sketch is working fine too, but I didn't really need it, was just wanting to do a...
  50. L

    Distort Voice to Something Scary for Halloween?

    I tried recording it to USB but the gain was really low. Not sure why. I mainly came here to say that I found this site: