Search results

  1. PaulStoffregen

    Overclocking The Teensy 4.1 and Teensy 4.0

    Sure, there are 3 main lists of the features. 1: The Teensy 4.1 product page has a long list of many features. Just scroll down and start reading. For example, the Communication section explains the 8 main ways the hardware is capable of communicating data with other things. 2: NXP's...
  2. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 Workaround Assigned Uart Pins

    Sadly, pins 24 and 25 don't have FlexIO or XBAR capbility, so SoftwareSerial is looking like your only option. SoftwareSerial has been broken on Teensy 4.x until only recently. You'll need to grab the latest SoftwareSerial from github. In Arduino IDE preferences, turn on verbose output...
  3. PaulStoffregen

    Overclocking The Teensy 4.1 and Teensy 4.0

    Confirm, overclocking is likely to shorten the hardware lifespan. How much, nobody really knows. Better cooling helps, but exactly how much is also not really well known. According to an NXP app note, underclocking to 528 MHz may lengthen the chip's life span. But even that info is difficult...
  4. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 with ESP32 (AirLift): Very Low Wi-Fi Transfer Speeds

    After much fiddling, I got the ESP32 programmed with NINA-FW version 1.6.0 and connected to a Teensy 4.0 on breadboards (the ESP32 board is too wide for use on 1 breadboard). Happy to report Adafruit's WiFiNINA library ScanNetworks example runs and detects nearby networks. Now that I have...
  5. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 and did I burn something?

    Google wants a login just to view. :( You can put pictures into your message here. It's easy. Just select the image in any graphics program and Ctrl-C to copy. Then here on the forum, Ctrl-V to paste.
  6. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy interfacing with AD7124

    Don't use SPI.beginTransaction() alone in setup(). Just delete that part. You only should use SPI.beginTransaction() when you actually communicate with SPI. Always call SPI.endTransaction() when you're done. Your sendData() function does that properly. I'm confused. Your program doesn't...
  7. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 with ESP32 (AirLift): Very Low Wi-Fi Transfer Speeds

    @danielroitman - A couple quick questions.... For WiFiNINA.h, which library are you using? Arduino's original WiFiNINA library doesn't have any setPins() function, so you're certainly not using that one. Maybe you have Adafruit's version? Searching also turned up this generic version which...
  8. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 with ESP32 (AirLift): Very Low Wi-Fi Transfer Speeds

    Which ESP32 module are you using? Or to ask another way, if I wanted to set this up on my workbench to reproduce the slow speed using the same hardware as you have, which ESP32 should I order?
  9. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 and Audio Shield I2S Group Delay

    Indeed, you can get less delay by configuring small block size. However, the trade-off is higher overall CPU usage. The default of 128 samples aims to give efficient CPU usage but still keep delay reasonable.
  10. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 freezes if USB stick removed when reading/writing to it

    It's supposed to reboot. Details from ARM's documentation:
  11. PaulStoffregen

    Invert polarity of MIDI output?

    All the serial ports on Teensy 4.x support SERIAL_8N1_TXINV mode, which you can use to achieve this. Serial documentation for reference. It's not part of the MIDI library. It's a feature built into the serial port hardware, which the MIDI library uses to actually transmit. Here is the normal...
  12. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.0 + PCM5120-Q1 768kHz stereo recoring possible?

    No, the audio library uses 44.1 kHz sample rate. BCLK at 24.576 MHz should be theoretically possible. Some software editing required.... I believe NXP's max spec is 25 MHz. As far as I know, the fastest BCLK we've actually used is 11.3 MHz for TDM.
  13. PaulStoffregen

    Custom Home theater system

    Teensy 4.x definitely can process 6 or 8 channel audio. To get simultaneous input and output of that many channels, you'll need hardware using TDM protocol, which can carry 8 or 16 channels per data wire. I2S protocol is limited to 2 channel per data wire. But whether you can make meaningful...
  14. PaulStoffregen

    Help needed: 'processSerialEventsList' is not a member of 'HardwareSerial'

    Yup, that's exactly what happened. I really should have put more functions into the new HardwareSerial base class. Will probably add some for 1.60. But stuff like processSerialEventsList isn't considered official API. In hindsight, those sorts of functions probably should have been private...
  15. PaulStoffregen

    CS4272 master or slave mode?

