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  1. S

    USBMidi & USBHost Conflicting?

    As I was creating the small program to post here I got it working, the problem was I hadn't populated the chord bank it was trying to play, not sure why it was crashing the teensy though but its working ok now.
  2. S

    USBMidi & USBHost Conflicting?

    I have a midi controller connected the USB host on the Teensy 4.1 and am sending out midi through the main USB using USBMidi, if I assign a button on the midi controller to play a chord, when I press the button it just causes the Teensy to reset. If I remove the PlayChord() functions and just...
  3. S

    USB Host not receiving messages (error allocating data transfer)

    I enabled debugging output in USBHost_t36 and get the following error: USB2 PLL running reset waited 6 USBHS_ASYNCLISTADDR = 0 USBHS_PERIODICLISTBASE = 20002000 periodictable = 20002000 Setup complete. port change: 10001803 connect begin reset port change: 10001005 port enabled end...
  4. S

    USB Host not receiving messages (error allocating data transfer)

    I've attached the USB host cable to the USB Host pins on the Teensy 4.1, my midi controller comes on when plugged into it and I've created this simple sketch to print out the CC number of any messages received, however it's not printing anything. This code has been cobbled together from bits...
  5. S

    Transferring files from PC to SD card

    Does anyone have a ready made program or sketch or some way of transferring files to the SD card on Teensy 4.1 over USB? I know there are various libraries for doing this but I don't have the time to learn/program them, if someone has something ready built I can use I'd be grateful.
  6. S

    Which pins does the Audio Shield use exclusively?

    I'm using Teensy 4.1 and I want to add the Rev D2 audio shield, but some the pins it connects to are already being used, does the shield need exclusive access to all of the pins it connects to or are there some I can connect other things to as well? The pins I need alternatives for are marked...
  7. S

    Cant get touch working on ILI9341 display

    I managed to get this working using the default pin numbers for the touchscreen in the sketch, which are different from the pins for the display, but in the guide located here it says to use the same pins for MOSI, MISO and SCK.
  8. S

    Cant get touch working on ILI9341 display

    I have my ILI9341 display working ok display wise but I cant get the touch functionality working, I've tried a few of the example sketches but none work. I got mine off Amazon, it is branded as 'Hailage' rather than Adafruit, not sure if this makes a difference, one of the comments said it is...
  9. S

    Testing Teensy/NeoTrellis for damage after sending 5v to GND

    I'm using a Teensy 4.1 on a breadboard. I accidently connected the 5v pin to the ground pin on my NeoTrellis boards (4 soldered together), there was a wisp of smoke and the computer it was connected to froze up (I guess where it tried to draw too much power from USB). The TFT display I had...
  10. S

    Neo Trellis not detected using I2C_address_detect

    Its working now without me having to change anything, the i2c_address_detect script still doesn't detect it but when I loaded up the NeoTrellis example it lit up like a christmas tree, maybe something in the sketch needs to activate it.
  11. S

    Neo Trellis not detected using I2C_address_detect

    I've just got a 8x8 Neo Trellis and soldered 2 out of the 4 boards together and then tested it using the i2c_address_detect script and its not detecting it: I2C address detection test Did not find device at 0x10 I have it connected to the Teensy 4.1 as follows: SDA > 18 SCL > 19 GND > GND VIN...
  12. S

    Connecting ST7735 display to Teensy 4.1

    Sorry but I'm a complete newb and I'm going to need my hand holding a bit here, maybe the answer is in the replies I've had already but I lack the knowledge to see it, basically I have a teensy 4.1 and an ST7735, I just need to know what pins on the teensy connect to what pins on the display...
  13. S

    Connecting ST7735 display to Teensy 4.1

    Yes I already found that one but it doesn't explain how to wire it up and it's for Teensy 3.1 anyway.
  14. S

    Connecting ST7735 display to Teensy 4.1

    I've just bought a st7735 display but cant find any instructions on how to connect it up, my Teensy is currently in a breadboard. I want to attach the audio shield to it later so I'll want to keep what ever pins that uses free if possible. The pins the st7735 has are: LCD, SCK, SDA, A0, RESET...
  15. S

    How to use a C++ library in the IDE?

    Looks like I spoke too soon on this one, now that I've added code to try and actually use the library it comes up with these errors: c:/users/admin/appdata/local/arduino15/packages/teensy/tools/teensy-compile/11.3.1/arm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/11.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe...
  16. S

    #include <random> produces lots of errors when trying to compile

    Yes that worked thanks, didn't realise it was out of date.
  17. S

    #include <random> produces lots of errors when trying to compile

    I get the following errors when trying to compile with #include <random>, I'm using Arduino 2.2.1, there are a lot of errors so I'm just pasting the first few.... In file included from C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\teensy\hardware\avr\1.58.1\cores\teensy4/WProgram.h:46...
  18. S

    How to use a C++ library in the IDE?

    Thanks, that appears to have worked, I put all the header files in the src folder and moved the whole folder to C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\libraries. Not sure why the Arduino site says to put it in the user/sketches folder as this did not work at all.
  19. S

    How to use a C++ library in the IDE?

    I'm trying use this C++ library in Teensyduino: So far I've tried the following as per instructions on the Arduino site and forums: Creating a folder called 'libraries' in C:\Users\admin\Documents\Arduino and putting the midifile folder in it. Putting the...
  20. S

    Ready made Note/Chord/Scale library?

    Thanks, that looks like it could be useful.
  21. S

    Ready made Note/Chord/Scale library?

    I'm currently working on a T4.1 MIDI sequencer with built in Chord/Scale modes, as someone with little music theory knowledge I'm finding the idea of programming it all in from scratch a bit daunting, does anyone know of any existing code library that I can use that would help with this?
  22. S

    Button not working - Teensy 4.1

    Thanks, switching to ground worked.
  23. S

    Button not working - Teensy 4.1

    Hi, I'm a complete beginner at this and just starting my first project, I've connected a button to pin 33 of the Teensy but then I press it and print the button state to the serial monitor it always shows the state as '1'. I tried changing pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP) to pinMode(buttonPin...