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  1. J

    External USB to program Teensy 4.1

    We're using this Micro-USB port bought on Digikey. The PCB schematic is confidential, but we've literally connected D+ and D- to D+ and D- of the Teensy. We're using the same cables used while programming the Teensy from its own USB port.
  2. J

    External USB to program Teensy 4.1

    We're actually unable to program the teensy with any other USB port than the one already on the Teensy. Are there special requirements for the traces or any pin that needs to be connected for us to be able to achieve our goal?
  3. J

    External USB to program Teensy 4.1

    My issue isn't actually powering my Teensy while programming it. I'm fine with cutting the trace. I want to be able to use an external USB which I've added on my PCB. I thought it'd be pretty straight forward but we haven't been able to make it work yet...
  4. J

    External USB to program Teensy 4.1

    Hi, We're currently developping a PCB to connect different peripherals to the Teensy 4.1. We tried adding external USB connectors to program the teensy without success. We've connected D+, D- and 0V but not VUSB since our teensy is already powered externally. Does anyone happen to have a...
  5. J

    Issues with AMS AS5600 - Teensy 4.1

    Hey guys, quick update to tell you we've found the issue. Everything was related to our TMC2208s having a VREF set higher than 1V... It seems to cause the stepper to skip steps or stall make our code crash... The encoders are on and everything seems to work just fine now. Thanks for your help
  6. J

    Issues with AMS AS5600 - Teensy 4.1

    Yes, electrical issues have been ruled out. It seems like the encoder stops returning the right value when it happens to go over 4096 and fall back to 0..
  7. J

    Issues with AMS AS5600 - Teensy 4.1

    Hi, I’m currently working on a project where I need to control 2 steppers using a Teensy 4.1, two TMC2208 and two AMS AS5600 magnetic encoders. We’re currently having issues where, sometimes the encoders will return the same (wrong) value over and over, even after moving to different positions...