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    Happy Birthday Paul Stoffregen!

    Happy birthday :) from Cologne!
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    Teensy LC with fastLED and AP102 - not working

    Read it as: "A 74LV1T125 buffer is connected to pin 17, with the higher output voltage (5v) as on any other pin (3.3v)."
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    Teensy LC with fastLED and AP102 - not working Teensy-LC provides a 5V output to directly drive WS2812/NeoPixel LEDs. A 74LV1T125 buffer is connected to pin 17, with the increased output voltage available on another pin. You used PIN 17?
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    Did you see this pin assignment: ?
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    painful start: WinAVR, Teensy_loader_cli

    Is it so terrible difficult to ask for help in this forum?
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    K66 Beta Test

    Mostly compatible teensy-family plus new prozessor family/typ plus boardversion: 3.64.0 3.66.0 (No version 3.6 or higher ever)
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    May be mid of the year...
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    Hi Guys I need Help for my Project. Having some trouble here.

    The code writes every loop current data to SD. displayInfo() starts only when new data arrived. With Brackets SD and displayInfo() are in the same block.
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    Hi Guys I need Help for my Project. Having some trouble here.

    Your code needs some brackets.... The delay in displayInfo(); should better placed in loop(). //MAIN LOOP void loop() { // This sketch displays information every time a new sentence is correctly encoded. while (gpsSerial.available() > 0) //enabling the GPS Module if...
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    Teensy 3.2 Libaries Compatibility?

    Look at the Phoenix-Project with PPM addition of CopterFail:
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    Mac OS X El Capitan Serial port problems - need more info to raise issue with Apple

    MacBookAir6,2,ARDUINO 1.0.6, TEENSYDUINO 1.24, update to El Capitan Can confirm this behavior for both example scripts.
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    Ups! Don´t know... Do you have hardware with teensy 3.x?
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    Yes, forgot it! :mad: I tried all board and stepper-driver combinations and found that DRV8825 makes the difference: Key differences between the DRV8825 and A4988: The timing requirements for minimum pulse durations on the STEP pin are different for the two drivers. With the DRV8825, the high...
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    i finished testing hardware of stepperdriver-module with breadboard and my contollerboard. Now the controller is connected with the endstop and (first) the x-axis motor of my felix-printer. My problem: the motor doesn´t move with marlin, but moves fine with an AccelStepper based test...
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    Congratulation! After getting a new power supply i decided to take the "modular" approach: a great controler-board holding a teensy 31 on beakoutboard, two stepperdriverboards (2x3max DRV8825), one PWM-board. Today i will test the first stepper. My plan is to solder and test 3 stepperdriver and...
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    Request a System Flow Diagram for connecting WS2811 RGB LED strip with Teensy 3.1
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    No Direction;-) Teensy 3.1 inputs are 5V compatible. Only "DOUT5V" pins need level shifting.
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    I am stuck, because the ATX power supply doesn´t work. :-( I did a first pin assignment ... on paper. Because i need two HCT245 and there is little space on the board, i may change some pins. This is my current(!!!) definition for board 85 in pins.h...
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    Little progress Little progress with my Teensy 3.1 to Ramps 1.4 adaptor using: - Teensy 3.1 - Tall Dog LLC Teensy 3.1 Breakout - Arduino Mega Protoboard with stackable headers - Ramps 1.4 - ATX power supply/Felix frame
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    "Print Panel" is now "Manual Control" and they removed the "Fake OK" Button... There is no development of the mac-version! |-(
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    Not Ramps... Repetier-Host -> Print Panel -> Fake OK I will look into this on the weekend! I should decide to build a complete controllerboard or adaptorboard Teensy 31 to Ramps 1.4!? An adaptorboard seems more simple!
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    Thank you, Paul, for the product and the great support! I could compile and load, using a little board with two stepperdrivers (for "polargraph" or "self balancing robot" "missions"). Readapted pins.h and baudrate in configuration.h to 115000. Using repetier-host i could send move commands to...
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    3D Printer Software with Teensy 3.1

    I tried to compile marlin some weeks ago. i am very interested, but i´m far away to solve the problems.
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    Connecting two Teensy cheaper and fast, paypal, max two days or oshpark two weeks ( don´t like the green design ;-) )
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    Mecrisp-stellaris Forth runs on Teensy 3.1

    How to use on Teensy? Any explanation, example, tutorial?
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    Teensy 3.1 not working after soldering the headers.

    Take a magnifying glass and inspect carefully especially the pins beside the processor pads.
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    Teensy3.1 + CISECO I/O POD uSD (microSD) does not work at all

    Sorry, I forgot to mention this bug, found and solved it in a similar way last night.
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    Teensy3.1 + CISECO I/O POD uSD (microSD) does not work at all

    Sorry, i forgot to mention this bug, found and solved in a similar way last night.
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    Teensy3.1 + CISECO I/O POD uSD (microSD) does not work at all

    Same problem with Ciseco "I/O POD microSD Card" from After formatting with the "SdFormatter.ino" example sketch of SDfat everything worked fine. Card: 4 GB SDHC (EXP-T04-024) As i see this moment, has now audio and OctoWS2811 Adapter in stock, i requested three weeks ago!
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    Noob help needed - Teensy 3.1 and WS2812B Strip

    You need about 60 x 3 x 20mA. May be the power supply isn´t strong enough. Its a good idea to test the logic with a single WS2812B or a NeoPixel Stick.
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    32x32 RGB LED matrix project completed

    Two kits are on the way... Edit: Got them! Nice... :-)
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    32x32 RGB LED matrix project completed

    Does Kit & Assembled include the surface-mount header visible on second picture? Thanks!
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    Teensy 3.1 to Arduno Shield DIY Adaptor

    Power Input > 12V (Batteries, Stepper,...) Power Regulator Output 5V > 2A (first stepps with Leds,...)
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    gyro accelerometer rotation sensor ???

    Search for IMU 6050 or 9150 (same as 6050 with additional magnetometer built in) Lib: Datasheet:
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    Teensy 3.0 how many Gyros can it support

    Page 15: 6.5 Electrical Specifications I2C ADDRESS AD0 = 0 -> Adress 1101000 AD0 = 1 -> Adress 1101001 As i understand it, only two of these devices on the same I2C bus!?