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  1. U

    Toggle MIDI CC on/off with momentary switch

    hey! You should save a variable, that saves the current status. Very simple example: uint8_t cc90_value = 0; void loop() { button1.update(); if( button1.fallingEdge()) { cc90_value = 127 - cc90_value; MIDI.sendControlChange(90, cc90_value, 1); } } that toggles the value...
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    My wish list for a future teensy - A lipo charger with battery disconnect

    I get that. I would be extremely useful for me (who has not soldered a single Teensy onto something yet because I do the same) to have at least 2 or three octocoplers and multiplexers on the controller because I use them on nearly every project. And it is totally not convenient to add an...
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    My wish list for a future teensy - A lipo charger with battery disconnect

    Hm, I am not sure, if Paul should start adding peripheral features to the Teensy that are completely unrelated to the CPU and its environment. You need a Lipo Charger, another one needs a little piezo speaker, someone wants a step motor driver and the next a little microphone. Why isn't there a...
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    Failure to recognise an empty String within an if/else if statement

    Cannot really see on my phone what string class you use, but stren is for char arrays that build a string. I’m am quite sure there are functions like empty() len() or size() on it.
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    Trying to understand why my code takes up so much RAM1

    Where do you find that that nested Chord struct. maybe I am blind, but I see a struct with a Constructor there, or am I understanding that wrong?
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    Oh, I forgot to add the image:
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    Okay, he we go. The display isn't really made for stuff like my drum and poly Grid. The grid contains out of a few layers. The first is a grey background. The second is per row and represents the area, that is active (somewhere between 16 and 1 grid cells). It is either light or darker color...
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    All my eggs in one basket

    I am currently in the process of planing a PCB where I want to place a MCU without a development board. If you focus on STM chips that are in stock and have stock numbers that are high enough to be still there when I am done, the market is very very small, and not a single one is as powerful as...
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    yeah, I got that with those pictures, but if you look at that image, you see, what I mean with: I have more custom elements: The Piano on the left scrolls dependent of the row you currently have selected. With that changing, the background color of the rows change. The vertical bar is moving...
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    I think I will just try it out. My UI consists of a lot of special graphics. And not many pure Text-Boxes. I will try that out. If not for this project, maybe for another one.
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    Hey! Do you mind sharing some infos? Are you limited to using the elements in their editor? Am I able to build custom elements? What is the restriction on the refresh rate? Thanks!
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    My very first "real" sequencer attempt was based around the Neotrellis grid (was finished just when Hapax was announced). I ended not liking the feel of the neotrellis. The buttons have tons of wobble (because they are quite long) and the travel is so long, that you notice it a lot when...
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    Trying to understand why my code takes up so much RAM1

    I am not 100% sure why it freed up so much RAM, but YAY! teensy_size: Memory Usage on Teensy 4.1: teensy_size: FLASH: code:372928, data:55916, headers:9040 free for files:7688580 teensy_size: RAM1: variables:74208, code:243152, padding:18992 free for local variables:187936...
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    Trying to understand why my code takes up so much RAM1

    I tested it in an empty sketch and it seems, that the libraries take up maybe 30-40k of the 334k memory that is used, so I would be more than fine, if I get my code out there :P
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    Trying to understand why my code takes up so much RAM1

    Hey! Thanks for that detailed response! I already spent some time on the memory-section of the Teensy page, because in the last 25years of earning money with programming, I never needed to care how compilers use memory. Those few projects that were not in languages that did all the memory...
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    Trying to understand why my code takes up so much RAM1

    Hey! Because I am quite near the memory limits (after 2 iterations of trying to get it smaller) I would like to understand what areas of code take up what parts of the memory. I add some example code, maybe that helps me understand all that a little bit better uint32_t global_var = 0; //...
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    I redid the song mode the last days. It was a "simple" pattern chain functionality like on the modern Elektron boxes, now it is more a linear timeline like in a daw. A little bit like it is done in the Machine+. You can place patterns on the timeline, give it a length, make it start on other...
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    WS2812BSerial vs. OctoWS2811 for a small amount of LEDs

    Hey! In an upcoming project, I will need around 20 RGB LEDs. As this project is heavily based on Serial Ports, I don't want to loose one Serial Port for the LEDs and as the OctoWS2811 Library seems to work with any Digital Pin, I thought maybe this is the solution. Is there any downside to...
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    usb MIDI hub with and without computer

    Hey! There is not much to show, Reading and Writing on the 3 Types of MIDI (Usb Device, Serial and Host) is exactly done as in the Examples. How you route it other than: Read and send to all others is totally up to how you need it. The basic MIDI Work is only a few lines of code, thanks to...
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    Added some Live-Performance features like Instant or quantized Mute and Pattern changes. While I tested that I realized, that while it is working somehow, it is not the best solution, if you want stuff to be done fast and maybe do more than just pressing buttons on the sequencer. A long while...
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    Unable to design PCB so I can access SD Card Slot for T4.1 - Solutions?

