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  1. sbfreddie

    Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #2

    Paul: I am on Monterey, Answer is "B"
  2. sbfreddie

    AD9833 Success With TFT-Touch And T4.1

    Eddie: I am only interested in the AS9833 driver, nothing else. Regards, Ed
  3. sbfreddie

    AD9833 Success With TFT-Touch And T4.1

    Eddie: Any chance you can show your complete project as I have an AD9833 board and was planning on using it for the same type of project? Regards, Ed
  4. sbfreddie

    Teensy 4.1 flashing, very hot and non responsive (cannot be detected by computer)

    Ryan: Most people over the last 50 yrs I have seen use a .1 uF ceramic and something like 5->100uF Electrolytic (Tantalum) right next to every IC on their boards. Now some people only use the .1uF ceramic, which works well for high speed switching parts I personally prefer an Electrolytic as...
  5. sbfreddie

    Teensy 4.1 flashing, very hot and non responsive (cannot be detected by computer)

    General: This circuit was specifically designed to perform 2 functions: Remove any noise from a switching Power supply (DC to DC Converter). Protect from large voltage transients, such as start up problems of DC to DC converters, or high voltage spikes from what ever source. The...
  6. sbfreddie

    Teensy 4.1 flashing, very hot and non responsive (cannot be detected by computer)

    General: Answers to your questions: D1 is a Transzorb and has a voltage rating similar to a Zener diode, except it is super fast, will clamp any over voltage in about 1 nanosecond. L1 is an inductor, which is part of the Pi filter (Or low pass filter) that comprises C1, L1, and C2. It...
  7. sbfreddie

    Teensy 4.1 flashing, very hot and non responsive (cannot be detected by computer)

    General: This circuit will protect your Teensy from just about anything the outside world can throw at it. It was originally designed to protect military circuits from EMP developed from Nuclear weapons. I have been using it on sensitive circuits since 1980, I designed a clock/weather station...
  8. sbfreddie

    Teensy 4.1 Ethernet adapter | Force speed to 10Mbps

    Pfeffer: You are aware I hope that Ethernet wires (cat5 and cat6) are controlled impedance wires (twisted pair). You should not use ordinary wires and connectors for Ethernet cabling. Regards, Ed
  9. sbfreddie

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    Thanks guys! I will get to this when I finish remodeling my bathroom. Ed
  10. sbfreddie

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    Here is the code in setup: /// I'm guessing most copies of this display are using external PWM /// backlight control instead of the internal RA8876 PWM. /// Connect a Teensy pin to pin 14 on the display. /// Can use analogWrite() but I suggest you increase the PWM frequency first so...
  11. sbfreddie

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    I am still having problems centering both horizontally and vertically. What library are you using? Perhaps I am using a very old or out of date library. Regards, Ed
  12. sbfreddie

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    Kurt: Close, but no cigar. This is a button class that creates touch buttons. It should look like this:
  13. sbfreddie

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    Kurt: I am using Arial 16, the rotation is like your picture accept rotated 180 degrees. When the touch screen is touched, it displays a menu with 6 boxes spaced equidistant in two rows (2 rows of 3 rectangles). In each rectangle this is the text: Set Time Preferences in box top left. Set Rain...
  14. sbfreddie

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    Kurt: Yes, I have been watching the discussion going on in that thread, however I have not seen any mention of changes to the old existing code for SPI, this problem is very specific because it only applies to the size of characters using ILI9341 fonts which are proportional. I simply draw a...
  15. sbfreddie

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    Kurt: Sorry for not being more specific. I am using the RA8876 7 inch display using the only library I know of for that part: "name": "Ra8876LiteTeensy", "frameworks": "Arduino", "platforms": "Teensy 3.6 - T4", "keywords": "Ra8876_Lite", "description": "wwatson...
  16. sbfreddie

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    Kurt: I tried using the getTextBounds() sub, but it does not work correctly on the RA8276 7" display. Regards, Ed
  17. sbfreddie

    DMAMEM / RAM2 and detecting first boot after power on alternatively detecting warmboot

    Be aware! The white button on the Teensy is not a restart or reset button, it merely puts the Teensy into program mode. There is no reset button on any Teensy currently shipping. Regards, Ed
  18. sbfreddie

    Using headphone amp with pt8211

    My mistake, I thought he was using the Teensy Audio Adapter.
  19. sbfreddie

    Using headphone amp with pt8211

    Make sure you are using a diff-amp, as the headphone output is not referenced to the Ground pin, but a floating simulated ground.
  20. sbfreddie

