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    Theremin, filtering Time of Flight sensor

    I do something similar using the peak object with isAvailable() method.
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    Theremin, filtering Time of Flight sensor

    I tried the low pass filter. It works pretty well. I do the filtering and the frequency oscillator updating every millisecond. I think I should do it only when the audio objects are updated. Is there a way to know when audio update occurs ? #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h>...
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    Theremin, filtering Time of Flight sensor

    Thank you for the ideas. I will try them and report.
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    Theremin, filtering Time of Flight sensor

    Hello, I would like to build a simple theremin using time of flight sensor. I simply measure the distance between my hand and the sensor and map the result to an oscillator frequency. But the update rate of the sensor is slow (20hz), and you can hear the steps. I need to interpolate the...
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    little "click" when re-triggering envelope monophonic synth

    Thanks for your answer. I have tried 20ms releaseNoteOn and it is indeed better. But I noticed that high releaseNoteOn setting causes stuck notes when playing very fast. I guess I have to find a compromis.
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    little "click" when re-triggering envelope monophonic synth

    Hello, I want to make a mono synth with one oscillator and one envelope. I experience little "clicks" when the envelope is re-triggered, even using te releaseNoteOn parameter. Any workaround ? Emmanuel #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include...
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    midi stuck notes when playing fast. Envelope release issue ?

    I finally point the problem. When you re-trigger same envelope very fast, you have to set releaseNoteOn(milliseconds) to 0, otherwise it adds delays and events can be lost.
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    Are TM1637 displays librairies blocking ?

    THanks Kurt, I makes sens. I have problems for instance when making MIDI controllers. When playing fast plenty of notes at the same time, it happens that some notes "stuck". And it works well when the library is not loaded. I 'll try to find another library. Emmanuel
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    Are TM1637 displays librairies blocking ?

    Thank you for ansering I use this library TM1637TinyDisplay Emmanuel
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    Are TM1637 displays librairies blocking ?

    Hello, I use 4-digits 7-segments TM1637 displays in various projects, like MIDI controller (T4.0) I have encounter very often lags and delays when using these displays. Before preparing a test code, I wanted to know if you have same problems ? I suspect the librairies used to drive TM1637...
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    freeverbs noisy 'tails' on Teensy 4.1 with TEENSY4_AUDIO board electronics

    Hello, Forget about freeverb. For a while now I use this : It is just another world !!! Have fun, Emmanuel
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    midi stuck notes when playing fast. Envelope release issue ?

    Hi Pete, I did a 2nd try with your idea and it works. I add a "while" condition to make sure oldest voice is closed before retrigering. It seems to do the job. Meanwhile, it is still mysterious for me... Emmanuel #include <Audio.h> // GUItool: begin automatically generated code...
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    midi stuck notes when playing fast. Envelope release issue ?

    Thank you Pete. Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the problem. I think the problem is due to some kind of MIDI data bottleneck... Emmanuel
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    midi stuck notes when playing fast. Envelope release issue ?

    Hi, I would like know if someone can reproduce my problem. I have a simple 8 voices poly synth, running on a T4.0. I try to make the smallest code I could to help debugging. When attached to a midi keyboard (real one or from laptop), I get stuck notes when playing lots of notes very fast (I...
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    USB shield to ground ?

    Hello, What are the best practice with USB sockets ? Do I have to tie the shield to ground ? I am using T4.0 with USB host socket. Emmanuel
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    T4.0 + audio shield revD headphone distortion ?

    Hello, I notice some pretty bad distortion from audio shield headphone output, when setting the volume at low level. Please compare this to sketches and tell me if you notice the difference. sketch 1 => distortion #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include...
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    MIDI library, define alternate TX RX pins ?

    Thanks Paul. This is just amazing ! Mark, your solution is great but unfortunately I need pin 0 and 1. Emmanuel
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    MIDI library, define alternate TX RX pins ?

    Sorry, I forgot to mention. I am using T4.0
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    MIDI library, define alternate TX RX pins ?

