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  1. Roger Parkinson


    I have a 3.2 you can borrow Chris, I live in Wellsford (north of Auckland). I have a working 3.2 I use on a test bed for a project I've (mostly) finished so I only use it intermittently. Let me know if you still need one and we can figure out how to get it to you. Roger
  2. Roger Parkinson

    [posted] Vortex Manipulator (wrist mounted Teensy 3.2)

    Thanks, Robin. It's great to see it on your blog.
  3. Roger Parkinson

    [posted] Vortex Manipulator (wrist mounted Teensy 3.2)

    Wrist mounted touch screen with Teensy 3.2 and various other things (clock, heart rate monitor, compass, dalek detector...) It was originally inspired by the Vortex Manipulator worn by Captain Jack Harkness on Dr Who, but it sort of drifted away from that because I wanted it to do something...
  4. Roger Parkinson

    Problem installing teensyduino on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

    I restored some backups and went back to 1.8.3 which is working fine. But thanks for the responses, guys.
  5. Roger Parkinson

    Problem installing teensyduino on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

    It was running just fine even after the Linux upgrade but I was messing about with my libraries and screwed up something, thought it best to just install the latest Arduino and latest Teensydunino. Ardunio loaded just fine, so I downloaded the teensy file, unzipped and ran the teensy file that...
  6. Roger Parkinson

    New Arduino Eclipse Plugin V2.2 and Arduino Eclipse IDE

    I see Jante has released a new version (3.0) and it looks better than the previous one, which I gave up on. One thing I cannot figure out is how to tell it about teensy boards. There are two options: 1) give it the URL of a json file that supplies the definitions 2) put something into...
  7. Roger Parkinson

    2.8" TFT touchscreen + Teensy 3.0

    Well, this is awkward. I had a 2.8" ILI9325 screen from Adafruit working on a Teensy 3.0 a couple of years back. I just tried to rebuild the code for that and I seem to have lost some files. Specifically I'm looking for the right Adafruit_TFTLCD library (well, I think that's all I'm looking...
  8. Roger Parkinson

    Low Power "Green" Battery Operation Solutions For The Teensy 3.

    Heh. I need something a bit simpler, but thanks for coming back so fast. :) My particular case only needs one pin for the wakeup, I don't need RTC or Touch or any of the other options. I figured I'd use one of the underneath pads 'cos I have something connected to all the others. However, I...
  9. Roger Parkinson

    Low Power "Green" Battery Operation Solutions For The Teensy 3.