    Velocity-sensitive, contactless MIDI keyboard with polyphonic aftertouch for Teensy synth

    Tomas: Here is another test for sensitivity: Setup a large subwoofer speaker, or a large guitar amp speaker, or any amplified music device with large speakers close by with the volume cranked up and playing a serious baseline, and see what you see on the Hall effect sensors, you may be...
  21. sbfreddie

    Velocity-sensitive, contactless MIDI keyboard with polyphonic aftertouch for Teensy synth

    Tomas: Aluminum foil will not shield anything from a magnetic field. What you need for magnetic shielding is mu-metal. It comes as Conetic, and Netic. One shields sensitive circuits, the other shields strong magnetic field emitters. EMF can come from many different sources, and many different...
  22. sbfreddie

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    Thanks KurtE! That will solve my issue with centering a small line of text.
  23. sbfreddie

    Highly optimized ILI9341 (320x240 TFT color display) library

    KurtE, et All: Is there a function call to determine the font size (X,Y) in pixels of the ILI fonts? I am writing a Buttons class and have not been able to determine the actual size in pixels of the font Arial 16. Thanks, Ed
  24. sbfreddie

    Slight tick / pop at the start and end of a sound using a PCM5102a DAC (with workaround)

    Did you configure the hardware jumpers on your board? Attached is a reference for doing that. On the front of the board just below the letters SCK there are two rectangular solder points, when soldered together that will short the SCK to ground which is needed if you are not sending SCK to this...
  25. sbfreddie

    Audio board use for magnetometer

    Tom: I apologize for the appearance of being nit-picky. I come from an Aerospace background were our measuring circuitry had to be at least 1000 times better (in every way) than that which we were measuring. My best friend and mentor Paul designed the electronics package on the Voyagers which...
  26. sbfreddie

    Audio board use for magnetometer

    Tom: Keep in mind that the A/D's used in all audio devices are not suitable for generalized digitization of data for measuring anything. You should be using Successive Approximation A/D's for all your instrumentation work. I am sure Mark T. will chime in with more details anytime soon. Regards, Ed
  27. sbfreddie

    Pulse counter using Teensy 4.0

    You could also add another op-amp stage with the gain to raise the output to 3V, or put a comparator in instead of an op-amp. The A/D converter on the 4.x is very fast, and the Teensy 4.x has a 600MHz clock so would not have any problem keeping up with a 100Hz input signal. It just depends on...
  28. sbfreddie

    Pulse counter using Teensy 4.0

    If you boost the gain on your Trans Impedance Amplifier (TIA) to output 0 -> 3.3Volts you could send it directly into the Teensy 4.x and count pulses with no problem, otherwise you could send it into the A/D and then do anything you want with the results of the digitized analog signal. Regards, Ed
  29. sbfreddie

    is TeensyTransfer built for Apple Silicon?

    mykle: MTP is not supported by the MacOS. If you want to use MTP you have to get an .app that will do this for you. Try Macdroid, MTP Mac, or Android file transfer. I have used all three in the past and they do work, although some are clunkier than others. Regards, Ed
  30. sbfreddie

    System works when powered by USB, but behaves weirdly on switching power supplies

    I would also check for continuity between the power supply safety grounds and the V- supply pins of the Power Supplies to make sure you are not creating a ground loop between the safety ground and the Ground pins of the Teensy and Motor Driver. Bad grounding has been a thorn in my side for over...
  31. sbfreddie

    Basic Troubleshooting Help - Teensy 4.1 + Audio Shield + Adafruit MAX 98306

    I would probably use the Teensy's 5V output (at the Vin pin) instead of the 3.3Volt output (4 ohm speakers could be a lot of power at 3.3V). Did you set the jumpers for gain correctly? Here is what the information page says: Five pin-selectable gains: 6dB, 9dB, 12dB, 15dB and 18dB. Select...
  32. sbfreddie

    RA8876LiteTeensy For Teensy T36 and T40

    Thanks Kurt Ed
  33. sbfreddie

    RA8876LiteTeensy For Teensy T36 and T40

    Kurt & Mike: I am sorry to bring this old forum thread back to life, but I have been having difficulties with text sizes ever since I started using the RA8876 instead of the RA8875. Here is the dilemma, in order to determine where to place text on the screen properly (and erase it...
  34. sbfreddie

