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  1. R

    Remote code update

    Awesome, this is perfect
  2. R

    Remote code update

    Is there any way to have the running Teensy code (on 4.1) update its own code. in other words looking for a fielded unit to get new firmware from the network, then store that and run the new downloaded code on a reboot. EG remote update? I am guessing no, but curios if anyone has ideas on how...
  3. R

    Teensy 4.1 Runtime lockup using "compile faster with LTO"

    Had a weird issue loading code then having my Teensy 4.1 lockup and serial port dissapear Can recreate using simple blink code. Code loads but then never blinks and the Teensy dissapears from the serial port list. it will load again when the reset button is pressed but same behavior. Briefly...
  4. R

    Where is the Teensy 4.1 manufactured?

    We are looking at a US contract (non defense) but they want NDAA compliance which has requirements around computing sources. Key questions are around the overall PCB build, and as well as the two processors on the Teensy 4.1
  5. R

    Interrupt continues firing after being handled

    I am having an issue with correct interrupt behaviour on a Teensy 4.1. I have boiled it down to a small piece of code. Basically I am attaching an interrupt to a RISING edge of a pin. Using a function generator I send a block of 10 pulses to the pin. I have confirmed with an oscilloscope that...
  6. R

    teeny 4.1 ADC to read battery

    Ahh, great thanks. That may help explain an anomaly we have seen on our boards.
  7. R

    Unreliable power up when VBAt in use

    I have a board with various IO's connected to a Teensy 4.1. In addition I have a CR2032 battery connected to the VBAT pin. The RTC works just fine. All system functions are powered independent of the teensy. So for example I have a separate 3.3V regulator which provides power to the 3.3...
  8. R

    teeny 4.1 ADC to read battery

    Why did this work Paul, turning the input off seems counter-intuitive when I am trying to do a read. Why is this necessary and why does it work?