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  1. W

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    Thanks. So this is irrelevant to what we were discussing (the effect on exactly one cycle or just less than one cycle) and to the OP's situation. Applying a window fn is like applying amplitude modulation to the sample. if the components of your window frequency are 3 orders of magnitude lower...
  2. W

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    How many cycles of the 1kHz signal are you sampling there?
  3. W

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    Incorrect. Multiplying the time domain by a window function has the effect of convoluting the frequency domain by the FT of the window function. It will severely distort the frequency spectrum. You would generally expect this be better than nothing but it is a distortion. (In fact the "nothing"...
  4. W

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    Hi Mark. That seems like a good choice if your buffer is a data stream. You probably want to analyse the most recent data, not what happened when you turn it on ! Your point about window function is not relevant to this test case where he intends to have one complete sine wave cycle in the...
  5. W

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    I did not express any political opinion. She is famous for saying how much she loooooosves Venn diagrams. I made a play on that that I similarly try to apply FFTs where ever I can.
  6. W

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    It would be interesting to see how this works. I love FFTs like Kamal Harris loves Venn diagrams !!
  7. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    while looking at R1 I noticed C5,C13 seem damaged.
  8. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    Thanks, I'm not doubting you ! Can you help me localise the 470R resistor? To avoid 5V abuse would a 33k / 66k divider be suitable on inputs?
  9. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    Thanks. In my last code posting you will see I had that line commented out. That is because, as I replied to J , it did not make any difference to the output. (It is true that LED does get brighter). I was probably erroneously basing my expectations of what these functions really to on UNO...
  10. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    Full disclosure: I had connected a 9250 IMU and was not getting expected results. That is why I attempted the BFS example, which failed to connect to device via SPI. So pins 10..13 have had some limited 5V abuse. I decided to back track to simple IO testing pins.10,11,12 seem fine when I...
  11. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    Hi Paul, thanks for checking this out. The previous snip was indeed incomplete since I had stuck that code at the top of setup() from a BFS SPI test example. Since the while(1) prevents it getting any further I ignore the rest. I've isolated this in a clean new sketch. #define INPIN 10 #define...
  12. W

    Teensy 4.0 5v Serial Tolerance?

    Could you suggest what would be a suiltable resistance value, both for a simple current limitter and for a potential divider? Thanks.
  13. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    Moving this to another pin gets more expected results. Without the delay the input signal is well behaved out of phase as I suggested above. IO pin test. pin22 = 1 pin22 = 0 pin22 = 1 pin22 = 0 pin22 = 1 pin22 = 0 pin22 = 1 pin22 = 0 pin22 = 1 pin22 = 0 pin22 = 1 pin22 = 0 pin22 = 1 pin22 = 0...
  14. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    I thought of that but decided if it was just a delay issue I should get picked up the next time and I would just phase shift the alternance by 500ms. following your suggestion , I added 15ms digitalWrite(LED_PIN,LOW); delay(15); This got me somewhat arbitrary alternance of the input...
  15. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    Thanks, I thought digitalWrite and digitalRead did the whole pin set up sage each time for every single call, which is why they are ridiculously slow, and that is why digitalWriteFast, which does no more than a single register write operation, was invented. BTW setting it explicitly did not...
  16. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    I was having some unexpected results so I made a little test to write to one pin and read another. I do not read back the LED pin out level. Default pulldown gets all zeros, if I configure with INPUT_PULLUP I get all ones. I'm probably tired, can't see clearly or I'm just dumb but I can't see...
  17. W

    Unexpected FFT Peak with Disconnected Sensors

    I'm not very familiar with the layout on this forum but I don't see any attached files.
  18. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    Good point , it is actually marked as SPI, so I guess it should work. The led will act as an indicator of activity too which is nice.
  19. W

    Teensy 4.1 SPI SCK pin13 (LED) issue

    OP specifically says he wants LED capability (that could be any IO pin with a couple of exceptions) but does the the LED on pin13 interfere with SCK. That is an output for SPI master, so could Teensy4 drive SCK with the led in place or would the forward voltage drag the logic 1 down too far? I...
  20. W

    i2c_scanner can't see 9250 chip on Teensy 4.0, works on Uno.

    How is that different from the code I posted originally, where I showed 19: scl0, 16: scl1 ? void setup() { // teensy 4.0 pinout // Wire.setSDA(17); //18: sda0, 17: sda1 // Wire.setSCL(16); //19: scl0, 16: scl1 Wire.setSDA(18); //18: sda0, 17: sda1 Wire.setSCL(19); //19: scl0, 16...
  21. W

    i2c_scanner can't see 9250 chip on Teensy 4.0, works on Uno.

    That seems to be the what I have already posted here twice myself. It shows SDA0=18, SCL0=19 . That is where I started and you told me it was wrong .
  22. W

    i2c_scanner can't see 9250 chip on Teensy 4.0, works on Uno.

    OK, I reinstalled from your installer on my 1.59 IDE. Looks to returned to sanity. Scanning Wire... No I2C devices found Scanning Wire1... Device found at address 0x69 (MPU6050,MPU9050,MPU9250,ITG3701,L3G4200D) done Scanning Wire2... No I2C devices found Thanks for the support, that's...
  23. W

    i2c_scanner can't see 9250 chip on Teensy 4.0, works on Uno.

    Yes the Arduino ide sucks. I installed the new one and after it had tried to steal my proprietory code and export it some unknown "cloud" location without so much as a thank you , I had to cut the network. Looks like I'll have to run it in a sandbox or go back to the old junk. I connected by...
  24. W

    i2c_scanner can't see 9250 chip on Teensy 4.0, works on Uno.

    Cool. Now I no longer have a Teensy board at all. Not the usual Teensy 3 and Teensy 4 entries in the port menu. I do get get ACM0 port but if I try to upload to it, it disappears. I can't believe the time I'm wasting on this just to get a basic connection.
  25. W

    i2c_scanner can't see 9250 chip on Teensy 4.0, works on Uno.

    thanks, I was going from the official pinout, what did I get wrong? I'm currently on v1.57 Update from IDE fails: java.lang.RuntimeException: Archive format not supported. at...
  26. W

    i2c_scanner can't see 9250 chip on Teensy 4.0, works on Uno.

    Hi, I want to connect to a giro/mag MEMS device form Teensy 4.0 but it does not seem to work. I have two examples of Chinese allegedly GY6500/9250 9 axis mems boards. My Teensy code does not seem to find them so I ran the standard i2c_scanner sketch from an Arduino Uno and it was fine...