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  1. M

    New polyhonic Teensy DIY Sampler

    Looks good Rolf! You did a good job on the Jeannie so looking forward to this.
  2. M

    Codec upgrade advice needed

    Interesting, thanks Pio! So currently I am looking at TLV320, AK4619 and ES8388 then.
  3. M

    Codec upgrade advice needed

    Thanks Paul. A pin compatible device would have been great. Sadly I only used the SSOP version of the 8731 so no such luck. Maybe the 2603 could be an alternative anyway, any known Teensy projects based on this?
  4. M

    Codec upgrade advice needed

    Hi all. I have been using the WM8731 codec in all my Teensy projects so far but since it is EOL and my little stock is running out I need to replace it asap. The question is which chip to go for next. There have been several interesting codec projects here lately but most seem to aim for a...
  5. M

    SidMaster 2k, updated

    As this part of the forum isn't that busy, I'll post an update. Inspired by PositionHigh and other legends I made a remote UI application using webSerial. This was actually very easy since I already have a "display module" that communicates with the "mainboard" over usb serial. Commands are sent...
  6. M

    SidMaster 2k, updated

    Time to satisfy your retro cravings! I revisited this old project recently and did some well needed updates. It is a polysynth based on (real) commodore SID's. It accepts up to four of them and supports both 8580 and 6581 variants. Control is done over a shared 1MHz parallel bus from the Teensy...
  7. M

    Parallel bus - sync CS toggle to PWM clock

    Got it working now, thanks again!
  8. M

    Parallel bus - sync CS toggle to PWM clock

    Well, below is the spec. However I find some 6581 IC's sometimes do funny things when the bus updates near the low-high clock. So I prefer to do everything within the clock high phase if possible. These glitches may be an effect of something else like my pcb design or using 3.3V io. I am also a...
  9. M

    Parallel bus - sync CS toggle to PWM clock

    Thanks, appreciated! So I should be on the right track, but probably screwed up something. Will try again. As for timing I am aiming to have everything set on the bus about 50ns before clock goes low and then stay about 100ns after that.
  10. M

    Parallel bus - sync CS toggle to PWM clock

    Hi, I am revisiting an old project where a T4.1 is controlling ancient IC's on an 8-bit parallel bus with 1MHz clock generated by a PWM on pin 33. So far I have toggled the CS asynchronous to the clock. This works, but sometimes waste write cycles. And more importantly, I dont like how the...
  11. M

    Stereo Plate Reverb for Teensy4.x

    Pio, I use your reverb(s) in all my projects. So no matter what I do everything sounds rather nice at the end. Thanks for your great work! Here is a short "thank you" improvisation: Improv which would not have worked without the lovely Plate Reverb
  12. M

    Simple fake sidechain

    Just to follow up, this super simple stuff is enough to get a convincing and useable sidechain effect. Put it at the end of your audio pipeline and call trigger(), for example when you receive midi data for the kick. The parameters (level, attack, hold, release) should be tuned to your bpm and...
  13. M

    Advice on how to expand synth sound variation

    Here is a new quick semi-jam using this synth project and some other Teensy based stuff. Cheers!
  14. M

    Difficulty with beginPitchShift

    These lines only need to run once, for example during setup: granular1.beginPitchShift(50); granular1.setSpeed(1.0); Also, speed 1.0 plays back the input at the original rate right?. Set it to for example 2.0 to hear interesting things.
  15. M

    Capacitive I2C touch with RA8875 and adafruit FT6206 - Teensy 4.1

    Glad you got it running. I am also working with the RA8875/FT5206 and similar to your experience I never got the FT5206 library working for unknown reasons. However, enabling FT5206 touch in the RA8875_t4 library worked for me. (#define USE_FT5206_TOUCH in RA8875UserSettings.h)
  16. M

    Advice on how to expand synth sound variation

    I made some updates to this project, mainly moving to another hardware platform to investigate touch based ui (work in progress) but also added new wavetable and modulation features. Here is a quick sneak peek. As always, I am amazed at how much is possible with all the great tools all of you...
  17. M

    Teensy / Launchpad sequencer (update)

    Yup, it was done as you described. In the video you can see the little usb cable loop from the Launchpad going into the integrated hub. You can connect a Launchpad (mini) directly to the Teensy usb host if needed. But the Launchpad draws 300mA or so with all pads lit. Plus you probably want to...
  18. M