    @froeber Did you verify these? I'm interested in using pin 26 but it isn't working for me. I copied one of duff's deepsleep examples and it uses pin 22 and that works just fine. But shifting it to pin26 (0x1) makes it stop working. And let me add thanks to @duff for the library.
  10. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    I've built this now, and I'm feeling very pleased with myself, even though I screwed up one thing. I've gon into some tedious detail on my blog because this is the first SMD thing I've ever done: I've also put the final Eagle...
  11. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    Hey, good advice, Headroom, thanks. My boards are in progress at OSH Park, so I'll live with the result. But next time around I'll know. I'd rather not mess with Gerber files, or not yet anyway, so the first option sounds best to me. R
  12. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    Hey, good advice, Headroom, thanks. My boards are in progress at OSH Park, so I'll live with the result. But next time around I'll know. I'd rather not mess with Gerber files, or not yet anyway, so the first option sounds best to me. R
  13. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    I'm finding Eagle okay, actually, though I've not tried the others. I figure if other people can make it work I ought to be able to. Also, the alternative suggestions above don't run native under Linux. Some can be run using wine but I would need to be much more disatisfied with Eagle to install...
  14. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    All looks good advice, thanks. I appreciate the help and I feel I am learning heaps.
  15. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    I've updated the design a little, mostly picking some better parts and also adding a voltage divider to feed a voltage into pin 14/A0 of the teensy. The idea there is to give me a way to measure the battery health. The switch (s3) selects between either the USB or the battery for power and the...
  16. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    Thanks, Paul. I will be initerested in seeing that new board, though I don't have an immediate need for Ethernet. And yes I did understand that the design of the old board was for the Teensy 2.0 where it works very well.
  17. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    ...but the Sparkfun button seems to be TACTILE_SWITCH_SMD/TAC_SWITCHSMD, it is the same one as used on the Arduino Pro Mini so I grabbed the Eagle files for that and checked the button. So I'm good. Thanks for the pointer to that, I would not have thought of it otherwise.
  18. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    Not the advice I wanted, but it is the advice I needed. :) Okay, I will get looking at the docs and tutorials. I'm learning a lot anyway. Thanks
  19. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    "buck-boost" ah, wish I had known that term a few days ago. I knew something like this existed, didn't know what to call it and spent hours going down ratholes. I guess I did learn a few things though. Okay, I probably ought to add that to the piggy back but for now I will keep it simple. I'll...
  20. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    If I'm flashing then yes it is connected to the PC and then the power will connect from Vusb to Vin. No problem there. The project will normally be battery powered, but switched off when not in use so I'm hoping that takes care of the 27mA idle. I'll have a try at using the hibernate options of...
  21. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    Thanks for that. Yes, I can see the mistake on pin 14 now. So the SD wiring looks otherwise correct, excellent news. re #2 the second design does use the USB to power the teensy if it is there. It came as a surprise to me that it wouldn't flash when powered from the battery but I get a lot of...
  22. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    I've done some more work on this today. There's nothing like explaining what you're doing to get things moving along, even without any replies yet. This is the new schematic. It has Constantine's Teensy3 layout with most of the pins removed and I removed the diodes and just used the switch...
  23. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy3 piggyback board

    Here's what I would like to build: a piggy back board for the Teensy3 which holds a microSD and a lipo charger circuit that feeds the Teensy3 with enough power (around 3.7-3.9 volts as measured in my prototype). I need something like this for the two projects I have (strictly hobby stuff) and it...
  24. Roger Parkinson

    Virtual functions on Teensy3

    That worked, thanks. I had been staring at the class defs and not looking at the way I was invoking them. I need to re-learn all that pointer stuff in C++. Java has spoiled me.
  25. Roger Parkinson

    Virtual functions on Teensy3

    Has anyone tried overiding inherited virtual functions on the Teensy3? This is my code:class App { public: virtual ~App() {}; virtual void init() { Serial.println("App::init()"); }; App() {}; }; ... class GraphicTest : public App { public: GraphicTest() :App() {}; virtual void init() {...
  26. Roger Parkinson

    Can we run multiple SPI devices on a Teensy++ 2.0?

    They do have two constructors on the SSD1306 library, but the other constructor is for the I2C option. I2C works fine when I solder the jumpers as instructed by their tutorial. The SPI constructor takes all 5 params.
  27. Roger Parkinson

    Can we run multiple SPI devices on a Teensy++ 2.0?

    Thanks, Paul. I found information on the Adafruit forum that confirms your view that is isn't using 'real' SPI at all. So the rule is that when a library takes that approach I need to avoid sharing the real SPI pins with a real SPI library. Okay, I think I understand this now. Thanks again.
  28. Roger Parkinson

    Can we run multiple SPI devices on a Teensy++ 2.0?

    Thanks, DeweyOxberger. You've confirmed that it ought to work and what you say about the highs and lows is convincing. The LCD CS is specified by OLED_CS and passed into the display class atAdafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_MOSI, OLED_CLK, OLED_DC, OLED_RESET, OLED_CS); From there the library code...
  29. Roger Parkinson

    Can we run multiple SPI devices on a Teensy++ 2.0?

    Thanks for the reply. I changed the program around to write to the LCD then init the SD all in setup() Then I added some more code to loop() to make it clearer that it was writing to the LCD. The result was that the initial LCD operation worked, as you would expect, then the SD init waits for a...
  30. Roger Parkinson

    Can we run multiple SPI devices on a Teensy++ 2.0?