    Hello, I am using "old fashioned" MIDI in/out DIN-5 port : But I have made a mistake when ordering my PCB : midi IN is connected to pin 30 (instead of 0) midi OUT is connected to pin 32 (instead of 1) Is it possible to change RX / TX pin default...
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    Help with resources for synthesizer project

    Hello, You really should start by the tutorial by Notes and Bolts. Another very good ressource : There are plenty of examples using teensy and audio design tool. Please, take time to do these tutorials, there are just great. Then come back to me if you...
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    Help with resources for synthesizer project

    Hi, - LFO Use one oscillator at low frequency (0 to 30 hz for example). Then use its output to modulate notes frequency, amplitude, filter frequency, PWM... - notes The trick is to use an array that stores all the frequencies of the 127 midi notes. Here is the idea : 1 - say key #60 is...
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    Help with resources for synthesizer project

    Hello, I have built many synths for kids workshops. Teensy can do a lot ! Here are some links : Minitouch 1 Minitouch 2 hang I have also built "vintage like" synths with big knobs, with educational approach. I attach a example of a control panel design at the end (in French !) If you think I...
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    access USB D+ D- on Teensy 4.0

    Hello, I am building a little synth for children. It happened sometimes that children break the small builtin micro USB on the Teensy. I would like to add another USB port, using a strong and "children proof" USB B socket. I must to find a way to get the D+ and D- data signal from a Teensy 4.0...
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    manu usb ports ?

    Hello, I have build a working synth with Teensy 4.1. Is it possible to add 3 USB MIDI ports (or more) ? I need 1 port for a piano keyboard, and the others for various midi controllers. I have already used usb host and it was working fine, but I only get 1 USB port. How can I add more USB ports...
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    Issue changing to band limited waveforms

    Hello, Band limited waveforms requires more CPU. I don't know about memory. But for sure you must try larger buffer as Rolfdegen suggests. I am pretty sure it is going to make it. You should also use pointers to a manipulate voices, so easier !! Here is an example. Say you have 8 oscillators ...
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    oscillator with frequency + phase modulation

    Hello, I have already posted threads about it, but wasn't able to find a working solution. I would like to use at the same time the frequency modulation and phase modulation with the audioSynthWaveformModulated object. I would like to use frequency modulation with an LFO for vibratos and...
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    [queued] MiniTouch 2nd edition, T4.0 compact synth

    I have just released a web based app to control and program the synth. It is based on the web MIDI api. Chrome, Edge, Opera and Firefox support web Midi. Here is the link : minitouch prog interface Emmanuel
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    [queued] MiniTouch 2nd edition, T4.0 compact synth

    Hi Paul, Actually the T4.0 version has a lot of improvements, even if it looks pretty similar. Here are the main ones : - 2 oscillators (vs 1) - 8 voices polyphony (vs 4) - FM modulation, AM "ring" modulation (new) - noise generator with ladder filter (new) - LP, HP, BP filters (vs LP only) - 1...
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    Display options with minimal switching noise ?

    Thanks for the comment. I think I am going to do it the old fashioned way : two 7-Segments leds.
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    Display options with minimal switching noise ?

    Hello, I have made a bunch of synths, and I always had to struggle when using small displays, like small OLED display (128 x 64 I2C) or TM1637 7-segments displays. These displays use charge pumps and induce a lot of switching noise. I manage to get rid off the major part of this noise with...
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    how to access a specific data byte on SD card ?

    Thank you so much Paul, this is exactly the information I was looking for. I take the occasion of this thread to to say how much I appreciate Teensy chips and the community. Amazing work, amazing people ! Emmanuel
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    how to access a specific data byte on SD card ?

    Hello, I have made a MIDI controller and want to save some presets on SD card. I used to do this with EEPROM. But I have too much data so I want to store data on SD card. I use a T3.6. I can write and read my data on SD card but I can't figure out a way to retrieve data at a specific address...
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    adding velocity to synth but keep envelope release

    Hello, I have made quite a few synths with velocity. First, I do my own FSRs using velostat. It is very cheap, and much more sensitive. Here is my overall process. Use envelopes, don't use amplitude. Trigering notes : if FSR output > threshold + debounce -> envelope.noteOn() if FSR output <...
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    Monophonic Guitar Synthesizer with subtractive synthesis

    Hello, My name is Emmanuel. I made a few years a go this little box, using the AudioAnalyzeNoteFrequency object from the audio library : I had good results, but I need to get lower latency. In a post, Wolke mentioned : "colin...
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    ideas for pressure sensitive sensors ?

