Search results

  1. M

    Spare Teensy LC's

    I'm shipping out the last of mine today, sorry.
  2. M

    Spare Teensy LC's

    The LC boards have all been spoken for. I still have 6 pcs of Teensy 3.6s left if anybody is looking for those.
  3. M

    Spare Teensy LC's

    We just happened to find 24 pcs of the Teensy LCs during the recent inventory. Located in Southern California, PM me for additional information.
  4. M

    Humidity issues

    Thank you Angelo, I'll do a bit of reading this morning on that.
  5. M

    Humidity issues

    All our PCBs over the last 40 years have been treated with a MIL-V-173 conformal coating varnish that holds up for years. Just completing a new design that uses the Teensy 4.1 instead of a simple uC and realized that the mother board it piggybacks onto will be treated in the same manner, but...
  6. M

    What applications truly need both Teensy 3.5 / 3.6 built in DACs?

    A vote for a minimum of two. We use the two as supplied in the 3.6 and a few PWM channels for the lower bandwidth needs. Similar uses as Wibbing's above I'm guessing.
  7. M

    Phase locked oscillator

    The first suggestion (the added "sinewave ()" ) performed better than our workaround did. Thanks again! Best regards.
  8. M

    Phase locked oscillator

    Thank you MLU, We stumbled upon the second problem on Saturday morning, and will implement the first suggestion this morning. Thank you again for helping us out! Best regards.