    Hey! I seem to be not able to place the Teensy in my project, so I am able to access the SD and USB port from outside the case. USB is no problem, I have a USB-B Port that connects to a pin-header on the PCB and a Micro-USB to Pinspocket cable to make it available. Reading the product Page of...
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    Multiplexing rotary encoders or using port expander. What will work with the library?

    Yeah, I did. It is waiting one microsecond per encoder for the adress change to be executed. As there are only 16 possible per device, we are talking 16micros instead of 2.
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    Multiplexing rotary encoders or using port expander. What will work with the library?

    Hey, sorry for digging out that old thread. I am currently working with 19 Encoders on 2 I2C devices and while it is useable, it starts to fail when you turn the Encoders too fast. As I am working on a second version of the PCB currently, I thought about redoing that Encoder thing. First I...
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    OctoWS2811 and Threading

    If "all" you are doing there in a for-loop is iterating through Animation-Frames and the Blocking Part is the loop waiting for the time to perform the next frame, than it should be easily possible to get that non-blocking, by iterating a variable with the frame index and just calling the...
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    OctoWS2811 and Threading

    I don't get, why you would want to use the Thread library at all, as the WS2811 library is using DMA, so the code, that is updating the the LEDs does not have to wait at all, because after you set the data, everything else is done in background. And while we are at that: I have no real clue...
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    No usbMIDI at all.... Teensy 4.1 & AudioShell

    If you would post some code, people might be able to help or at least give a hint. Without, no-one can say if its a code or any other issue.
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    And because it is then tedious to make changes when there are 192 values per bar, you can simplify the curve afterwards while being able to choose how tolerant it is. You can go from checking if the value that is set to that position is the same as if you would interpolate it up to giving it a...
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    Very unhappy with my video attempts, but here are some photos of the UI: Projects have Tempo and Scale information, that is used to stay in scale when randomizing note values and for chord generation. Project also has a global quantization setting that is quest for queuing Pattern changes and...
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    Teensy Loader / PlatformIO Compatibility Issue

    I am totally with you there, and I can remember how awesome it was, to not have to mess around with that AVR stuff, when you didn't need every bit of memory etc. I don't want to rant about the Arduino project, but since the launch of the Arduino project nearly 18 years passed, and while the...
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    Teensy Loader / PlatformIO Compatibility Issue

    No. In my over 30 years of using computers I learned, that if a software needs support during installation, I don’t have the time to use it. We use IDEs to make our life easier. to help us finish our project, to remove friction in what we are doing. I don’t need a piece that is working against...
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    Writing smaller code - Books? Resources?

    Hey! Sorry, I seem to wrote unclear: When I have classes (or methods defined in header files), do I have to add that FLASHMEM to the header-definition, the code, or both? Testing it, header file seems to be enough
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    Writing smaller code - Books? Resources?

    Do I have to add the FLASHMEM into the header or the coder file?
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    Teensy Loader / PlatformIO Compatibility Issue

    Same here, nothing on the Visual Micro page matches with the Visual Studio I am able to download for Mac. I spent way too much time trying to get that running. While I can totally understand, that Paul does not want to support multiple IDEs, I still cannot understand, why he limits himself and...
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    Writing smaller code - Books? Resources?