    Normally Teensy uses I2S master mode, where it transmits BCLK, LRCLK, and MCLK.
  16. PaulStoffregen

    Help needed: Converting polling-based proximity sensor to interrupt-based reading on GEVCU7

    On Arduino's attachInterrupt() documentation page, there is example code. Just scroll down to find it. Maybe trying to run that example might help? Of course, edit the interruptPin number! That example needs a LED. Pin 13 should be the LED on MicroMod. Not sure if you're able to see that LED...
  17. PaulStoffregen

    Best way to store 64 bits of user parameters

    I can confirm the EEPROM emulation within the core library does indeed do wear leveling. For small data like 64 bits, you can expect the wear leveling to multiply the underlying 100K endurance by a factor of 256 to 512. Extremely unlikely to run into endurance issues if the writes are paced by...
  18. PaulStoffregen

    Help Needed: Using Interrupts for DIN0 on GEVCU Board

    Duplicate questions do not help. This only annoys people who might try to help. This new question also lacks the info which was found on the first one, so anyone trying to help has to start back at the beginning without the benefit of that info! If your original question goes quiet, the best...
  19. PaulStoffregen

    Help Needed: Using Interrupts for DIN0 on GEVCU Board

    Did you ask this same question just yesterday?
  20. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 Ethernet (With No Chip)

    While adding the missing DP83825 chip could theoretically work, as a practical matter the odds of success are low even using the very best equipment. The 4 tiny pads on the 4 corners are particularly challenging to solder. If any sort of localized heating like a hot air rework is used, odds...
  21. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1, Ethernet, Art-Net and OctoWS2811

    Even if the changes are "trivial", please copy the complete program here, so I or anyone else can copy it into Arduino IDE and get the same errors. Please understand, over and over when I try to help but I have to alter a program, usually I do something different and I only waste time not...
  22. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1, Ethernet, Art-Net and OctoWS2811

    We're much better at helping with compiler errors when we can reproduce the error. Maybe tell us specifically which libraries to install and which example program to open, or give us a copy of the program you're compiling if it's not any of the examples. Try to imagine you're someone else...
  23. PaulStoffregen

    Help needed: Converting polling-based proximity sensor to interrupt-based reading on GEVCU7

    I don't know anything about these software libraries it uses, like "systemIO". Can't help with that. Using the normal Arduino functions, you would use the attachInterrupt function. But is it really (Arduino) pin 0 on Teensy? I saw this in the PDF on page 38.
  24. PaulStoffregen

    Help needed: Converting polling-based proximity sensor to interrupt-based reading on GEVCU7

    Looks like this product is based on MicroMod Teensy. Quick search turned up this website, but I couldn't find a schematic or hardware reference that tells what Teensy pin "DIN0" really is. If I found the wrong thing and you really have something other than this picture, please let me know...
  25. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy resourses used by the audio library

    Which hardware is used depends on which input and output features you use. You can find specific documentation for each input and output in the design tool. Just click on the feature you want and its documentation appears on the right side panel. However, that documentation is mostly focused...
  26. PaulStoffregen


    Maybe you should contact Grid Connect for support? Their website says this:
  27. PaulStoffregen

    Section type conflict and other memory error

    Teensy 4.1 has 8 MB flash, not 256 MB.
  28. PaulStoffregen

    Section type conflict and other memory error

    Looked at your code. Took some time because you have many Windows-only style pathnames. Please use forward slash, so we non-Windows users can help you without this time-consuming step! The fix for your problem is exactly as Defragster said. Just delete the "const" from the arrays in EXTMEM...
  29. PaulStoffregen

    32 serial ports on T4.1 for MIDI processor?

    For expansion, I'd recommend using the USB host port, normally used with this cable. If you connect a powered USB hub, you should be able to plug in at least 4 more Teensy 4.0 or 4.1, and theoretically perhaps many more. Teensy supports USB MIDI device on its main port. Use Tools > USB Type in...
  30. PaulStoffregen

    32 serial ports on T4.1 for MIDI processor?

    The one gotcha with FlexIO is the very fast default clock speed isn't good for slow baud rates (almost anything under 115200). See this MIDI example for how to best configure FlexIO so you get accurate MIDI baud rate.
  31. PaulStoffregen

    32 serial ports on T4.1 for MIDI processor?

    Kurt's extra pinout diagram is the easiest way to see which pins can be used with FlexIO. Looks like 24 more pins not conflicting with the 16 pins of the 8 normal serial ports.
  32. PaulStoffregen

    32 serial ports on T4.1 for MIDI processor?

    After the 8 normal hardware serial ports, your best option is FlexSerial from the FlexIO_t4 library.
  33. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 Do pins 11+12 not work for pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP) ??

