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  1. pilotplater

    The very last Teensy 3.5 and Teensy 3.6 are available today, limit 2 per person.

    Just came back to an old project today (which uses 3.6), minor software update. This lead me to re-download teensyduino and re read my old source code. Want to chime in and say Thank You! :D Last time I was on this project was Arduino 1.6 or 1.8, now seeing the new Arduino 2+ documentation...
  2. pilotplater

    "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" non-functional on Teensy 3.2 and 3.6

    Well done Steve, Pm me if you get stuck using the teensy joystick stuff I might be able to help.
  3. pilotplater

    "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" non-functional on Teensy 3.2 and 3.6

    Hey Steve, YES! Paul kindly fixed the problem for us, he posted a link to the latest beta which corrected some usb device ids. The issue I had since then was just a misconfigured arduino install I believe, was able to resolve it. Andy
  4. pilotplater

    TLC5940 voltage

    yes that will be an issue for as you said the teensy is not 5v tolerant. You need a level shifter between the teensy and TLC5940. Example Higher quality example (likely better rise/fall times, I'd recommend one like this) Oh just read the last part and confirmed with the datasheet, yeah it...
  5. pilotplater

    Half of the Pins on my Teensy 4.1 are not working

    Also of note, if you're using x-plane it's muuuuch nicer to use the teensy dataref plugin for any encoders. Allows you to count encoder steps (lightning fast) and then update the sim in bulk instead of relying on the sim to count encoder steps which is very very slow (when you turn the encoder...
  6. pilotplater

    Half of the Pins on my Teensy 4.1 are not working

    The joystick library has a limited number of output buttons (32 I think). Paul and some others did some experiments on a 23 axis 128 button joystick a while back, but I think windows has crummy support for it (I would expect spotty reliability at best)...
  7. pilotplater

    Call function independent on off switch and repeat for loop

    I guess I don't fully understand, but I'm assuming you mean check that when you do something like this, that it happens simultaneously? digitalWrite(INA,LOW); digitalWrite(INB,LOW); I don't know of a way to check the delay between digital writes without affecting the timing, maybe could be...
  8. pilotplater

    Inverting OctoWS2811 output in software

    I looked through the library, paul is a wild genius to figure all of this out. I would do it in hardware if it were me :D SO the code doesn't use digitalWrite because that's so slow there's no way it would even come close to firing in the right timing. I'm still learning about all this, but it...
  9. pilotplater

    supply battery teensy 4.0 how do it ?

    So the biggest thing is you need a stable and accurate 3.3v supply. Byfar the easiest way to do this is use the one that Paul included on the board :D! Attach ground to negative, and the battery-positive to the Vin pin. Ensure the battery you are using doesn't go above 5.5v, and the teensy...
  10. pilotplater

    The 2 Teensy 3.2 ADC's connect to which pins?

    So the microcontroller on that one can by the looks of it be configured such that most or any of the analog pins connect to whichever ADC you would like. Well over my head to manually set the internal registers to do so however. Much of the basis of the two ADCs also appears to be so that...
  11. pilotplater

    "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" non-functional on Teensy 3.2 and 3.6

    Quick update, can only seem to reproduce the problem on one windows 7 computer, am now suspecting a driver issue. Will attempt to reinstall the drivers
  12. pilotplater

    "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" non-functional on Teensy 3.2 and 3.6

    Hey Paul, I've run into a very similar issue as I did in 2018, but the reverse problem to what I had then. If Keyboard+Mouse+Joystick is selected, the joystick seems to function fine: If Flight Sim Controls + Joystick is selected (the mode I'm running in), windows recognizes a joystick is...
  13. pilotplater

    "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" non-functional on Teensy 3.2 and 3.6

    I'm happy to test a beta version of the plugin for you Paul if you don't have xPlane set up. I think we're on 10.31, but could update to 10.50 for testing too.
  14. pilotplater

    Trying to get the Color 320x240 TFT Touchscreen, ILI9341 to work

    Check your wiring, picture is unclear but you may have mixed up SCK and T_CLK Edit - oh wait, both of those are connected to 13? aha I thought one would be on 14. Unclear if one is on 14 from the image but doesn't seem so.
  15. pilotplater

    "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" non-functional on Teensy 3.2 and 3.6