    Yet Another File Player (and recorder)

    I have made changes to the copy files from SD to Flash code to close any open files for all the error return points as you have suggested, (I think this could have been written a little more elegantly as you so apply have described it), however making these changes nothing. It still thinks it...
  35. sbfreddie

    Yet Another File Player (and recorder)

    I'll have to check that out! Thanks, Ed
  36. sbfreddie

    Yet Another File Player (and recorder)

    H4yn: I have attached to this post similar code that uses FrankB's Wave Player code which is kind-of old but it does work just fine using QSPI_Flash. If you have a moment check it out, as it is not very complicated. Regards, Ed
  37. sbfreddie

    Yet Another File Player (and recorder)

    I am using the Teensy4.1. The version of Teensyduino that is currently be used by PlatformIO is 1.59. Here are the two files Tick and Tock
  38. sbfreddie

    Yet Another File Player (and recorder)

    h4yn0nnym0u5e: Actually this is remarkably similar to mine in the way it works, first initialize the SD card, then initialize the LittleFS Ram (in my case LittleFSFlash), then copy the file from the SD to the LittleFS file. In my case there are 8 files that make up clock sounds, (Tick, Tock...
  39. sbfreddie

    Yet Another File Player (and recorder)

    Just for example on my Mac: uses: 23.41GB Wireshark uses: 232.1 MB WhatsApp uses: 328 MB VMware Fusion uses: 1.26GB Visual Studio uses: 567.5MB Visual uses: 1.63GB No Platform IO is not very big compared to a few other apps I have installed on my Mac (276)...
  40. sbfreddie

    Yet Another File Player (and recorder)

    How about this compressed file of just the Main.cpp, I am sure you can figure out the rest. About the IDE, I also have used many different IDE systems over the past 5 decades, and you are correct many of them had steep learning curves. I have been retired now for more than 10 years and cannot...
  41. sbfreddie

    Yet Another File Player (and recorder)

    @h4yn0nnym0u5e: I created a bare bones project to try using your Audio system to play from QSPI Flash Memory using LittleFS, and it does not work. My code tells me that it is playing, but nothing is coming out of the audio system which is comprised of a PCM5102 with a 10w stereo amp. This...
  42. sbfreddie

    S11639-01 SPI Board and Teensy 4 controller

    DrM: Aaaw the good old days at Hughes Santa Barbara Research Center. This design brings me back to the great times that I had designing and working with CCD arrays (IR) forty years ago. Keep up the good work! Regards, Ed
  43. sbfreddie

    Call to arms | Teensy + SDRAM = true

    Kurt et All: The resistor combination you are seeing on that pin is what we in the hardware world call a "digital active termination". Why Sparkfun has done this is anybody's guess. As you have already surmised that pin will only be usable with digital circuits. There are almost no digital...
  44. sbfreddie

    Yet Another File Player (and recorder)

    h4yn0nnym0u5e: I have read this entire thread and have not found a solution for playing directly from the LittleFS file system. I also looked in your examples and did not find any examples of using the LittleFS instead of a SD card. Could you point me in the direction of an example for using...
  45. sbfreddie

    Has a Teensy 4 ever been space qualified or used in a space craft?

    Sammy: I think you may mean you are looking for Mil Spec 883 level B, which is the chip spec. common requested for all Military type activities. After over 30 years in the Aerospace World I found that most Aerospace companies used 883 Level B Chips and then did their own testing on those...
  46. sbfreddie

    Adding MTP to a Teensy 4.1 project (and 3.2) that is already SERIAL + MIDI

    David: You cannot use MTP with the Mac Finder as this is a MicroSoft protocol that has not been implemented on the Mac. However there are several apps you can download that will read this protocol, google is your friend. Regards, Ed
  47. sbfreddie

    Suggestion to get maximum accuracy when reading frequency of external crystal

    VictorFS: I am often amused by people who see everything as a software solution. (I you only have a hammer everything is a nail) This type of solution in my option would best be to use a combination of hardware and software such as using a highly accurate oscillator attached to a clocked...
  48. sbfreddie

    Teensy 4.1 Digital Input Tolerance

    I agree with most of this wholeheartedly, the only acception being since at least 1980 the DOD and other US government agencies requires very strong ESD immunity for just about everything you as a contractor creates for the agency. But most of these specs are classified, and you will only get...