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  1. M

    How to put a file to extern Flash?

    Hi, I´m using Teensy4.1 with, which works very nice by now. Now I want to put a FAVICON in my soldered FLASH and serve it to the Webserver. But this is the second step - first I have to put this Icon on FLASH. How can it be done?
  2. M

    Timelib.h and Daylight saving Time

    Hi I´m using Teensy 4.1 with PlatformIO Now playing around with RTC and Timelib.h; I´m confused how to handle Daylight Saving Time. Is it implemented somewhere? I can set Timezone, but does it switch Time automatic, or do I have to do that at my own? Thanks
  3. M

    LITTLEFS LIB for Teensy 4.1 > Something similar for ESP32

    On my Teensy 4.1 I´m using Paul´s LITTLEFS Library. For a smaller Project with WiFi im now want to use a external Flash on an ESP32. Is it possible to use this Library there?
  4. M

    Teensy 4.1 ethernet with mongoose network library

    Hi, I after a while struggeling with other issues im back tryin to work with HTTP and UDP is working but MQTT is not. With mg_log_set(MG_LL_VERBOSE) I get: 3cda 3 mongoose.c:7378:mg_connect_resol 3> 3f9d 3 mongoose.c:3140:mg_mqtt_pub...
  5. M

    AsyncWebServer_Teensy41 for QNEthernet

    Hi, khoi-prog Thank you for your work and quick reply. This is more than anyone could await. Greetings to Toronto from Germany.
  6. M

    AsyncWebServer_Teensy41 for QNEthernet

    Hi, the Repository is open now.
  7. M

    Teensy 4.1 ethernet with mongoose network library

    Fine! That works. Small error big effect.. Thanks for your work and your support.
  8. M

    Teensy 4.1 ethernet with mongoose network library

    Hi, I used to Test this Library, but was not able to build. I use Arduino 1.8.19. Where I have to put folder mongoose-master? Where I have to put driver_teensy41.h ? Thank you.
  9. M

    AsyncWebServer_Teensy41 for QNEthernet

    So I have more time as normal to play I found out this: Wireshark told me that the OPCODE for Websocket is not OK. It shoud be 10000001 but comes not to the Client as this. In the last Function of "asyncWebserver_Teensy41" it seems to be ok -> Giving this Data to "QNEthernet" lwip-Function...
  10. M

    AsyncWebServer_Teensy41 for QNEthernet

    Hi, I thought about that too, however the Project is now archived. I hoped someone who knows this Library could know more.
  11. M

    AsyncWebServer_Teensy41 for QNEthernet

    Happy new Year to you all! I can´t use WebSockets with Async_WebServer_Teensy41. I adopted this Sketch from ESP32 where it works well. With Teensy 4.1 the Connection establishes but send no Data to the Client (HRESULT: 0x80072F78)...
  12. M

    AsyncFSWebServer_Teensy41 + Websocket

    Searching this Forum Im seen theres 2 Librarys Websocket_generic an Websocket_generic2. Is it sensible to change to one of them? The Funktionality should be in AsyncFSWebServer_Teensy41?
  13. M

    Teensy 4.1 Stops when I reboot my Raspberry PI

    Hi, Im just use the RASPI to programm the Teensy with teensy_loader_cli. Programming is done on my Windows10-PC. I dont send Data from or to the RASPI/TEENSY. I dont know what LINUX send to TEENSY when starting. Maybe this is problematic.
  14. M

    AsyncFSWebServer_Teensy41 + Websocket

    Hi, I try to get in Contact with my Teensy 4.1 over Websocket , using AsyncFSWebServer_Teensy41 . Is there a Example? All i can find is from ESP32, whitch seems to be work different. Im using Websocket_debug_tool from Windows-Store to get in contact. The connection seems to be ok, but says...
  15. M

    Teensy 4.1 Stops when I reboot my Raspberry PI

    Hi, my Teensy 4.1 is connected to my Raspberry PI4 via USB. When I reboot the Raspberry I have to reboot the Teensy also, becouse it does nothing more then. What can I do?
  16. M

    Problems with SD-Card on Teensy 4.1 / Teensy gets slow

    Hi :) Im try to LOG serveral Informations on SD-Card. This LOGs are in memory in an Array of Strings . When i got an new line the old File gets deleted and an new one is written. Im also got a Funktion whitch reads the SD-Card completly and put it in an HTML-String passing this to the...
  17. M

    yield() - Is it needed on Teensy?

    Hi, working on ESP32 for quite a while i´m now working with Teensy 4.1. On ESP32 its necessary to call yield() from time to time - giving the Processes in Background time. Do we need this on Teensy? Are there Background-Processes? Where do i find Infos about this? Where can i find more Infos...