    Advice on how to expand synth sound variation

    Quick video in celebration of the new forum (and how much I am enjoying wavetables on my Teensy synth project atm):
  19. M

    Advice on how to expand synth sound variation

    Thank you for the encouragement Baloran. Your own projects are amazing, very inspiring! I am contemplating making my own wavetable object just for the sake of learning. At the same time, it is very convenient to just mess with the arbitrary waveform.
  20. M

    Advice on how to expand synth sound variation

    I decided to explore wavetable functions next, not using the wavetable object in the audio library but rather by abusing the arbitrary waveform. It works much better than I thought, was expecting massive artifacts. It is possible to import wave tables from The two...
  21. M

    Advice on how to expand synth sound variation

    Thanks for more good comments! Yes optimization is needed. Looking forward to that PR since the mod matrix contains...a few AudioMixer4's. 47% load right now so not great, not terrible. I originally intended to make this at least 2-part multitimbral by adding more "voice banks". However I have...
  22. M

    Advice on how to expand synth sound variation

    Thanks for your encouragement Mark! I will be sure to test your suggestions. Filtered LFO's is an interesting idea, and I like additions that are not "per-voice" as the resource need is not so punishing.
  23. M

    Advice on how to expand synth sound variation

    Hi! I made another Teensy-based polysynth using parts from other discarded projects. It is the usual subtractive setup but I am trying to make it more flexible in terms of modulation to create more variety than my previous attempts. I would like to hear your opinions on what parts of the synth...
  24. M

    Add Effects to MidiSynthKeyboard Audio example

    Yes, you are on the right track. However the suggestion to start with a single voice is a good one. When you have that running it is easy to scale up. Also this multi-part tutorial is a bit old but still excellent:
  25. M

    Standalone MIDI Sequencing Drumming Glove (WIP)

    The locators are used to set start/stop for looping a pattern and the unit shown is bars/beats/16ths. In general this UI is a vague copy of the original sequencer software from the 90's so you are probably better off making your own concept.
  26. M

    Standalone MIDI Sequencing Drumming Glove (WIP)

    Sounds like a fun project, and you seem to be well organized so I am sure you will reach the goal. Just a few comments from me as a fellow "sequencer enthusiast": 1A - time keeping: I always use an IntervalTimer at 192PPQ, this has served me well in several projects. 2A - storing midi data: if...
  27. M

    RA8875 graphic cursor?

    Ok thanks for checking. I started working on some additional low level methods to upload the cursor but atm the screen is not cooperating. I am thinking maybe this is not in the library for a reason... I could definitely live with the 256 color limitation that comes with using layers. Its just...
  28. M

    RA8875 graphic cursor?

    Thanks, however I think those functions refer to what the RA8875 datasheet calls "Font Write Cursor" and not the "Graphic Cursor". The graphic one seems to be what I want to make a usable mouse pointer as it uses a 32x32 bitmap.
  29. M

    RA8875 graphic cursor?

    Hi, Has anyone been able to implement the "graphic cursor" (i.e hardware generated) on the RA8875? It looks to me like this feature is not fully implemented in the standard library (RA8875.h in Teensyduino), maybe I am not reading it right. Currently I am using RA8875 layers to display mouse...
  30. M

    Flanger effect for electric guitar project

    Ok so your input is mono on Left which is fine of course. Can't see from that image how you connected the output in the headphone jack though. Just to further rule out L/R channel confusion you can add this one line to get the same output on both L/R channels: AudioConnection...
  31. M

    Flanger effect for electric guitar project

    I removed your hardware control logic (pots etc), initialized the flanger to defaults, tested on a 4.0 and it does work as expected. Are you sure you connected your (supposedly) mono signals to the correct input/output channel on the audio board?
  32. M

    New Teensy 4.1 DIY Synthesizer

    Looks great Rolf! All synt projects need wood side panels. Looks like you color-matched it to your Deepmind as well. Any recommendations on a (EU) supplier/manufacturer for something similar to that sheet metal enclosure part?
  33. M

    MTP disk + Midi

    Hi! In my (latest) sequencer project I store projects (patterns, tracks, settings etc) on the SD. And as I intend to also export standard midi files for later processing in a PC daw, it would be nice to be able to access the SD directly from the PC side. Now I can do this by making a small MTP...
  34. M

    Advice on graphical mouse/keyboard UI (T4.1 + TFT)

