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  1. X

    PJRC/Teensy web pages suggestions/errors/etc

    I remember we had a thread for reporting errors/missing infos/etc. about web pages, but I can't find it anymore. So I'm creating a new one, hoping it may help Paul updating the web site. What I've found, in no particular order: Only...
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    MIDI USB Host: looking for clarification on "Interface_16x16" example

    Thank you Paul. I was suspecting something like that. Maybe the USB device descriptor/capabilities/infos etc. could give some hint too, I'll look into that.
  3. X

    MIDI USB Host: looking for clarification on "Interface_16x16" example

    Hello, I have already built a few MIDI devices based upon the Teensy 3.6, thanks to its USB host port. Usually I connect a (single) MIDI controller to the host port and then process the MIDI messages it sends. Now I would like to build a device where one can plug more MIDI USB devices to the...
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    Teensy 3.6: MIDI and usbMIDI have different calls for a specific function

    Don't want to further messing up my message, anyway I think I found a way. When I stumble upon a usbMIDI send function which also needs "type" along with "value", I just define a proper const inside the handler, like: void timeCodeQuarterFrameHandler(const uint8_t data) { const byte type =...
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    Teensy 3.6: MIDI and usbMIDI have different calls for a specific function

    Thanks for the explanation Paul, it makes sense of course. Now: do you have a suggestion to handle my case? Could I simply write the affected handlers as 2-args functions and be done? Like, for example void timeCodeQuarterFrameHandler(byte type, byte value) {...
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    Teensy 3.6: MIDI and usbMIDI have different calls for a specific function

    Hello, I'm implementing a test MIDI device with T3.6. At the moment it just forwards incoming MIDI messages to both a serial MIDI output (DIN) and usb-MIDI. So, I wrote my handlers for various type of incoming MIDI messages. For example: void timeCodeQuarterFrameHandler(const byte data) {...
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    Teensy 3.2 End Of Life

    So sorry to see T3.2 go, it has been, and still is, great. But i fully understand it has to go.
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    MIDI device emulation

    Possibly you would need to edit usb_desc.h too (there are various sections). It is where VID and PID are defined. Its location depends on the Teensy and OS you are using; for Teensy 3.x under Windows, it's <Arduino_folder>\hardware\teensy\avr\cores\teensy3\usb_desc.h
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    Making your own PCBS. The best way

    I use PCBWay too. Quite satisfied.
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    marlin on teensy4.1 w/o a carrier(?) board

    Hi and welcome. Well, spaghetti jumpers directly connected to the Teensy board? Sounds a bit extreme. I would suggest using at least a protoboard, so you can test everything with a breadboard and then replicate 1:1 in a more robust/reliable way, with mounting holes as well...
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    ILI9341 Touchscreen doesn't work with Teensy 4.0

    Thank you very much Vindar!
  12. X

    OLED, TFT, or what? Looking for suggestions on display...

    OLEDs wear out, quite fast if you keep them at high intensity and with semi-fixed content.
  13. X

    ILI9341 Touchscreen doesn't work with Teensy 4.0

    Hello Vindar, I'm using your nice ILI9341_T4 library on T4.1 with a 2.8" ILI9341 + XPT2046 touch. I'm now looking for a simple 2D canvas lib (I need a few buttons and a couple of textboxes for my simple GUI) and have found your TGX library. Unfortunately, I did not find any example which...
  14. X

    multiple teensy on one board

    No issue, provided the two "3.3v" levels are within Teensy tolerance (i.e.: A=3.2V and B=3.4V are OK). The (digital) GNDs have to be common.
  15. X

    LittleVGL on Teensy

    @vindar: I cannot thank you enough!! Following your instructions, I managed to have the "lvgl_music_demo" up&running on my T4.1. :D I got 145fps at about 84% CPU load with refresh=5 and SPI at 80 MHz. And CPU clock speed was only 528 MHz. Now, I am trying to figure how to start a new project...
  16. X

    OS Planning for Teensy 4.1 - Just a Discussion

    A few OSes have already been ported to the Teensy 4.1. They are realtime OSes, not your typical shell-based or window-based OS, but still. Just to name a few (please note I *did not* try any of them): Zephyr FreeRTOS...
  17. X

    ILI9341 Touchscreen stuck on 0,0.

