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  1. E

    Teensy 4.1 how can you analogWrite() from 0v going up?

    Thank you very much for your help, you wont believe what happened... i was such in a hurry when i connected the pins that i actually used 5v instead of ground and reversed positive with negative so instead of it going from 0v to 3.3v it was going from 4.5v down to 1.18v /facepalm/ Im glad...
  2. E

    Teensy 4.1 how can you analogWrite() from 0v going up?

    Thank you very much for this information, since this new information, i wonder this hypothetical scenario, imagine if my 20dollar multimeter shows lets say a 1.18v on the PWM pin, since it actually goes up to 5v and then down to 0 very fast, would that mean that a PWM could fry the controler...
  3. E

    Teensy 4.1 how can you analogWrite() from 0v going up?

    Greetings, im jus starting to learn how to use this wonderful board, i have found out that i need to output specific voltages through 1 wire, those voltages usually range between 100-500milivolts. Naturaly i assumed that analogWrite() function would get the job done, however it semms that the...
  4. E

    Instead of sending digital data, how to read said data from a fastled 5v wire?

    Thank you for your reply, if ill find it completely necessary, ill take a look at that interface.
  5. E

    Instead of sending digital data, how to read said data from a fastled 5v wire?

    Thank you very much for your wonderful explanation of all the possibilities i currently have to read such data, im really new at Teensy and your post is very enlightening, you have no idea how hard was to find a post as useful as yours! Have a wonderful weekend and once again thank you very much...
  6. E

    Instead of sending digital data, how to read said data from a fastled 5v wire?

    Greetings, ive been trying to get an answear for this question in arduino forums, and the only indication that i could get there was that arduino is too slow for such operations, my needs are pretty simple really, please imagine this scenario. You install fastled library in a teensy board, you...