    Thanks for sharing your story Mark. I did notice that you had a similar experience to mine, and I recognize the frustration when an ugly mess of cables work but a tidy pcb doesnt. Ground planes are an interesting topic. I started designing pcb's only a couple of years ago and on recommendation...
  35. M

    Advice on graphical mouse/keyboard UI (T4.1 + TFT)

    Thanks for checking. I have the same pins grounded on the pcb (there are 2 ground layers not shown above), looks like the pinout is the same.
  36. M

    Advice on graphical mouse/keyboard UI (T4.1 + TFT)

    Also in the interest of sharing, here is where this project is at right now:
  37. M

    Advice on graphical mouse/keyboard UI (T4.1 + TFT)

    Continuing on this adventure... First of all - the RA8875 display is great, and it has exactly the kind of features I was wishing for (layers etc). However after initial success I ran into an obstacle. I first did an ugly breadboard solution which worked great from the start. Encouraged by this...
  38. M

    Advice on graphical mouse/keyboard UI (T4.1 + TFT)

    Thanks Mark, much appreciated! I had that one on my list of options so will go ahead and throw some more money at BuyDisplay.
  39. M

    Advice on graphical mouse/keyboard UI (T4.1 + TFT)

    Hi, For reasons unknown I have started to recreate the old Notator/Creator sequencer software originally made for Atari. The intention is to run this on a T4.1 with a 5-7" TFT (yet to be selected). As I already made a couple of sequencer projects which can be reused this is so far mainly a UI...
  40. M

    Teensy / Launchpad sequencer (update)

    Made a quick and dirty test of how the Beatmaster (cheesy name 1) plays with its older brother the Sidmaster (cheesy name 2). The Sidmaster was the first project where I a) used Teensy and b) made my first semi-advanced pcb. The Sidmaster is a T4.1 controlling 4 SID chips routed through two...
  41. M

    yet another Teensy based MIDI Sequencer

    Looks impressive and very well thought out! I can't wait to see more pictures and videos of it in action. Also secretly wishing for a code share because it sounds like you put a lot of thought in to timing and optimization. In my project I just put everything critical on an intervalTimer and...
  42. M

    Dual LaunchPads with Teensy 4.1 using USB HosControl External Synths vis MIDI DIN

    Great! More launchpads and Teensies makes me happy. Are you using midi clk for synchronization? I found my Launchpad/Teensy combo is not too fond of that at the moment.
  43. M

    New Teensy 4.1 DIY Synthesizer

    Sounds and looks great as always! Thanks for sharing the architecture, food for thought. Any thoughts on a hybrid design with analog VCO/VCF/VCF and Teensy control?
  44. M

    Teensy / Launchpad sequencer (update)

    Here is the code. Maybe some parts are useful for other projects? Although I am using a custom pcb you can build most of it with just a T4.1, a Launchpad and an ILI9341 display.
  45. M

    Teensy / Launchpad sequencer (update)

    It is off the shelf, a Novation Launchpad Mini Mk3. Very easy to work with for key input and rgb lighting. Would have preferred a DIY solution but with that many buttons and leds it gets complicated and expensive. (Here is the dream though:
  46. M

    Teensy / Launchpad sequencer (update)

    Hi! In the interest of sharing Teensy-based "fun but not rocket-science level" stuff here is a short clip from my standalone sequencer project based on a 4.1. It currently has 7 tracks which can be set to control midi devices on serial or host usb ports (if decently compliant). Each track has 8...
  47. M

    Simple fake sidechain

    And yes, using peak on the sidechain source to set mixer levels for the targets would be an obvious alternative. I just cant get that to sound as ok, not sure what latency could be expected from such an implementation.
  48. M

    Simple fake sidechain

    I wanted to implement a basic sidechain effect in a groove box project. However I have limited experience with the concept in practice (more than just enjoying how well others use it in their mixes). What do you think of this simple way to fake the effect using a triggered envelope through a...
  49. M

    Launchpad for a toddler

    Sound like a fun project! Depending on how much you want to do from scratch the actual Novation LaunchPad (mini) is a great control surface for this. Combine it with a Teensy in a rugged case and I can see how it could be both toddler-friendly and do all you want on your feature list. Check out...
  50. M

    Using Teensy Audio Library function generators as Control Voltage Sources

    Well using the Peak object is one way to do it, possibly not ideal. I had a similar idea in my SID-based project where I need integers to feed the SID bus. I tried Peak for some time and then gave in and did my own "numeric" oscillators and envelopes.