    Update: I purchased a new 2.8" display (the non-working one was 2.4") and this one works perfectly, touch included. So I have a faulty 2.4" display, or maybe one that, despite being advertised as having a XPT_2046 touch driver, is equipped with a different chip instead (can't read the writings).
  18. X

    dev/Serial0/Serial1 error on Teensy 4.1

    All my RPIs (from 0 to 4B) work without issues at 115200 via UART (pins 8 and 10 + GND). So I would say it's not strictly a RPI_UART-related problem.
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    ILI9341 Touchscreen stuck on 0,0.

    I may have a faulty touchscreen then. :(
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    ILI9341 Touchscreen stuck on 0,0.

    I moved the touch_cs pin to 5 and changed the code, as per your suggestion, to: #include <ILI9341_t3.h> #include <font_Arial.h> // from ILI9341_t3 #include <XPT2046_Touchscreen.h> #include <SPI.h> #define CS_PIN 5 #define TFT_DC 9 #define TFT_CS 10 #define TIRQ_PIN 2 // MOSI=11, MISO=12...
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    ILI9341 Touchscreen stuck on 0,0.

    I am not using the Audio Board. Just Teensy 4.1 + display.
  22. X

    ILI9341 Touchscreen stuck on 0,0.

    I have the same issue. My setup is described here , it's the same as in PJRC page: I am testing with Teensy 4.1 (Arduino IDE 1.8.19 + TD 1.57) using...
  23. X

    T4.1 + ILI9431_t3 (2.4" display): inverted colors

    SOLVED: Had to add tft.invertDisplay(false); which is so very strange! I mean: if I do not add the instruction at all, I get inverted colors. If I add the instruction with "true" as argument, I get inverted colors. If I add the instruction with "false" as argument, which to me it would mean...
  24. X

    LittleVGL on Teensy

    I feel your pain! Used LVGL for a RaspberryPi project, with framebuffer touchscreen (no X)... even just have everything properly configured has been a pain. Then there's the question of the continuous updating without backwards compatibility: I started on 5.x and painfully worked my way up to...
  25. X

    3.x Availability vs. 4.x and Power Consumption

    Anyway, clock speed does not tell the whole story: 4.x are faster than 3.x even at the same clock speed (arch improvements). So you may actually "downclock 4x more" and get the same speed when running real world code, vs. 3.x.
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    3.x Availability vs. 4.x and Power Consumption

    Something like this maybe?
  27. X

    USBHost_t36 USB Mass Storage Driver Experiments

    By the way: does it work with Teensy 4.1 as well? Maybe a silly question, but... just to be sure. :)
  28. X

    USBHost_t36 USB Mass Storage Driver Experiments

    Thank you, that's great!
  29. X

    USBHost_t36 USB Mass Storage Driver Experiments

    Hello, was wondering, what is the current status of USBHost_t36 vs. reading mass storage devices? In particular, I would like to read a "raw" SD card inserted into a USB card reader (which I would connect to the USB Host port of the T3.6). "Raw" as in "no filesystem": would read it the raw...
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    Happy Birthday Paul Stoffregen!

    Happy birthday Paul!!
  31. X

    New Teensy 4.1 DIY Synthesizer

    Impressive work, Rolf!!
  32. X

    Easy-to-use (well supported) large display?

    Lots of nice suggestions, thank you!
  33. X

    Encoder Library debounced

    Sorry, I was not clear. I was not searching another algorithm to read encoders, I've tried them all. I was looking for hint to port Luni's library specifically, from Teensy-only to other boards.
  34. X

    Function to Check if USB is Plugged In in Code

    Yes, it's for the (only) USB Host port of the Teensy 3.6. Sure, it's the standard USB Host T3.6 library which comes with Teensyduino:
  35. X

    Encoder Library debounced

    By the way. I'm using the great EncoderTool library by luni: It's absolutely, by far, the best I've ever tried. Much better than Paul's library, which is something. Problem is, it only works on Teensies. They are great, but I would love to use it with...
  36. X

    24 channels of DAC out ... possible?