    I simplified this down to isolate the problem and I put it back onto the Teensy 2.0 because, after all, that is where I need to end up. So here is the complete sketch from the Arduino IDE (no Eclipse involved, but I much prefer working with Eclipse) #include <Wire.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h>...
  31. Roger Parkinson

    Can we run multiple SPI devices on a Teensy++ 2.0?

    Can we run multiple SPI devices on a Teensy++ 2.0? Here is what I'm doing: 1) an SD card with its CS on pin 20 2) a tiny LCD from Adafruit ( with its CS on pin 7 3) an RTC 4) a pulse detector, which is just a one wire thing on pin 0 (two other pins supply...
  32. Roger Parkinson

    JTag on Teensy

    That link is useful Michael. I'm starting to remember some of this, I used it when I was doing assembly code in the early '80s, similar notation anyway. I found the definition of the nvic_table, that is in a c file I had to copy into the project. It has this near the top: // the funny looking...
  33. Roger Parkinson

    2.8" TFT touchscreen + Teensy 3.0

    Yes, touch was quite simple, I got it working yesterday. I modified the pins a little to consolidate things and leave me some spare analog pins so my pins are on:#define YM 4 // can be a digital pin #define XM A5 // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation! #define YP A9 // must be an analog...
  34. Roger Parkinson

    JTag on Teensy

    Let's see if I can help. I'm still at the 'blindly follow the examples and hope like hell' stage of this, but I took a look at the ld files for teensy3 and for Stellaris. I'm assuming you have the teensy3 one and you've looked at this part of the ld file for it:SECTIONS { .text : { . = 0...
  35. Roger Parkinson

    2.8" TFT touchscreen + Teensy 3.0

    Hey this is excellent! I just got my teensy3 displaying the graphicstest on my LCD. Your description here of how to do it was just fine, though it took me a couple of tries to get the wiring right (my fault, though) I haven't done the touch part yet, that's tomorrow. But you've saved me days (at...
  36. Roger Parkinson

    Teensy 3 MicroSD guide

    This worked just fine for me, so it must be a really good guide :) I did one thing different, I ignored the 3.3v thing and just hooked up the +5V on the MicroSD adapter to the Teensy3 Vin and this was okay. They only reason I did it this way is 'cos I'm lazy.
  37. Roger Parkinson

    JTag on Teensy

    I've been setting up a TI Stellaris boad which has an ARM Cortex-M4 80MHz chip on it rather than the ARM Cortex-M4 40MHz on the Teensy3. It supports JTAG nicely, ie I can drive it from Eclipse, set breakpoints, examine variables etc. It took a bit of setting up but it does work on open source...
  38. Roger Parkinson

    Anyone using Eclipse for development?

    I just worked through Nassa's guide and it works for me. A couple of changes to share though because I'm running on Ubuntu I used ARM Sourcery rather than Yagarto. Also I'm still using Indigo so the terminal didn't install. But that's easily worked around using putty from a term window. (I'll...
  39. Roger Parkinson

    Using Eclipse to upload to a Teensy++2.0?

    I think I have this solved. I stopped using teensy_reboot and changed to the cli so my command is now: ${AVRDUDEPATH}/teensy_loader_cli -mmcu=${AVRTARGETMCU} -v -w ${PWD}/${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.hex which translates out to /home/roger/kits/arduino-1.0/hardware/tools//teensy_loader_cli...
  40. Roger Parkinson

    Using Eclipse to upload to a Teensy++2.0?

    I suspect the kind of Teensy 2 doesn't matter but what I am using today is a teensy++2.0 I have my Eclipse environment all set up to build the hex file (which looks successful) and at the end my make file does this: teensy_reboot -v -v -v -v -pat90usb1286 -chalfkay -P/dev/ttyACM0 -b12000000 -D...