    Thank you for the explanation. It gives me ideas : - note "touch" detection with capacitive key (a metallic washer) - pressure detection with cheap velostat under every washer I made a quick test : it works well. Velocity response is far from linear. I must make an array to match readings with...
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    ideas for pressure sensitive sensors ?

    Thanks for the suggestion. I have tested piezo sensors. Unfortunately, it doesn't work very well. They do a good job to detect a "hit". But it is tricky to detect e "release". They also fail to measure velocity with enough accuracy. It's OK for impacts (like drum sensors), but it doesn't work...
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    ideas for pressure sensitive sensors ?

    Hello, I am looking for fresh ideas to make a keyboard with pressure sensitive sensors. Here are what I would like to get : -> high sensitivity. A very light finger touch must trigger a note. -> fast response (low rise time) -> simple mechanism I have tried different things so far : ->...
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    phase modulation + vibrato

    Hello, I have asked this question before, but I am still stuck wit this problem. I would like to use phase modulation and frequency modulation at the same time. I want to use phase modulation to create complex waveforms, and frequency modulation for vibrato effect. But the...
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    which display for audio projects ? Oled, TM1637, LCD...

    Hello, I have made a few Teensy synthesisers. Almost every time, I had a hard time isolating digital noise from audio signal. I try to follow basic rules about decoupling and PCB design. But I am not an expert and this is a difficult art... I have noticed that displays induce a lot of noise. I...
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    [posted] MiniTouch : low cost T3.2 synth for children workshops

    Hi, Here is the new MonoiTouch 2nd edition ! Emmanuel
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    [queued] MiniTouch 2nd edition, T4.0 compact synth

    Hello, Here is the 2nd edition of the MiniTouch, a compact and affordable stand alone synthesiser. I focused on musicality, portability, and fun. Here are the main features : - capacitive 18 notes builtin keyboard - builtin small speaker, battery - line + headphones output - 16 pots (32...
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    Mixer with more than 4 channels

    You are wright, it would help. I know there is this incredible tools, but I have never succeed making it work for me : There is an "ultimate mixer". Don't know more about it... Emmanuel
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    Buying Simple Teensy-based Synthesizer

    Hello, I do simple to complex teensy based synths. Have a cool there : and there : If you can me more precise of the kind of tool you would like ti build, I am pretty sure a lot of people could help you...
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    filter cut off frequency and keyboard tracking

    Bonjour et merci ! this formula new_FC = note_freq * track where : track = n unfortunately doesn't work. It cut low pitch notes too much : with track = 4 for C = 162 Hz -> new_FC = 648 a lot of harmonics are cut. Sound is rather dull. for A = 880 Hz -> new_FC = 3520 not...
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    filter cut off frequency and keyboard tracking

    Good morning ! (from France !) Well the code is very long, because of the polyphony management of my synth. I think we can really focus on the core equation that links Note Frequency with Cut Filter Frequency. Say we have : - a LP filter, defined with its cut frequency "centered_FC" - the...
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    filter cut off frequency and keyboard tracking

    Complete code is very long... I will send a more detailed version tomorrow. Thanks for your help, I appreciate.
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    filter cut off frequency and keyboard tracking

    Here is an example of what I have tried : filter1[myActiveVoice]->frequency(osc1_frequency[myVoice] + osc1_frequency[myVoice]*Fc_ratio); Fc_ration is contrôle by a midi controller. I tried different ranges, but it doesn't give an even effect.
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    filter cut off frequency and keyboard tracking

    Yes, this is exactly what I try to do. The goal is to get the same perceptual effect whatever the note played. I do use the audio library for this project. A keyboard sends MIDI note numbers. Note frequency is compute according to octave selection, tune, pitch modulation. Oscillators are updated...
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    filter cut off frequency and keyboard tracking

    Hello, I want to implement keyboard tracking for the cut off frequency of a LP filter. I just can't find the maths behind... Say I play a A4 = 440 Hz. My filter is set on FC = 1000 Hz. A certain amount of harmonics are cut, which is what I want. But if I play A6 = 1760 hz, the fundamental is...
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    frequencyModulation & phaseModulation at the sametime ?

    Hello, I try to add a third input to the AudioSynthWaveformsModulated object, just the same way you did. I tried your code, but I can't make it work. I miss something... Could you give me to full synth_waveform.h and synth_waveform.ccp files ? It would be very kind. Emmanuel