    Just ran a test on my Teensy 3.2 and yes this problem is on 3.2, and also 3.6 as before. Don't have other 3.x gen boards to test. Tried it on our faster sim computer and it's actually surprisingly quick for xPlane to recognize the joystick, but Teensy plugin for xPlane doesn't see it when using...
  16. pilotplater

    Joystick not working on Teensy++ 2.0 in Serial+Keyboard+Mouse+Joystick mode

    If the usb upload is working at all I highly doubt it's hardware related. When you say usb 2.0 port you mean the usb port on the computer itself? Wouldn't think that'd change things, pretty sure I'm using usb 3 ports for things.
  17. pilotplater

    Joystick not working on Teensy++ 2.0 in Serial+Keyboard+Mouse+Joystick mode

    Did you try a fresh install of the arduino/teensy software? Bit of work to test it, but someone yesterday had a problem with the automatic reboots on upload and that fixed it. I know that that one works on my machines, so it should work. You mentioned you tried it on an Ubuntu virtual machine...
  18. pilotplater

    Does Counter for micros() Run During Interrupts?

    Did you determine if it caused problems? My understanding is micros() continues to work during interrupts, but I am not generally measuring to the microsecond haha
  19. pilotplater

    Joystick not working on Teensy++ 2.0 in Serial+Keyboard+Mouse+Joystick mode

    hmm, that's odd. I've been using a setup with two teensys sending joystick data to the same computer and have been using one in keyboard+mouse+joystick mode, and the other in serial+keyboard+mouse+joystick mode so that windows doesn't mix up which joystick is assigned to which buttons. Hasn't...
  20. pilotplater

    Teensy 3.2 works in Emulation Station but not Retroarch

    What is the teensy's role in your setup? Set up as a usb joystick?
  21. pilotplater

    How to wire ILTMS lightsaber?

    so there's a few things to figure out it seems - audio and LEDs. Also think about power. LEDs I don't have experience with dotstar leds, but sounds like they're very similar to neopixels. Looks like it's an I2C interface - and for the most part since they're pretty popular you won't have to...
  22. pilotplater

    3.6 - Needing to press the program button to program the teensy :(

    I decided to test it since I haven't used usb serial very much. It failed a couple times but seems to be working for serial, and serial+keyboard+mouse+joystick. (likely failed due to my slow computer, seems to be working as intended) This is on teensy 3.6 and the latest arduino software plugin.
  23. pilotplater

    "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" non-functional on Teensy 3.2 and 3.6

    Bug still appears to be present in 1.42 beta 3. Flight Sim Controls works but not Flight Sim Controls + Joystick :(
  24. pilotplater

    "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" non-functional on Teensy 3.2 and 3.6

    I see there was something that changed in 1.42 beta 1 about FlightSimFloat - think I'll give the latest beta a try today to see what it does.
  25. pilotplater

    "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" non-functional on Teensy 3.2 and 3.6

    Currently at 1.41 and Arduino 1.8.5 Seems like that's the latest supported right? Thanks for the quick response!
  26. pilotplater

    Teensy 3.2 as Flight Sim Controls + Joystick

    I just ran into this problem today, after I combined two programs that were running on two different Teensys and communicating over serial. Big bummer if I can't use my new program. I believe it's a bug. Made a new thread in the bug reports section, hopefully can get some traction.
  27. pilotplater

    "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" non-functional on Teensy 3.2 and 3.6

    User PeeWeeSweden made a post back in September 2017 about this issue. Can confirm it's also the case on Teensy 3.6 - if you select "Flight Sim Controls + Joystick" the Teensy plugin won't recognize flight sim controls are connected whatsoever, but works fine on just "Flight Sim Controls" I...
  28. pilotplater

    Teensy 2.0 versus 3+

    deleted - response to wrong thread post
  29. pilotplater

    Teensy 2.0 versus 3+

    Thanks Yeah, it seems about what I thought, yeah I guess 3.3v is a consideration. Good to know there's not any traps for the faster processor. Neat timing library! I don't think I'll have any problem switching everything over to 3.3v. Right now only a few pieces of the setup are running off...
  30. pilotplater

    Teensy 2.0 versus 3+

    Hello, We've been using the teensy 2 and 2++ family boards for a flight simulator implementation at our flight school. We're looking to make things more modular with printed circuit boards from OSHPark. My question is that I know the 3.6 and related boards are far more powerful, is there any...