    It depends on what you're driving. For CEM 3394, for example, you just need 100nF caps.
  37. X

    Teensy Loader slow to start up

    GTK2 dev package is still available on Ubuntu 20 (libgtk2.0-dev). Not sure if it helps.
  38. X

    Easy-to-use (well supported) large display?

    Interesting library, thanks!
  39. X

    Function to Check if USB is Plugged In in Code

    If you declare a global variable like USBHost gUSBHostPort; // g prefix for "global" USBHub gUSBHostHub(gUSBHostPort); MIDIDevice gInputMIDIUSBDevice(gUSBHostPort); then in main loop you can simply do gUSBHostPort.Task(); if (gInputMIDIUSBDevice) // Input device could have been...
  40. X

    Is it possible to make a 90s-style ROMpler with Teensy?

    Large soundfonts/samples are not exactly easy to manage with a microcontroller, even as powerful as the Teensy. The 4.1 has a very fast integrate microSD slot and quite some RAM for buffering; moreover, it can mount additional memory by soldering small chips (flash and/or PSRAM). And it's very...
  41. X

    Easy-to-use (well supported) large display?

    Thank you Michael! A bit expensive in EU (Eur 85 + shipping), will ask about overseas shipping (worried about shipping time and customs).
  42. X

    24 channels of DAC out ... possible?

    Yes, sorry, I have the bad habit of using the term in a generic way, for both multiplexing and demultiplexing. If you demultiplex each DAC to say 16 channels (example: CD74HC4067, quite cheap), with a single T3.5/3.6 you could have 32 x 12-bit output analog signals. If your goal is controlling...
  43. X

    24 channels of DAC out ... possible?

    Depending on the needed accuracy and speed... what about T3.5/3.6 integrated DACs? T3.5s and 3.6s have two onboard 12-bit, independent DACs (pins A21 and A22). You could multiplex them (cheap analog multiplexer) and add appropriate hold capacitors.
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    Easy-to-use (well supported) large display?

    Hi, until now, I used the well known small OLED and TFT displays, up to 2.8", without issues. Now I need something much larger: say 4.3" as very minimum, 7" if possible. Resolution is not critical; 320x240 or 480xsomething would suffice. Touchscreen (capacitive) would be great, but not a deal...
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    Raspberry Pi Pico

    I use VisualStudio 2017 + VisualMicro for most of my work (minus TI and Microchip stuff). I like it a lot! I fire up the Arduino IDE only for very simple stuff and trying example sketches on the fly.
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    Raspberry Pi Pico

    I've read those data and they are not really telling much, apart from the very high sleep power consumption (1400 uA @ 5V). Well I guess someone will post real world figures in a few weeks.
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    Raspberry Pi Pico

    Does anybody has clear figures of actual power consumption, for the Pico? I know, I seem to be the only one around here who cares a lot about power consumption ;) , but for me that's very important indeed. For my little battery powered devices, more often than not an M0 "running" at 1 MHz is...
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    LED light on pin 13

    Pin number 13 is already "tied" to the onboard LED of Teensy 3.2. So it will always engage the onboard LED. That said, you can still add another (external) LED to pin 13. LEDs need series resistors to limit the current flowing through them. The value of the required R depends on the LED...
  49. X

    T4.0 debouncing interrupts?

    Sure! Read here: let us know if you need more support.
  50. X

    HC05 bluetooth pairing questions

    Just a quick note: your "delay(3)" works for 115200 data speed; but it's not going to work for different speeds. With my HC-05 (v2 and I only use it as slave, so cannot help with INQ) I have to use 3ms for 115200, 2ms for 230400, 1ms for 460800 and no delay for 921600 (won't work at all at...