    Confirm BUILTIN_SDCARD will not conflict with pins 11, 12, 13. On Teensy 4.1 it uses pins 42-47. If you're only storing a small amount of data, you could also use LittleFS_Program which doesn't require adding a SD card or any other hardware. But do be aware writing to the program flash memory...
  34. PaulStoffregen

    Section type conflict and other memory error

    Can you compose a single small program I can copy into Arduino IDE and click Verify to reproduce the error?
  35. PaulStoffregen

    Section type conflict and other memory error

    You need const when using PROGMEM. If your weightsFlash[] array is actually initialized by a different .cpp or .ino file, but you want to give access to it without creating a duplicate (and conflicting) copy, use "extern const float weightsFlash[921600];" (without PROGMEM). But it must be...
  36. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 Do pins 11+12 not work for pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP) ??

    Looking at your code on github (which I'll admit, I have so far not tried compiling or running), I'm pretty sure the problem is at line 514. if (!SD.begin(4)) { Serial.println("Error reading SD card. Using default configuration v12"); } else { Serial.println("SD card found. Using...
  37. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 Do pins 11+12 not work for pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP) ??

    Neither of the programs you showed actually compile if copied into Arduino IDE. Even the simple one, if the missing "void" is added on setup, still does not compile because "sw3" is undefined. However, this simple program does compile. void setup() { pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop()...
  38. PaulStoffregen

    Interfacing fast external ADC

    When Teensy runs at 600 MHz, most of the peripherals clock at 150 MHz. So the PWM and other timers which can create waveforms tend to be able to only give you integer division of 150 MHz. You could easily get 37.5 MHz, but not 40 MHz with the default speed. But you could try configuring a...
  39. PaulStoffregen

    Experiment: Wondering on T4.1 supporting SDFat on SDIO2

    Yes, please send a pull request for IMXRT_USDHC_t in imxrt.h. At least putting that into 1.60 should make this easier to maintain. Changes in SdFat and SD less certain for now...
  40. PaulStoffregen

    Simultaneously output to multiple serial ports

    No, not from only this code fragment. But for a completely blind guess, maybe something inside whatever library implements "ads1118"?
  41. PaulStoffregen

    Simultaneously output to multiple serial ports

    Sure, just write or print the same data to all 3, like this Serial1.write(myArray, sizeof(myArray)); Serial2.write(myArray, sizeof(myArray)); Serial3.write(myArray, sizeof(myArray)); Each port has a transmit buffer in memory, so your writes go quickly into the buffer and then the hardware...
  42. PaulStoffregen

    How to achieve 10 MHz sampling rate with onboard ADC

    Sadly, the internal ADC can't sample that fast. No amount of DMA or software trickery can compensate for the fact the analog input circuitry just isn't anywhere near cable of 10 Msamples/sec.
  43. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 SD-card extension issue

    SD using SDIO protocol on the built in SD socket uses 50 MHz clock. SD over SPI defaults to 16 MHz, but you can configure slower or faster speed. Slower clock is (probably) more forgiving of lengthy wiring. Adding series resistors on the non-power lines might help. Values between 33 to 100...
  44. PaulStoffregen

    Best way to get MIDI input

    USB devices want 5 volt power. Most can work with as low as 4 volts. Some even work if you give them only 3.3V, but that's not recommended. The main issue is what happens if your USB device draws too much current. This is actually 2 different issues, the normal steady current it needs to...
  45. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4 EEPROM vs Teensy 3.1

    Have you tried it on Teensy 4 yet? Quick look inside the code seems to be using the avrlibc eeprom functions, which we support on all Teensy models. There could of course be some sort of problem I didn't see with only a quick look at the code. But if you haven't tried it, please do so. It...
  46. PaulStoffregen

    Best way to get MIDI input

    If you're not familiar with USB host vs device mode, here's a copy of the USB 2.0 spec. (you can also get it for free at if you dig deep...) Start on page 15 (the 43rd page in the PDF). This document is huge, but the essential explanation of...
  47. PaulStoffregen

    Best way to get MIDI input

    No, that definitely will not work. Teensy's main USB port only supports USB device mode. It can only communicate with a USB host. It can't possibly communicate with another USB device. For that, you must use Teensy's USB host port. Yes, this is the way. Refer to the pinout card (PDF if...
  48. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.0 unable to open com for reboot request

    "Access is denied" usually means some other program has opened this COM port. Windows only allows 1 program to open the port. If something else on your PC is using it, then Arduino IDE can't also open it, which means it can't send the request to go into programming mode. Please remember we...
  49. PaulStoffregen

    Disable interrupt for a given pin

    Use detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pin)). Arduino documentation Edit: lol, Kurt typed faster! :)
  50. PaulStoffregen

    Teensy 4.1 (IMXRT1062) for custom pcb

    This is the bootloader chip for Teensy 4.x.