    Hey! My background is Application- and Webdevelopment, so I tend to be wasteful with memory. With my Sequencer-Project I am hitting the memory limit (during compile time) over and over again, so I would like to make the "code" smaller, as there are still some screens and features left, that I...
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    Can no longer upload to Teensy 4.1 via PlatformIO or Arduino IDE

    I have something similar on a Mac. Luckily it is just freezing the upload and I am able to set it back. What I have to do is to kill the teensy_reboot process (that sometimes is running several processes in parallel). I can reduce the amount of freezes of the uploading by the small teensy...
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    Reading MIDI data from USB Host when plugged in and discarding

    When your teensy crash BEFORE the USB Host library is able to print out debugging messages, there might be a deeper problem than some race-conditions with interrupts. As far as I know, the usb system initializes and prints out data, before it powers up the external device itself. So if you are...
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    Reading MIDI data from USB Host when plugged in and discarding

    Oh, I forgot: If you go the the USBHost_t36.h file and uncomment line 62, you will see a lot of debug messages from the USB Host library. Maybe that might help to locate where it crashes. // Uncomment this line to see lots of debugging info! #define USBHOST_PRINT_DEBUG
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    Reading MIDI data from USB Host when plugged in and discarding

    I just flashed that code onto my sequencer hardware and plugged in and plugged out my Launchpad Pro 20 times in a row, with me waiting, with me not waiting a bit to hopefully see where it crashed, but I had no crash at all. Are you able to use a different USB MIDI device to see if it is related...
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    Reading MIDI data from USB Host when plugged in and discarding

    Oh! Now I see what I missed. I am so sorry! You don't want to ignore ALL messages but just the first few one that the controller send on startup! You are totally right with the assumption, that the buffer is your problem here. during your delay(4000) nothing is executed on the Teensy (of your...
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    Reading MIDI data from USB Host when plugged in and discarding

    I still don't understand what you are doing, and why you are doing it. If I understand you correctly: you don't want incoming CC Message to be handled that are coming from USB Host? Why are you using the ControlChange callback on USBHost, if you don't want them to do anything? The USB Serial...
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    Reading MIDI data from USB Host when plugged in and discarding

    I would like to help, but I don't really understand the problem you have. When you plugin a midi device into your USB Host port, nothing happens with incoming midi as long as your code does not process it. So as long as you don't explicitly read the incoming CC messages and do something with it...
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    Teensy 4.1 USB Host + Roland MC-101 Experiences

    Hey! Now, that my Sequencer-Hardware is more or less finished, and I am quite happy with the state of the firmware, I am thinking about the upcoming outdoor-season. Taking the full case with Elektrons and my Virus with me is a little bit too much. To have Drums and Synths available, the MC101...
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    Best practices for usage of elapsedMicros, elapsedMillis, and ARM_DWT_CYCCNT

    To quote Paul on the Teensy 4.1 product page in the section about elapsedMicros and elapsedMillis: I think that says it all. it’s a class that holds a 32bit integer and a few methods that do simple math on the millis() and micros() calls. As long as you can spare 4 bytes; I would say: use one...
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    Best practices for usage of elapsedMicros, elapsedMillis, and ARM_DWT_CYCCNT

    What are you trying to accomplish by optimizing a few cpu cycles on that feature. those elapsed objects are unsigned long values that do some subtraction with millis() and micros(). If I remember correctly how CPUs work, adding (and substracting) integers as well as comparing them takes up 1 cpu...
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    T4.0 GPIO expanders don't respond without USB Serial

    I interpreted that "It's a big project consisting of a lot of files, but I can start with the stuff below." as that he just threw together what he thought is important but its not really the code he is working with (what makes finding the issue from our perspective quite hard).
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    T4.0 GPIO expanders don't respond without USB Serial

    Hmm, I use two of them in my sequencer, and they work without Serial connection running, and I have have them setup right after I setup the display. As I started working with them, I had a sketch with just the Adafruit_MCP23X17 library and debugging via usbMIDI and I had no issues with startup...
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    In preparation of "someday I will get a Cirklon" I watched everything about Cirklon on YouTube. There is one that explains the AuxRow Concept quite good but I need to dive deeper into it, as soon as I have all my basic features done. The way, how you can add CC, Chords and ChordInversions to a...
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    usbhost midi device enumeration inconsistent

    In the USBHost_t36.h file is a define, that you can uncomment. With that there is tons of debug informations in your serial console. It helped me a lot to understand how all this USB Magic and the. MIDI enumeration works. Maybe you can find in there, what works wrong?
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    Reading buttons with 4067 multiplexer

    Hey! I was in the same situation like you: Mechanical Keys and a LED for every key. How do I talk to them etc? I ended up using WS2812B (that cost around 7€ for 100pc if you order them from china. Did it on eBay. Takes some time to arrive, but never had issues with it). They work great with...
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    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    Yeah, I am on the waiting list for a few years now. I joked around Mid 2020, that it might be more accessible and faster to just build your own sequencer, even if you have now clue about electronics (as I did). Didn't know, that I was not that far off.